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Father, we pray that You continue to strengthen and equip these Christian schools as they fight this lawsuit. Protect their schools from any evil attacks and we ask that their federal aid would be preserved.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing three Christian post-secondary schools asked a federal district court Friday to allow them to intervene against a lawsuit that seeks to strip all students at private religious colleges of federal financial aid unless their schools renounce core religious beliefs. The suit, filed by a recently formed LGBT activist group on behalf of some current and former students, intends to prevent any students from using tuition grants, student loans, and any other federal financial assistance at schools that operate according to Christian beliefs on sexuality.

The three schools—Corban University, William Jessup University, and Phoenix Seminary—are asking the court to allow them to defend the relevant provisions of Title IX, the federal law that is under attack. Among other things, Title IX allows students to use federal financial aid at private religious schools that operate according to their beliefs. . . .

“This lawsuit wants the federal government to tell Christian schools, ‘To continue accepting students who have federal financial aid, all you have to do is to start acting contrary to your own beliefs.’ That’s neither reasonable nor constitutional,” said ADF Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation David Cortman. “No court should grant a radical request to rewrite federal law and strong-arm religious colleges by stripping their students of much-needed financial aid. For that reason, we are asking the court to let our clients intervene in this lawsuit so that they and their students can defend their freedoms under federal law and the Constitution.” . . .

The Biden administration, which was named in the lawsuit, has already announced that Title IX should be reinterpreted in a way that would undermine religious freedom. . . .

“The very existence of Title IX’s Religious Exemption is at stake here, yet none of the current parties are religious educational institutions that benefit from this exemption,” the ADF motion to intervene states, noting that those who filed the lawsuit are asking the court “to declare the Religious Exemption unconstitutional and seek a permanent injunction rescinding and prohibiting religious exemptions for institutions that hold beliefs about marriage, sexuality, and gender disfavored by some. The Court should not assess the Religious Exemption’s constitutionality without hearing from the very institutions the exemption was designed to protect.” . . .

Share your prayers about this lawsuit in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Alliance Defending Freedom. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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April 14, 2021

I declare that in the courtroom where this case will be heard the truth will ring out In gods my right arm and exulted right hand will work on his behalf.
Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” King James Version (KJV)
Let the truth cry out everywhere. Let the Lord hear our voice in prayer. He is calling for more prayer

April 14, 2021

Psalm85:9. God will soon save those who respect him and his goodness will be seen in the land.

Laura K
April 14, 2021

This is disgusting. Where will it end!

Lord Jesus YOU are being attacked on all fronts and this is another one. I pray for divine intervention for those who are standing for you in these colleges. Satan is a bully and using the ignorant and deceived to do his bidding but I call upon you Lord to send out Your warring angels to wage warfare in heavenly places to affect changes here on earth, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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