How Biden’s Administration is Helping Delegitimize Israel

The Biden Administration is home to many who despise the nation of Israel. As Christians, we must ensure that they do not harm God’s chosen people. From Free Beacon. The Biden administration is offering nearly $1 million for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, an … Continued

Inflation Expected to Continue to Rise

Inflation makes everything more expensive for Americans and severely weakens our economy.  From Fox Business. Soaring U.S. inflation is expected to continue its surge with no sign of relief in sight, as the costs of consumer goods like gasoline and household items climb to new heights. The Labor Department’s consumer price index jumped 7.5% in January from a year … Continued

Russia Deploys Thermobaric Weaponry

The Russians have deployed horrific weapons against the Ukrainian people. Now more than ever, we must be diligent in prayer for God’s beloved people in Ukraine. From The Daily Wire. According to the British Ministry of Defense, Russia confirmed it indeed has used thermobaric weapons, also known as “vacuum bombs,” against the Ukrainian people. A … Continued

Prayer for Families in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine is tragic and heartbreaking by anyone’s standards. But of all the news we have been seeing from this area, the thing that devastates me the most is how the mothers and children—and sometimes children alone—are having to flee for their lives, leaving the men behind. Those families may never be reunited … Continued

China: Is Taiwan the Next Ukraine? 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has startled the world and forced the U.S. to decide whether helping Ukraine is worth the potential repercussions of war with Russia. Unfortunately, the U.S. may be forced to make the same decision with China, which has long lusted after Taiwan with the same greed and nationalist zeal with which Vladimir … Continued

‘Imminent Risk’ for Ukraine Faithful

The top official of a government watchdog agency is warning of an “imminent risk” for non-Russian Orthodox religious groups in Ukraine should Russia’s invasion be successful. Nadine Maenza, Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), suggests Russia’s recent track record is troubling. “Russia is one of the worst violators of religious freedom … Continued

Why the War in Ukraine Should Motivate Us to Share the Gospel

Regent University’s Dean says the war with Russia-Ukraine is an opportunity for the Church to share the Gospel and pray for those who are suffering. Many scholars point to Russia’s actions against Ukraine as a precursor to end times events in Ezekiel 38, which describes several nations rising against Israel.  Matthew 24 says that we will hear … Continued

No Progress in Peace Talks as the Russia-Ukraine War Continues

As Ukraine enters its third week at war with Russia, we must be continuing to lift them up in prayer. Although the Lord has foiled many of the Russians’ vicious attacks, the Ukranian people have still suffered great losses. From NBC. Civilians across Ukraine were subjected to intensifying attacks Thursday as Russia’s war entered its third week, … Continued

Ukraine Holds On Against Russian Onslaught

Despite predictions that Ukraine would fall quickly to Russia’a attacks, the nation has continued to fight back. From Fox News. As Russia massed a large military presence on its border with Ukraine weeks before launching its invasion, Western intelligence officials were concerned the capital city of Kyiv could fall in a matter of days amid a Russian … Continued

Oil Prices Could Cause a Recession

Our economy is the source of our military strength, and right now we need both to be as strong as ever. From CNBC. The U.S. ban on Russian oil could exacerbate already-spiking oil and food prices, analysts warned, and that could set off a recession if escalated further. If Russia retaliates by refusing to supply … Continued


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