I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray for our countries heart. Many in America are becoming increasingly hostile to you. We ask that you heal their souls and bring wisdom to those who seek to slander you, so that they may come to have a relationship with you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A real estate agent is facing punitive action from his employers for simply posting a Bible verse on Facebook. Wilson Fauber has been working as a real estate agent in Virginia for decades, and according to a recent article from Faithwire, he is now at risk of losing his job because of a social media post reflecting the Biblical view of homosexuality.

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ā€œWilson Fauber has been a broker and agent for over four decades, but he told CBN News he risks potential fines or even losing his real estate status after complaints over a social media post about same-sex marriage. … His plight began last year, when he decided to run for the Staunton City Council in Virginia.

ā€˜During my journey running for Staunton City Council, some of the opposition from a different party decided that they were going to scour my Facebook pages and see if they could find any dirt on me,ā€™ Fauber said. ā€˜And they went back to 2015 and they found a Scripture that I posted from Leviticus ā€¦ where the Lord clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination to Him.ā€™

The eight-year-old post was then fodder for online furor and messages ā€˜perceived as threats,ā€™ forcing the then-candidate to go to the police for help.

Fauber lost the election and, months later, purportedly received an email from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) explaining a complaint had been filed against him. The Virginia Association of Realtors, the local chapter of the NAR, is reportedly handling the complaint and Fauberā€™s ethics case.ā€ (Read Here)

The article goes on to profile the ā€œbizarreā€ extent to which Fauberā€™s prosecutors are trying to malign his name and reputation. Itā€™s important to note that Fauber is not only a real estate agent, heā€™s also an active minister. He is essentially being punished for standing by his beliefs. It all raises the question of why Fauberā€™s employers even need to be involved with his individual beliefs. Michael Sylvester, a lawyer with The Founding Freedoms Law Center and Fauberā€™s attorney, provides insight:

ā€œSome might wonder why private speech has become a potential ethics issue for a realtor. Sylvester explained itā€™s all rooted in the NARā€™s rules.

ā€˜The National Association of Realtors has a series of ethics rules that guide real estate agents on how they engage in their practice in a way thatā€™s beneficial to society and not harmful,ā€™ he said. So, thatā€™s the goal. But, in 2020, the [association] implemented a hate speech rule.ā€™

This rule, he said, could be seen as governing what real estate agents do, even outside their jobs. Sylvester added the ā€œrule suggests that it controls that ministerā€™s activity and therefore that individual activity.ā€

ā€˜Even a minister preaching from the pulpit could violate this rule just by speaking on the Scriptures the way that itā€™s been implied in certain situations,ā€™ he added.ā€

Hate speech. The phrase with an ever-arbitrary array of meanings depending on who is defining it. This entire debacle is a testament to the dangers of classifying views and ideals as ā€œhate speechā€. Ā Leftist ideologies have evidently high-jacked much of the business world, and this has led to organizations like the National Association of Realtors employing new rules that further political/social correctness. In light of this, it is vital for Christians to remember that we can never compromise on the Bible. Whatā€™s happening to Fauber can be classified as a form of persecution, and with that in mind, the body of Christ needs to pray for spiritual integrity and stand firm in Scripture.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. (1 Peter 4:12-14 ESV)

Add your prayers in the comments below.

T.K. Robinson is a student and part-time (amateur) philosopher. In his downtime, he enjoys reading, music, and chronic daydreaming. His Scripture-oriented commentary usually involves the younger generation (especially Gen Z). He wants to shed light on important current events regarding his peers and share insights from a Biblical perspective. Photo Credit: Patrick Fore on Unsplash.

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GD Moore
December 5, 2024

When my forefathers were in Virginia it was a bastion of free speech and liberty with G-d and commonsense ruling supreme.
Apparently the last one out closed the door and turned out the light. The Virginia Association of Relators and involved personnel
would do well to turn faces and repentant hearts to Ohr haOlam and dedicate themselves to righteous thinking.

Jodi Stark
December 4, 2024

Jesus, thank you for protecting your own. Thank you for making a way of escape. Thank you that you are our hope, strength, shield and firm foundation. Please surround Mr. Fauber with protection, love, peace, courage. Help to stand after he has done everything to stand in the armor you have provided. Give wisdom with discernment to his lawyer(s) and make their paths straight. Thank you for providing all that they need in this case and that your glory will be seen in all the land. Be glorified Jesus! In your mighty, holy name….

December 2, 2024

Now that we have elected many people that believe in and support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we can proceed to make sure that all people have the right in this country of free speech. May God bless Wilson Fauber for his strong and Godly stand for righteousness and truth. May we be as brave and bold for Jesus. This is true godliness in action.

