CFOs Say Inflation Hasn’t Peaked

The real business leaders, not the politicians or political analysts, say that inflation is still rising and that the economy will get worse. From CNBC. At CNBCā€™sĀ Delivering Alpha Investor SummitĀ in New York City Wednesday, several big names in the investor community indicated they see no signs inflation is waning. Who is praying on the wall? … Continued

Weary, Yet Pursuing

We are living through a critical moment for both the Church and America. We should pray for endurance as we fight for our nation. From Give Him 15. This is our first post since YouTube suspended us for a week. At times we post services/meetings where Iā€™m a guest. We shared one a week ago … Continued

We Are Small, but We Matter to God

Analysis. As a devastating hurricane strikes Florida, I am reminded of how very small we humans are, despite our boasting and our pride. Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   Letā€™s put aside for a moment just how tiny our planet is in the overall scheme of things, not amounting to … Continued

‘From Death to Christ’

Through our struggle, it is God’s will for us to die. For it is only through death of the flesh that we can truly live in Christ. From Elijah List. Jesus warned His disciples about His impending crucifixion. “One of you will betray Me,” He said (see John 13:21). Yet, instead of turning to God … Continued

Intercessors, Do You Need a Sabbatical?

Beloved intercessor, have you gotten caught in what feels like an intercessory ā€œgrindā€? Are you feeling the stress and strain of meeting after meeting, burden after burden, prayer after prayer? Are the fire, fervor, and anointing you used to feel toward the Lord waning dim? If so, the Lord may be calling you to take … Continued

Are Taxpayers Funding College Cancel Culture?

The fight for free speech is a defining struggle for this generation. The church has to rise up in prayer, or we will be the next targets. From The Center Square. Republican lawmakers are questioning the Biden administration about cancel culture on college campuses and asking the question: why are federal taxpayer dollars funding it? … Continued

Putin to Annex Parts of Ukraine

Following referenda that America quickly labeled fraudulent, Putin is set to annex four parts of Ukraine. Let’s pray. From The Daily Wire. Russian PresidentĀ Vladimir PutinĀ is expected to annex parts of eastern and southernĀ UkraineĀ on Friday, claiming that forced referenda across four occupied regions supportĀ Russiaā€™s claim. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   … Continued

Political Bias of FBI Exposed

Although he has been censored on Facebook and suspended from his job, Stephen Friend has received support for exposing the political FBI. From New York Post. More evidence of how vindictive, obsessive andĀ downright sinister Facebook is: Now it appears to be monitoring private messages and suppressing material related to the whistleblower complaint of heroic FBI … Continued

Answered Prayer! IFA Guest’s Victory in Court

On Thursday’s Pray with America’s Leaders, we prayed for Judge Wayne Mack’s legal battle. Watch here. Now, out prayers have been answered with victory! From First Liberty. Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld Texas Judge Wayne Mackā€™s practice of recognizing volunteer chaplainsā€”including Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and Christian religious leadersā€”who sometimes … Continued

You are Invited to Washington, DC

You are invited to join IFA’s first Policy and Prayer Summit in Washington, D.C. on October 24-26. This multi-day event meshes together policy briefings, fellowship, strategic prayer walking, a private Capitol tour, training, praise and worship–all infused with intercession and mighty prayer! We are excited to hear from our featured guests including Dr. Ralph Reed, … Continued

Pro-Life Websites Attacked, Republicans Seek Answers

Following yet another attack on pro-lifers, this time on a website, Republicans are calling on the federal government to take action. From The Christian Post. House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to investigate cyberattacks on pro-life websites as the national discourse surrounding the issue of abortion grows increasingly heated following the U.S. Supreme Courtā€™sĀ ruling … Continued

4 Election Opportunities for Action

Your vote really makes a difference! IFA has partnered with several other organizations to help you, and the people within your circle of influence, have all the resources you need in the upcoming election. Take the pledge! If Christians started turning their prayers to action and voted in every election- primaries, local, school boards- we … Continued


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