Kavanaugh’s Neighbor Describes Pro-Choice Protests

As both sides anxiously await the final version of the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe, protestors continue to harass the Justices. From Yahoo News. A neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh says the pro-choice protesters who have marched multiple times a week down their street in the evening have shaken up residents’ homes and disrupted their … Continued

Insight for Intercessors from the Heart of Ukraine

IFA had the opportunity to talk to Pastor Maxim Belousov from Intercessors for Ukraine. Pastor Maxim lives and works in Dnipro, in the southwest region of Ukraine. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   We asked Pastor Maxim to describe what is happening today in Ukraine. He said, “Some Ukrainians have left the country and reached … Continued

Second Million Meals Headed to Ukraine

I am full of gratitude for the abundant generosity of IFA intercessors for the needs of Ukraine. This weekend I traveled to Florida to help pack the second million meals that will be sent to Ukraine. We packed 500,000 meals that filled 3 shipping containers. They will ship this week to Romania and then be … Continued

A Christian Response to Tyranny

The story of how the ten Boom family hid Jewish people during the Holocaust has resonated with people since before World War II ended, and is growing more and more relevant as tyranny rises once again.  My mother read the book to our family when I was a boy, and it impacted me deeply, though … Continued

Transgenderism in the Youth of America

More and more young people are identifying as transgender every day, especially in areas that incorporate it into their education. From Daily Caller. Nearly half of the 1.6 million Americans who identify as transgender are teenagers or young adults, and some of the highest rates of youth transgenderism occur in blue states, according to a … Continued

Senate Considers Bipartisan Gun Reforms

As senators on both sides push for gun control, we must pray that our rights are not infringed in the name of safety. From Insider. After weeks of discussions, a bipartisan group of Senate negotiators on Sunday released an outline for gun reform legislation in the wake of deadly mass shootings in Buffalo, NY, and … Continued

Where Are the Fiscal Conservatives When We Need Them?

Inflation, the money supply, and federal debt have soared, and now our nation is in trouble. Now is the time for a strong plan and action. From The Federalist. President Joe Biden recently took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to explain his plan: spend more money, raise taxes, and let the Federal Reserve … Continued

Shocking Study Shows Assassination Acceptable to Many Young Dems

A new poll by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center found that nearly half of young Democrat men support assassinating political figures they consider dangerous to the country or democracy. The finding was buried in the cross tabs of a poll that claimed the “hard right” favors so-called replacement theory. The poll of 1,500 adult Americans was conducted by … Continued

Opioid Crisis in Schools

While the news is full of other stories, the opioid crisis has not gone away. Neither has the mental health crisis in youth. These issues converge in our schools.  From World. Residents of the West Linn-Wilsonville School District near Portland, Ore., elected Kelly Sloop to the school board in May 2021. The pharmacist and mother … Continued

Mennonites Vote for Progressive Sex Standards

Mennonites adopted unbiblical sexual standards last week. They offer individual congregations and pastors a choice about whether to follow them. Intercessors need to pray in light of church splits and deception about what the Bible says and what it means. From CBN News. The largest Mennonite denomination in the country says it will now permit … Continued

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Need Your Prayers

Since this article was first posted, serval more pregnancy centers have been attacked by pro-abortion protestors. As these attacks continue to ramp up in frequency and intensity, we must stay vigilant in prayer. Analysis. Momentum is building on both sides of the abortion battle with the impending decision in the Dobbs case. Pro-life advocates anticipate … Continued

Jim Jordan’s ‘Real Concern’ about the FBI

We have seen in recent years that we should be closely watching federal law enforcement for corruption which means we should be praying as well. From Fox News. Rep. Jim Jordan Wednesday said there’s “real concern” about an allegedly political climate in the FBI that is leading to some people being retaliated against for “disfavored political speech.” Post … Continued


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