Christian Arrested for Preaching the Gospel at ‘Pride’ Event
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Christian Arrested for Preaching the Gospel at ‘Pride’ Event
A Christian was arrested within moments of beginning to read the Bible aloud at a “Pride” event in Pennsylvania.
From Faithwire. Damon Atkins strolled up to Reading, Pennsylvania’s “first ever” pride rally wielding a sign, a Bible and his faith. Less than one minute after joining a smattering of other Christians expressing their views, Atkins found himself getting hauled off in cuffs and charged with criminal disorderly conduct.
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The shocking encounter was captured on video by local resident Matthew Wear, who said he wasn’t aware of the rally and only got out of his car in order to “provide encouragement” to the other Christians in attendance. Wear told CBN News he “preached for about 10 minutes across the street” when an officer aggressively approached him, laid his finger on him and said “if you don’t stop shouting insults across the street I will arrest you on the spot.” …
Atkins can be heard on video arguing it’s public property, to which Sgt. McClure agrees. Atkins, speaking to CBN News, said he also told them “I’m not being rude, I’m just here to spread the Gospel of good news! Jesus Christ saved me and he can save everyone, including you (the officer).” …
Moments later Atkins began to quote from 1 Corinthians 14:33, which reads “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” But he was never able to finish the verse as McClure rushed in to make the arrest. …
As he was being cuffed, pride rally-goers cheered the arrest. Wear couldn’t help but note the irony on video, that a Christian trying to read the Bible was being taken away by police as some individuals dressed as demons were freely heading to the pride rally.
“I was charged with criminal disorderly conduct with engaged to fight,” Atkins told CBN News.
Atkins stressed he loves everyone and doesn’t just focus on one issue/sin, noting he says the same things to anyone who is living in any type of “willful sin.” …
Atkins is set to appear in court to face the charges in mid-June and says he doesn’t have any representation as of yet. …
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(Excerpt from Faithwire. Photo Credit: Canva)
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Father, please keep your child Atkins strong in You and provide Godly counsel for him and a judge who follows the law and the Constitution.
Specifically for this man who was unjustly taken away for preaching in Your Name Jesus Christ, I ask for his freedom and his release and exoneration immediately and speedily, please Jesus Christ You can do anything!
I would hope that an organization like the ACLJ would take up this man’s defense and fight for him in court.
I read this article with some disquiet. Quite obviously the police in this locality have been ordered to shut down dissent of LGBT lifestyles and ensure Christian voices are silenced. Smacks of living in a totalitarian police state!!!
Father we pray for Damon Atkins to be freed. But as we experience persecution for our beliefs, may we not back down, but rejoice because we suffer for Christ. Use our persecution happenings to glorify you and draw many to you.
Oh Lord, my heart is so heavy that our freedoms have been eroded by darkness in leadership over our nation. God , in the name of Jesus, please guide our prayers, thoughts and actions as we wrestle against the principalities and powers of wickedness.
Father, we ask that you would send grace and truth to attend to this matter. Let Your justice prevail! We thank you that You are working this situation for good, we thank You that mercy and grace are chasing after this man and God we agree that You will be glorified through these circumstances! We thank you that Your Word will accomplish what it was sent forth to accomplish!! In Jesus Mighty name— Amen!!
“Your glorious throne rests on a foundation of righteousness and just verdicts. Grace and truth are the attendants who go before you.”
Psalms 89:14 TPT
Don’t take the bait!
thank you for sharing this link – I just watched/listened to this sermon full of God’s word/truth and sound Biblical teaching on how we are to act/interact/walk in this world at this critical time in history as Christ’s image bearers and ambassadors of His gospel. Again, thank you, this sermon was clear, convicting and compelling.
I just watched this sermon. Such biblical truth!! I encourage all Intercessors to take the time to watch it! Thank you for the link!
Thomas More
SOCIETY Can assist this man.
Right to free speech is what America was founded on. Why are only the radicals wishing to push their views being allowed to speak out!
You should contact the for representation. Praying for you
Ĺord I pray that you would eradicate abortion and transgender issues from our nation in Jesus name Amen.
The cop should be tossed in jail and fired loss his job for Good if I saw that Cop I would show him Gods holy word I want to so the Cop can repent of his sins that’s so unjust I would sue the Cop and tell him what I think of the Cop
God I pray forour countryour planetthat you lovingly createdfor us. Praying for peace and unity in Jesus name!
Sad crazy world we live in today.
Thank you Father , I praise You Lord , even though the arrest is unjust , we serve You Lord who is just , whether one word or three hundred words entered the atmosphere, the Power of Your Word or Words will go to work and not come back void . I like to think this was a way to do your good pleasure at the event. The intent and the heart of Mr. Atkins was to spread your good news , therefore, Father in the name of Jesus we pray for all who watched the arrest for their eyes to be open and receive wisdom from above , for what may have been meant for harm , will surely be turned into good. We thank you for allowing even a small portion of your word to be released before it was interrupted. No weapon formed against Mr. Atkins will prosper and every word that rises up against him in judgment shall be condemned. You told us if they persecuted Me , they will persecute you , but , do not fear for I am with you. Thank you for this will produce a reaction like a wildfire to spread on media outlets , for YOUR GLORY , in Jesus Mighty Name , Amen and Amen
Lord, we know that your word teaches us that days of persecution will come and is already here. Your Word is Truth and it is offensive to those who reject You. My prayer, Lord God, is for Atkins faithfulness to share the gospel. I pray that he would find favor in your sight and be granted JUSTICE in the courts. Lord, I pray that the Officer who arrested him would realize that he need Jesus as much as all people and that he would give his life to Christ Jesus. I pray that a seed has been sown in Reading, PA among those attending the pride rally. Open their eyes, Lord, help them see that their folly is leading to destruction. Open the eyes of your Church to take it’s stand as the moral compass of this nation and open the eyes of the nation to realize that God’s word does not return to Him void. Shake this nation, Lord, drive back the evil that has gripped our people, divided our people, and turned this nation toward foreign gods and ideologies. Shake this nation until people’s eyes and hearts are open to receive Jesus Christ as Lord for we know that in the end, every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Have mercy on us, Lord, in the coming days. In Jesus Christ Name, AMEN.
Father, protect your people. Reveal truth. Bring justice. Provide Atkins with representation and bless him with favor in the eyes of all involved. Use this to testify to you that your love might be clearly seen. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Why can they speak in public but not us this is t right
How is expressing your belief a criminal act worthy of arrest, especially when the LGBTQ and trannies interrupt meetings often to express and shout their disgusting beliefs and are not arrested? To arrest Christians for their beliefs disgusts and angers me. One day violence will erupt and blood will be shed when enough get sick of hypocritical society. The LGBTQ community makes up less than 0.49 % of society yet you give them more favor for their evil practice than Christians are given.
Father God strengthen Mr. Atkins for the battles he is fighting, place a hedge of protection around him and provide him with representation for his legal battle. I thank you for his courage and boldness to stand up for the truth at all cost. I pray that disciples of Jesus will be strong and courage, speaking the truth in love, living as salt & light in all areas of their life.
As your word says in Matthew 10:32-34
32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. 34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword
He needs to contact ACLJ American Law and Justice a Christian based organization of lawyers who offer their services free of charge. They are a donation based organization. They fight for religious freedom and our first amendment rights all over the world.
Yes excellent advice and also Liberty counsel and ADF (alliance defending freedom) they all do excellent work on behalf of free speech especially for Christians.