Historic Movement of Refugees–Over 2M Flee Ukraine

The Ukrainian invasion has impacts beyond the Ukrainian borders. We are now seeing mass migration and a refugee crisis in Europe-the largest refugee movement in Europe since WWII.  From The Wall Street Journal. More than two million people have fled the war in Ukraine since Russian President Vladimir Putin began his onslaught in the country on Feb. 24, according to … Continued

Blinken Says Putin Is Destined to Lose in War With Ukraine

The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “destined to lose” the war with Ukraine. Many refugees from Ukraine are being forced to flee. The men are staying in Ukraine to fight. We pray that Putin will lose this war of aggression. From Breitbart. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said … Continued

Biden Called Out By Priest for Pro-Abortion Views

The Catholic Church is committed to protecting the sanctity of life. Although President Biden is Roman Catholic and attends mass, he wants to protect abortion up to the point of birth. Some states like Florida and Texas are coming up with laws to protect the unborn. Biden describes this as the continued erosion of women’s … Continued

Demonic Spirits Behind the Russia-Ukraine War

The Bible is clear. A war rages in the heavenlies against mankind and spiritual wickedness exists in high places on the earth. The schemes of the devil concern all believers. His ultimate goal is to get Christians to turn away from God. But there’s even more to it than that. Finally, my brethren, be strong … Continued

While Mandates Fall, Don’t Drop Your Guard

On March 3 the U.S. Senate voted to end the Covid national emergency. Mask and vaccine mandates were already evaporating all over the world. Here in America, 36 states are repealing or relaxing mask mandates . Many pundits have pointed to upcoming mid-term elections as the impetus for returning to normal; a January 31 Monmouth … Continued

China Moves to Drive Christians Offline

When the coronavirus pandemic took hold two years ago, online church became a lifeline for many Christians around the United States. Now, with many hoping the worst is behind us, church-goers in America are debating the proper role of livestreaming, social media, and other digital offerings as aids in regular worship and community outreach. It’s … Continued

Intercessors of the Month: Roy and Betsy Washam

Roy Washam grew up in a great family, but threatening blindness rattled his young world at the age of seven. From that time until age thirteen, Roy was in and out of the hospital. During one particular hospital stay, Roy heard the Lord clearly say, “This too shall pass.” With childlike faith, he surrendered His … Continued

Ukrainian Meals Arrive in Poland

Your support has made it possible for thousands of meals to be purchased, packed, and sent to Ukraine within one week! Here’s all you need to know . . . IFA has partnered with five other organizations to provide meals to war-torn Ukraine. The goal is to provide 1 million meals through the collaborative efforts … Continued

The People’s Convoy Circles D.C.

After traveling across the nation to call for freedom from mandates, the People’s Convoy descends on DC and will continue to encircle the capital daily until there is an immediate end to the emergency mandates.  The Convoy  stands for the “abolition of the State of Emergency that has resulted in overreaching requirements,” and describes itself as … Continued

China’s Backdoor into Our Electric Grid

We are more vulnerable than we think we are. In times like these, not only should we push our government to keep us safe, we also must trust in God as our refuge. From CBN. Electrical substations are in almost every city nationwide. Most house transformers play a huge part in getting power out to … Continued

How Cartels Smuggle Children at the Government’s Expense

The Government’s incompetency not only fails to stop cartels, it even assists them. As Christians, we should hold our elected officials accountable to protect our people.  From The Federalist. I was part of a large political team in the Trump administration that tried to stop cartel-driven human smuggling and trafficking into the United States. We … Continued


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