One Man’s Passion for Religious Freedom

Sam Brownback has been a senator, a governor, and an ambassador. In every role, however, he has passionately fought for religious freedom. From CBN News. Sam Brownback has served in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and as governor of Kansas. But it’s his passion for religious rights–internationally and here on the Homefront–that … Continued

Parents Defund Library Over LGBTQ Books

A group of Michigan parents are currently winning in a fight to defund their local library over LGBTQ books. This is a huge answered prayer! From CBN News. In a direct response to their local library’s acquiring and prominently displaying LGBTQ books and other materials, the citizens of Jamestown, Michigan, recently voted to defund the … Continued

Testimony: Hardened Heart to Prophetic Intercessor

Our God is not a god of confusion. He is the supreme authority of life, clarity and truth. Pastor Judy Brooks’ story serves as a reminder that none of us is too far gone. The Lord is fully capable of speaking truth and peace to an otherwise chaotic world, and even to the “most unreachable.” … Continued

The Era of Family Starts Now!

The following is a message and a proclamation from Connie Mitchell, Oklahoma intercessor and leader of the S.E.A.L.S. Prayer Force. Her group has declared that we are in “the era of family,” and she has invited intercessors across the nation to join her. Greetings and may God’s grace and peace be multiplied to you! Find … Continued

Wildfire Spares UK Memorial Cross

A wildfire swept across a United Kingdom farm amidst a terrible heat wave, but it stopped right before hitting a memorial chalk cross. From CBN News. As the United Kingdom sweated under an uncommon heatwave in July, a wildfire raged across a farm field just north of Kent. But what stopped the fire has left … Continued

WEF Advisor: We Don’t Need Most Humans

Yuval Harari, a Word Economic Forum advisor, recently stated that the majority of the population was no longer useful and would be replaced. From National File. A top-level World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor says that we simply “don’t need the vast majority of the population,” and called for human beings to be replaced by machines … Continued

Mar-A-Lago: FBI Seized ‘Classified’ Documents

The FBI claims that it took “classified documents” from Mar-A-Lago, but Trump claims they had all been declassified. From Fox News. FBI agents seized classified records from former President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago during its unprecedented raid on Monday, including some marked as top secret, according to documents reviewed by Fox News. Connect with Others … Continued

The Enemy’s Plan for Implementing Tyranny

While I was watching the following video, my mind went back to a time when I was interacting with people who had strayed into a religious cult. The behavior of the person in this video mimics what I remember seeing among some people very close to me. I was startled to observe the professor in … Continued

What Is the IRS Planning?

Not only is the IRS doubling in size, they are also purchasing ammunition and hiring people who will use deadly force. We must pray. From Breitbart. A job listing for the position of IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent stresses that applicants must “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force” in order to … Continued

IFA at Critical Meeting Today that Needs Your Prayer

On Tuesday’s webcast, IFA intercessors covered True the Vote’s leaders Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips in a powerful concert of prayer. You can watch that webcast here. The IFA community pledged to uphold the True the Vote team in an elevated level of prayer through the week leading up to and including the the special … Continued

Poll: Jan. 6 Hearings Changed No One’s Views

Despite the immense effort put into the Jan 6. hearings, public opinion on the so-called “insurrection” remains unchanged. From Jonathan Turley. Analysis. For months, we have been discussing the heavy-handed, one-sided approach of the J6 Committee in the presentation of evidence and witnesses. … The result is now evident and unsurprising.  A Monmouth University poll … Continued


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