Gary Bucher
December 2, 2024

We should not back away from the truth of the Word. We are hear to please God not man.

Kelli D Napp
December 2, 2024

Father, open up our eyes to laws being passed that seem like they are for the promotion of good, but actually further an evil agenda. I pray that hate speech laws will be exposed for what they are, a violation of the first amendment. Help the U.S. to not continue the trend of calling good evil & evil good.

Margaret Gail Segars Rainey
December 2, 2024

we thank You, LORD, for Gen Z leaders with a biblical world view as expressed in T.K.’s article today. LORD, continue to give him wisdom and revelation knowledge for the purpose You have for him. In Yeshua’s name we pray, Amen and amen.

December 2, 2024

I hope this attack against this man comes to naught. How despicable that his opponents did this to him. May Godā€™s justice prevail.

Faith Lopez
December 2, 2024

It is getting so bad that Christian can not speak what is in the Word of God. How did this country get so Evil, because this all comes from the devil. We need to pray more than ever. May God have mercy on our Country. No matter what we need to stand for the Truth which is Jesus Christ. He tells us in his Word “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV. I will continue to pray for Mr. Fauber that God will be with him. God will give him VICTORY.

December 2, 2024

Lord, defend and protect this man in Jesus Name. Vindicate him in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

December 1, 2024

The Realtor’s code is basically saying the Bible is hate speech. The Bible is not hate speech. The Bible is our guide for living in this World. I pray the realtor group will not allow the Bible to be defined as hate speech. Please, Lord Jesus, straighten out their minds, let them clearly see the Bible is true. Amen.

Brandon Maddox
November 30, 2024

Has Mr. Fauber stated that this is God’s law and not his opinion? If so and they are still attacking him, he should stand his ground and keep saying this to all of the haters as a platform to get this message out! Yes, hate the sin but love the sinner is key, but it can’t be excused, overlooked, and never talked about where people think nothing is said about the topic of homosexuality in The Bible!

Elba G Vazquez
November 30, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, you are not blind nor deaf. We ask for You to arise and let your enemies be scattered. While we wait upon You, magnify your, strengthen your people with confidence and bold while telling the truth in love. Deliver the confused and deceived out of their error and set their feet into paths of righteousness for the glory of your name. In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.

November 30, 2024

We pray, for the continued great awakening in this nation.

Zoe Ella
November 30, 2024

What no one is looking at is that it is irrelevant what he posted on a private account. Someone may think that is haterful, someone may not, but the private posting of an opinion does not render one hateful and a bad choice to be in society. This is encroachment of surveillance, and censorship of thought and speech.

Darlene Estlow
November 30, 2024

Father, I lift up Wilson Fauber as he is being persecuted. Help him to stay strong in what he believes, yet with a heart of forgiveness. Be his provision and his strength. Turn many hearts to you through his witness.

James Louis Lenhard
November 30, 2024

O my Jesus, defend and protect us by the power of Thy Precious Blood.

Mary Beth S
November 30, 2024

T.K. – an excellent article!! Isn’t it ironic, how the world has taken the words “hate” and “love”, and so altered their meanings – and not in a good way. Interestingly, YHVH both hates and loves. And we are to hate what He hates, and love what He loves. So apparently nether one is sinful, because YHVH does not sin. The Bible clearly defines what God hates and what He loves, and we must study it to determine how to align with Him. According to the world, the Bible itself is ‘hate speech’ because they do not want their sin exposed. Wilson Fauber simply had the courage to speak Truth, and align with YHVH. Please honor him, Lord, and be with him in this battle! And may we all have the courage to do the same – as T.K. put it to “have the spiritual integrity to stand firm in Scripture”.
I was reminded of a song that defines one thing God loves:
“God loves people more than anything!
God loves people more than anything!
More than anything, He wants them to know
He’d rather die than let them go!
God loves people more than anything!

    December 2, 2024

    The Bible teaches that in the Last days good will be called evil, And evil will be called good!!! We are there!!!

November 30, 2024

My question is why is it not hate speech to tell a pastor or any American they have no right to their beliefs- isnā€™t that hate speech towards followers of Christ? Why are godless ideologies protected to the exclusion of others? The definition of hate is trying to destroy a person because of what beliefs they hold.

    Kirk S.
    November 30, 2024

    You are very correct, Lesa. We have become a culture where ungodly individuals are trying to re-define our language and beliefs to hide their sinful lives. Thank you for your clear message to us all.

November 30, 2024

Father God we stand shoulder to shoulder, completely arrayed in the full armor of God and say ā€œNo More ā€œ to the satanic deception and attacks to YOUR country of America !!! In our savior Jesus name we stand and pray !!! Hallelujah!!!


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