Nine Characteristics of the Believer’s Enemy

The Bible describes the tares of the enemy that grow up among the faithful. They are dangerous and especially prevalent today. We must be able to recognize them so we are not led astray. This long article can be used as a Bible study. From Capitol Ministries. I. INTRODUCTION  Numerous NT passages identify “christians” (lower case … Continued

Atheists React to Alito’s Religious Liberty Claims

Alito has come under fire from atheists, who accuse him of portraying unbelievers as enemies of religious freedom. From Faithwire. Atheist activists are frustrated over a recent speech by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, during which he discussed religious liberty and warned about the essentiality of helping nonbelievers see its value. Post a prayer for … Continued

Sen. Sinema Endores Democrat Spending Bill

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has now endorsed her party’s spending bill. The Democrats can now approve the legislation along party lines. We must pray. From The Washington Times. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona Democrat, broke her silence Thursday night on her party’s efforts to pass a major climate, tax, and spending bill, saying in a statement that … Continued

Unvaccinated Army Officer Deemed Threat?

Maj. Sigoloff, a doctor who helped fellow soldiers become exempt from the covid vaccine, may have been labeled a threat by his superiors. From The Epoch Times. A U.S. Army officer was deemed a possible threat, according to newly disclosed emails. Who is praying on the wall?   Maj. Samuel Sigoloff, a doctor, was ordered to … Continued

Experts Warn Manchin’s Bill Will Hurt Economy

While Manchin has reached an agreement with his fellow democrats, hundreds of economists are wary of how his bill will affect the economy. From Fox Business. A letter sent to House and Senate leadership from 230 economists argue that the Infrastructure Reduction Act is expected to contribute to skyrocketing inflation and will burden the U.S. economy, contrary … Continued

Proof of Biden’s Obstruction of Justice

Reports now confirm and establish that President Biden obstructed justice in the name of his son Hunter’s foreign business deals in Ukraine. From Just Facts Daily. Newly discovered emails prove beyond all doubt that the “true purpose” of Hunter Biden’s lucrative deal with a Ukrainian energy company was for Hunter to get “high-ranking US officials” … Continued

The Battle May Be Won, but We Must Win the Battle

Spiritual battles are being waged all around us. Not only for our nation, but in our lives personally. The question is are we seeing victory? Are you seeing victory? Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   Over the years, I have won battles in the natural realm that had to be … Continued

If the Grid Goes Down: What Will Happen?

Many of you watched the Pray With America’s Leaders webcast on the Electric Grid. It was surprising to hear the many and varied threats to the grid, and what little is being done to harden it. Our title of the webcast “30 Hours is all we have if the grid goes down” was taken from … Continued

Brave New World? First Synthetic Embryos Created

Scientists in Israel have created synthetic rat embryos. While there are potential beneficial uses, this step may prove dangerous in the hands of scientists and leaders who do not fear or acknowledge the Creator. What do you think? What is the Lord telling you? Please share in the comments. From The Daily Wire. Researchers in Israel have … Continued

UN Investigates Attack on Ukrainian Prisoners

Over 50 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed in a bombing. As Ukraine and Russia point fingers, we must pray for clarity and peace. Don’t miss daily updates from Intercessors for Ukraine, posted everyday on From The Guardian. The UN is setting up a fact-finding mission to investigate the killing of dozens of prisoners … Continued

Ukraine: Nuclear Plant Is ‘Out of Control’

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, currently held by Russians, is in trouble and could cause a great tragedy. We must pray. Don’t miss daily updates from Intercessors for Ukraine, posted everyday on From BBC. A huge nuclear power plant occupied by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine is “completely out of control,” the head of … Continued

Praise! CA Judge Blocks Illegal Aliens from Voting

A San Francisco ordinance passed in 2016 that allowed illegal immigrants to vote was recently overturned by a Superior Court Judge. From Breitbart. A San Francisco, California, law that allowed illegal aliens and other foreign nationals to vote in some local elections was struck down in court late last week. Get involved in State Level … Continued


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