I Prayed have prayed
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Join IFA to pray for the Speaker of the House vote today at 12:15pm ET on Pray With America’s Leaders webcast. Join at IFApray.org! Or call in at 667-771-7909. 

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Tracy Skaar
January 14, 2023

I just finished going through your blog and I have to comment, it was an undivided hoot. Your writing technique is so engaging, I felt like I was on a wild goose chase with you. The picture you included were also a hoot, and I’m persuadedconvinced that you must have a photographic memory because they were so vivid. Keep it up, it’s a real trip!”


Wilma Goodwin
January 6, 2023

I have been praying and will continue. I feel God will hear, but we need massive prayers to save our nation!!! I hope there are enough Christian lawmakers to make a difference to stand up against the wrong rulers.

Penni Bulten
January 5, 2023

Heavenly Father,
I pray our next Speaker of The House will honor you, honor your Son, Jesus, and honor his (or her) oath or affirmation to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Nikki Jay
January 5, 2023

Father God we pray that whoever is chosen has your heart and realizes that your
rule is sovereign. I pray that they will seek your will for our Nation. Let your will be done on Earth as in Heaven. That we as a people delight in you and your ways, that we praise and adore you for the awesome amazing God who watches over the affairs of men. We owe you so much Lord, in light of what is taking place in our world. You are still in control we look to you knowing that your word will never fail. We have already won the fight because we put our trust in your.

Donald Vader
January 5, 2023

Father God the house belongs to you and your people and we ask for the house back and whoever you choose to be the speaker of the house… Amen to

    January 6, 2023

    My thoughts exactly, Donald. That’s what I was just praying about. Yes, we are to pray and trust and that’s what we are doing. But we don’t know when Christ is coming back. He may be coming in the next few days! If he does, we’ll be out of here and unbelieving Republicans will be free to put in whoever they want. Or it may be another year. And also, we don’t know what God has in mind so we need to pray believing that He hears us and the main thing is that we desire HIS perfect will to be done. And none of us knows exactly what that is. We (myself included) need to put our trust in the Lord and remember that he is the one in control. I get all uptight and ticked off at our leaders these days (on both sides!) when what I need to do is simply pray for God’s perfect will to be done and REST in that.

Joanne Ingram
January 5, 2023

If McCarthy doesn’t get the votes, the conservative cause will go down in defeat. Praying the Republican Holdouts will put their private agendas aside and realize McCarthy as Speaker of the House will not prevent them from what they hope to do for their constituents – Vote for McCarthy!!!!!

    Penni Bulten
    January 5, 2023

    I’m sorry, but in good conscience I cannot agree. But I respect your right to hold your position.

Susan Hargis
January 5, 2023

Lord Jesus the government is on Your shoulders. We have gone far from You in governing our homes, cities, nation and world. We reap what we sow. We look to man for solutions when we need to look to You. Lord Jesus help us all remember to be men and women of faith. Perhaps Congress would humble themselves and get on their knees before You and seek Your face rather than their prideful ideals, infighting, hatred etc If You desire uprooting in our current pagan government I pray Your will be done. I pray Your peace over our nation and for Your people Lord Jesus as we repent and seek restoration.. Fear mongering is not from You and I pray for the breaking of chains of bondage in fearmongering in Your name Jesus. Thank you Lord for loving us even despite us at times. You are a good Father and Your word says You will be God!


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