Encouragement: Capitol Hill Staffers Pray God’s Heart for Government

The prayer connection between the prayer warriors with Intercessors for America and the Christians in Washington, D.C. is growing stronger and stronger. The influential Christians in Washington have been asking me for your prayers! Be encouraged, and stay faithful in this crucial intercession. For this week’s column, I spoke with a prophetic prayer warrior working … Continued

The Story of Harold Jonker and the Freedom Convoy

It’s been said that individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean. The Canadian trucker protests in Ottawa have proven this to be true. Even though they’ve ended, their influence still lingers. The movement sparked a fire within the hearts of people around the world as they watched thousands of Canadians and … Continued

China’s Chilling Targeting of Christian Candidate in U.S.

Federal prosecutors unsealed charges on March 16 against five alleged agents of the People’s Republic of China for their involvement in “transnational repression” activities on U.S. soil. The FBI uncovered the targeting of Chinese nationals in New York City and elsewhere, including a Christian candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives who had been a … Continued

United States Troops to Australia?

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, many wonder if Taiwan will be next. America and Australia have formed an alliance to guard against possible Chinese aggression in the pacific. From Daily Mail. Thousands of American soldiers trained to use surface-to-air missile systems, High Mobility Artillery Rockets and unmanned aircraft are bound for Australia as tensions … Continued

Ex-Satanist Stresses the Power of Prayer

At IFA, we believe that the prayers of faithful believers have power. Pastor John Ramirez, a former Satanist, explains exactly how powerful those prayers can be. From Charisma Magazine. [Pastor] John Ramirez once worshipped the devil and carried out evil in the name of Satan…. In his book Armed and Dangerous: The Ultimate Battle Plan for … Continued

Putin Discusses His Terms for a Ceasefire in Ukraine

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its fourth week, morale among Russian troops is at an all-time low. After facing perhaps more resistance than expected, Putin has laid down the terms of a ceasefire. From Fox News. In a Thursday conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly outlined the conditions that would need … Continued

Prayer and Praise Points for Ukraine

IFA Contributing Writer assembled these prayer and praise points from today’s prayer bulletin (March 18, 2022) on Ukraine and Russia from Peter Oswalt of Arise:Life. He shares daily updates on their Facebook page which you can see HERE. Praise Points Ukraine Major Victory at Voznesensk – Blocking Russia from invading the Western Heartland Mariupol – … Continued

Crisis Response Prayer: Mandates in the Military

The next time you use electricity, thank an IFA intercessor!  The Lord operating through the prayers of the saints just may be the reason America’s power grid remains secure.  Intercessors won’t be surprised to learn the prayers they render — even when details are scarce — spill from God’s golden bowls into powerful protection and … Continued

Latest COVID-19 Updates

As the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, the government is attempting in many ways to assist Americans who are struggling. One of the ways that are trying to help is by funding funerals for those who died from the virus. From The Epoch Times. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said on Tuesday that … Continued

The Danger of Bill Gates Owning Huge Portions of U.S. Farmland

What is the danger of Bill Gates buying up massive amounts of farmland? The principal danger not his professed support of sustainable agriculture (often found in philanthropic work) – it’s the monopolistic role they play in determining our food systems and land use patterns. He’s not alone in the pursuit of farmland monopoly. China is … Continued

Federal Reserve to Raise Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve is expected to begin making major monetary policy changes this week to address inflation that could potentially cause an economic recession. From Fox Business. The Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates this week for the first time since late 2018, and economists anticipate further hikes throughout the year as policymakers seek to … Continued


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