Gay Couple Sues for Fertility Treatments

Ā Let’s pray that God would take over and restore biblical values to society. From The Federalist. A gay couple in New York is suingĀ the Big Apple government because, under the cityā€™s current insurance policy, they did not qualify for fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. Join others crying out to the Lord … Continued

Anti-White Diversity Chief Probed by Pentagon

This is just one of many examples showing how our leaders have gotten out of control on the issue of race. Let’s pray for unity and healing. From Fox News. The PentagonĀ told Fox News Digital that a diversity chief under fire after anti-White posts were exposed would be under a probe for one month before … Continued

Midterm Debates–Optional?

From World NewsĀ Group . . .Ā . Mark Weaver . . . has coached dozens of high-profile campaigns. But now he says more Americans would rather watch reality TV than an hour of political discussion. With fewer viewers, candidates are beginning to view the debate stage as optional. . . . Candidates in most swing states … Continued

Major Answered Prayer in Fight for Election Integrity

Intercessors, we prayed for justice when we first discovered this breach of security. This arrest follows the True the Vote investigations IFA has covered for months. SeeĀ our Special Report. Continue to thank God for True the Vote and to pray for justice and full exposure of all wrongdoing. Learn more about how IFA intercessors were … Continued

SCOTUS Case Needs Your Prayers

This is a key racial redistricting case that deserves our attention. Let’s pray over this case and pray that justice would be done. From Fox News. The Supreme Court heard a case on Tuesday about whether the state of Alabama’s congressional map illegally disadvantages Black voters. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   … Continued

God Speaks in the Hurricane

Living in Florida my whole life, Iā€™ve seen my share of storms and hurricanes. By now, I should be used to it. Nevertheless, each time I spy a new one on the radar, a wave of anxiety stirs up within me. What do I worry about? Oh, the usual thingsā€“my house, roof, pets, cars, losing … Continued

Intercessor of the Month: Janice Rhodes

A very familiar passage of scripture tells us that God is looking for intercessors. Even now He looks for those who will stand in the gap to intercede for nations; He seeks those who will selflessly lay down their lives and answer His call to a lifetime of prayer: ā€œI looked for someone among them … Continued

DeSantis on Hurricane Ian

In this interview, Governor DeSantis detailed the relief effort in Florida and responded to Kamala Harris’ calls for equity-based relief. From Fox News. Following Harris’ comments about distributing resources based on equity, the Governor accused the Vice President ofĀ  “trying to play identity politics with a … natural disaster.” He followed this by saying that … Continued

What is Going on with Google?

When faced with a lawsuit, Google chose instead to settle. Is this a good thing, or are they avoiding an admission of wrongdoing? From The Epoch Times. Google will pay $85 million to settle aĀ lawsuitĀ brought byĀ ArizonaĀ Attorney General Mark Brnovich over the way the company used peopleā€™sĀ locationĀ data. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Brnovichā€™s office alleged … Continued

Planned Parenthood Markets Puberty Blockers to Minors

Not content to push only one anti-biblical evil, Planned Parenthood has taken to promoting puberty blockers for children. Let’s pray. From Breitbart. Planned Parenthood released an advertisement for puberty-blocking drugs aimed at minors. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The new advertisement, which is aimed at minors, incorrectly markets puberty-blocking drugs as safe substances … Continued

Gas Prices Likely to Continue Rising

Although gas prices have risen drastically since Biden took office, they are expected to rise to even higher levels. We must pray. From PJ Media. After more than a year of rising gas prices, it was nice to see them go down a bit over the summer. It wasnā€™t enough, but every little bit helped. … Continued

Are Evangelicals Becoming Progressives?

In many areas, such as identity, sexuality, racism, and even biblical inerrancy, Christ’s church has been slipping. This calls for prayer. From The Daily Wire. American evangelicalism experienced a seismic shift toward theological and social progressivism over the past two years. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   As revealed by Ligonier Ministries and LifeWay Researchā€™s … Continued


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