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Is a Change in Senate Leadership on the Horizon?

Despite McConnell’s strong endorsement and pleadings, the Senate border compromise failed. Are we on the cusp of a  From NBC News. Within 48 hours of the release of a long-awaited immigration and foreign aid bill he had championed, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Republican conference rejected his pitch to support it, knifed the deal and left … Continued

Most Important Election Case in 3 Decades Argued TODAY

We bring you this excerpt from a centrist source because it breaks down the legal questions being argued at the Supreme Court today in the case of  whether Colorado can remove Pres. Trump from the ballot. Let’s join together in seeking God for His will to be done and for an accurate constitutional ruling to … Continued

Hezbollah’s ‘Sleeper Cells’ in the U.S.

Are we in America at risk of a terrorist attack? One former official thinks so. From CBN. New data gathered by U.S. intelligence agencies warns the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah could soon strike Americans. Defense experts agree the terror group has the ability to attack U.S. interests at home, or abroad. This content is supported … Continued

House Fails to Impeach Mayorkas

The House Republicans’ effort to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas failed, falling short by only a few votes.  From The Epoch Times. House Republicans failed Tuesday in their effort to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for refusing to enforce multiple U.S. immigration laws after two hours of hard-hitting floor debate, despite … Continued

New Climate Rules Threaten Manufacturing

The Biden administration claims its new climate regulations will help the economy, but others express concern and alarm about the impact on manufacturing and energy in the nation. From Fox News. The Biden administration finalized regulations severely tightening restrictions on fine particulate matter that the manufacturing and energy sectors are legally allowed to emit, an action that … Continued

Anniversary of Asbury Outpouring

We’re tracking the importance of repentance in revival in this series, and on this anniversary of the start of the Asbury Outpouring we’re looking at what happened in Hughes Auditorium this time last year. Do you want state prayer alerts?   Greg Haseloff, Associate Dean of Spiritual Life and University Pastor at Asbury University, said … Continued

Has the U.S. Wrongfully ‘Tolerated’ Attacks Overseas?

The House Intelligence Committee chairman has accused Biden and his administration of tolerating attacks on U.S. forces overseas. Is this an accurate characterization? What should the U.S. policy be? Please weigh in. Share in the comments. From The Daily Wire. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) slammed the Biden administration on Sunday over its … Continued

Parents Sue School That Secretly Transitioned Child

Here is the latest instance of a school “transitioning” a child without the parents’ knowledge. As the frequency of such incidents increases, more and more parents are choosing to stand up and fight back. From CBN. Michigan parents are suing a public school district over the claim district employees began socially transitioning their daughter without … Continued

Chinese Nationals Are Crossing Our Border. Why?

Even the mainstream media now notice the unusually high number of Chinese migrants crossing our border. Why are people flying in from distant countries to enter the United States? From CBS News. The number of migrants arriving at the southern border is unprecedented. Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection recorded two-and-a-half million instances of detaining … Continued

Anti-Israel State Capitol Protestors Arrested

After anti-Israel protestors entered the Pennsylvania Capitol and obstructed the main stairs, many were arrested by the police. From WGAL8. Dozens of protesters, calling on the state to divest itself of Israel, entered the Pennsylvania Capitol on Monday. … Connect with others in your state in prayer.   When members of the crowd were told … Continued

Fed Chair: America on an ‘Unsustainable Path’

Our national debt continues to skyrocket, growing faster than our economy. The Federal Reserve chair calls the situation “unsustainable.” From The Hill. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said “the U.S. is on an unsustainable fiscal path” in a “60 Minutes” interview with Scott Pelley released Sunday. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   “The … Continued

The Battle for Truth and Integrity

We are in a battle for truth and integrity as never before! In today’s world, these seem to be increasingly hard to come by. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   The headlines are brimming with issues that reveal a terrible lack of integrity in our political and justice systems. At … Continued


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