Biden Administration Shuts Down Gun Retailers

There are many ways to compromise constitutional rights. The Biden Administration wants gun control. One way they can achieve this is . . . typos. From The Federalist. President Joe Biden is overzealously targeting firearm retailers to drive them out of business. Federal firearm license revocations for retailers have increased 500 from previous years. That’s … Continued

Doctors Confirm Trans ‘Women’ Have Strength of Men

Doctors have now confirmed that Lia Thomas did have a biological advantage when he won a national title earlier this year. If we hope to preserve women’s’ sports, we must be praying. From CBN News. Two medical doctors have gone on record confirming that trans swimmer Lia Thomas, who previously competed for three years as … Continued

Teachers Explain Their Gender Lessons

In a recent article from The Washington Post, several teachers explained their strategies for indoctrinating kids with LGBT ideologies. We must be praying that these teachers are stopped and that these children are not hurt. From Daily Caller. Teachers across the country revealed the strategies they use to teach young children about gender ideology in … Continued

The WHO Battle is Far from Over

Biden’s WHO amendments may have failed, but this is only a temporary setback. We must stay vigilant and pray for our sovereignty. From The Epoch Times. Despite a setback at the World Health Organization’s 75th annual meeting in Geneva in late May, the push to further empower the United Nations agency is moving ahead, remaining a … Continued

Biden to Allow Bureaucrats to Grant Asylum

Biden is working to give government bureaucrats, not just judges, the ability to grant immigrants asylum. We must pray for our border. From The Gateway Pundit. Biden has started the first phase of a program in Texas to have government bureaucrats grant asylum, without having it adjudicated by a court. Such a program based on … Continued

IL School to Grade Based on Race

Our schools seem under attack from all sides. These changes will do far more harm than good. Our kids need our prayers. From The Federalist. Last week, a report appeared in the online news site West Cook News, with the headline “OPRF to implement race-based grading system in 2022-23 school year.” It spread like wildfire … Continued

The Significance of the FBI and DOJ’s Notes

We need darkness to be exposed in the highest levels of leadership. We must pray that something like this never happens again. From The Federalist. Recently released handwritten notes from a briefing of the acting attorney general on the status of Crossfire Hurricane reveal the FBI either lied about the source of intel or the British intelligence … Continued

How ‘Pride’ Became an Angry Movement

As we enter Pride month, the intercessors must know how to love everyone involved but also what we are up against and how to win this battle. From The Federalist. If local parents don’t let boys play on little girls’ sports teams, the federal government will remove its support from their extracurricular activities, including after-school … Continued

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Prayer Webcast TODAY

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House Press Secretary and daughter of Mike Huckabee, won the Republican ballot for Arkansas governor. She will appear on a prayer call with IFA’s President and CEO Dave Kubal later today. From The Washington Times. Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders easily defeated her Republican opponent Tuesday in the GOP primary for … Continued

Pray for V.P. Kamala Harris

The Biden/Harris administration has been in the White House for nearly 18 months. President Biden and Vice President Harris have overseen evil policies and executive orders  (and there is more in the works) that grieve Americans, the church, and, certainly, the Lord. Post a prayer for your state!   I confess that at times I … Continued

FDR’s D-Day Prayer, 78 Years Later

Nearly 80 years ago, we faced difficult odds with great courage and God’s help. Sounds like what we need again today. From Fox News. President Franklin D. Roosevelt trumpeted America’s foundation of faith to inspire the nation in its finest hour: D-Day, June 6, 1944. Visit your state page to pray.   “Almighty God: Our … Continued

Prayer to Bind Inflation

Did you know that YOU are God’s governor on earth? It’s true. When Jesus said “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18), the word used there for “church”—ekklesia—was not a word He made up. He wasn’t coining a new term. Instead, He … Continued


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