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Lord God, thank You for all those who are using the arts to influence the culture for truth and goodness and You. Bless these movies and all who attend them.
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Over the past 6 weeks, two Christian movies, both by first-time movie producers have rocketed to the top of the charts in theaters across the country:

By popular demand, Christmas with the Chosen: The Messengers (Dallas Jenkins with VidAngel Productions) will be held over in theaters nationwide through Dec. 10).

The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis (Max McLean, Founder and Director ofĀ  FPA–Fellowship of the Performing Arts) describes in author/scholar Lewis’ own words his journey from atheism to faith. McLean himself is a brilliant, delightful and totally convincing adult Lewis. It is filmed on location at Magdalen College, Oxford and at Lewis’ home, The Kilns.

Fellowship for the Performing Arts Ā has earned a name for itself through excellent Christian stage–and, during 2020–Zoom productions.Ā  TheaterMania writes,”FPA offers something sorely missing from the New York theater scene for far too long: high-quality, challenging theatre from a Christian perspective.”

On its opening night (Nov. 3), FPA’s first movie, The Most Reluctant Convert, ranked #2 film in America, behind Dune.

The Chosen is a television series (aiming for 7 seasons) based on the life of Jesus of Nazareth, created, directed and co-written by filmmaker Dallas Jenkins. It is the first multi-season series about the life of Jesus, and the first series allowing us to feel comfortable with His humanity, especially in His relationships with His disciples. Season One was the top crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time.

Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers was the capstone of Season 2 and the first episode to be shown in theaters. It hit #1 in the box office on its opening night. It is in theaters now and will stream for free following this month’s theatrical run.

This nativity episode shows Joseph and Mary’s weary arrival in Bethlehem, humble acceptance of a delivery room which the baby’s father “sterilizes” by shoveling manure off the floor. The episode is book-ended between songs of worship about Jesus’ coming birth and exuberant songs of joy as hosts of (human) messengers proclaim His arrival, (Chris Tomlin, Phil Wickham, Zach Williams, Matt Mayer, Brandon Lake, Joshua Aaron, Stephen McWhiter, Jason Clayborn, For King and Country, Mandisa, Hillsong United, The Piano Guys, the Bonner Family, Maverick City Music, CAIN, and the One Voice Children’s Choir.)

Have you seen these movies? Do you recommend other holiday movies for Christians? Please leave a comment.

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Rich Swingle
December 8, 2021

Praying the Lord speaks through the arts throughout the Advent Season!

I’ve been in three Christmas films I can recommend: The Farmer and the Belle, Christmas Grace and A Christmas Snow. I was also in a Christmas audio drama: The Unlikely Wise Man.


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Jessica Renshaw
December 5, 2021

Christmas with the Chosen currently ranks 96% in audience approval on the secular RottenTomatoes.com. The Most Reluctant Convert, no longer in theaters, earned an 89% rating.

About Rotten TomatoesĀ®
“Rotten Tomatoes and the Tomatometer score are the worldā€™s most trusted recommendation resources for quality entertainment. As the leading online aggregator of movie and TV show reviews from critics, we provide fans with a comprehensive guide to whatā€™s Fresh ā€“ and whatā€™s Rotten ā€“ in theaters and at home.

What is the TomatometerĀ®?
The Tomatometer score ā€“ based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics ā€“ is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans.

Back in the days of the open theaters, when a play was particularly atrocious, the audience expressed their dissatisfaction by not only booing and hissing at the stage, but also throwing whatever was at hand ā€“ vegetables and fruits included. ..

When at least 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a red tomato is displayed to indicate its Fresh status.

When less than 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a green splat tomato is displayed to indicate its Rotten status.

(There are no critic reviews of Christmas with The Chosen yet and only one of Reluctant Convert so far: a red tomato.)


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