Environmental Groups Sue to Block Oil Drilling

There are lawsuits on both sides of this issue, one of the most divisive topics in our country. We need divine perspective. From CNBC. A coalition of environmental groups this week sued the Biden administration in an effort to stop more than 3,500 permit applications from energy companies to drill for oil and gas on federal … Continued

What is Juneteenth?

Intercessors might have heard of a new holiday: Juneteenth. But what exactly is Juneteenth, and why is it seemingly so popular today? The history of Juneteenth Juneteenth, a portmanteau of “June” and “nineteenth,” refers to June 19, 1865, when African slaves in Galveston, Texas, were delivered the news of their freedom. Coming months after the … Continued

Urgent Prayer Request

We have been made aware from several sources,  a warning of credible threats against our nation by a foreign nation. We have no other information, but feel we were informed of these threats so that our network could pray. Thank you for interceding. If you feel led, share a scripture below for prayer.

Biden Threatens Oil Companies

Record high gas prices are hurting Americans, and now Biden is threatening to use a potentially authoritarian overreach of power. From Fox Business. President Biden may resort to using emergency powers if American oil companies don’t increase output at their refineries, the president told oil CEOs in a series of letters Wednesday. Connect with Others in … Continued

Pro-Life Groups Look to AG Garland for Answers

Amid a string of violence and a campaign of terror, pro-life groups are demanding answers and assistance from the Justice Department. From LifeNews. A coalition of 25 pro-life groups have signed on to a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that he put an end to this current pro-abortion campaign of terror. As many as … Continued

SD Gov. Celebrates End of Abortion in Her State

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is celebrating the closure of her state’s last abortion clinic, reminding us of the power of prayer. From RedState. The last Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in South Dakota performed its final abortion on Monday, and will be temporarily shuttering its doors while awaiting the outcome of the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. … Continued

House Passes SCOTUS Security Bill

Although this bill should have been passed much sooner, we should thank God that it is finally reaching Biden’s desk. From The Daily Wire. Over a month after the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion suggesting that the court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade, the United States House of Representatives has finally passed a … Continued

Tucker Carlson Showcases Trans Horrors

Following Fox News’ pro-trans story, it is encouraging to see that its well-known host is still standing for biblical values. From The Daily Wire. A shocking Fox News report promoting radical gender ideology sparked intense backlash from conservative media, but based on past and current programming, the cable news network’s biggest primetime star is not on board with the … Continued

McConnell Shows Support for Gun Control

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican and Senate minority leader, recently appeared to support gun control. As even prominent members of the GOP begin to support gun control, we must be praying that our rights are preserved. From The Gateway Pundit. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday said he will likely vote for the gun … Continued

Dow Futures Fall as the Stock Market Struggles

The economy is in a crucial, tumultuous time right now and needs our prayers. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates to combat inflation, but that has negative economic consequences. Meanwhile, analysts say a recession could be on the horizon. From CNBC. U.S. stocks were under pressure Thursday, putting the major averages to give up … Continued

Fauci Catches COVID-19

To keep our hearts pure, we should pray for the wellbeing of everyone, even those you may consider an enemy. From The Hill. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious diseases expert, tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday but is experiencing “mild symptoms,” the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said. Do you want State Prayer Alerts? … Continued


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