Answered Prayer: Florida Schools and Bathrooms

Florida schools will now require students to use the restroom that matches their biological sex. This is huge answered prayer! From The Christian Post. Florida education officials have passed a new rule requiring public and charter schools to allow students to access bathrooms and locker rooms based on biological sex rather than preferred gender identity. … Continued

What If Courage Were Sold in a Bottle?

What if we could go to the store or pharmacy and purchase a bottle of courage as easily as a bottle of cough syrup? I believe that such a product would be flying off the shelves. Courage is defined as the ā€œmental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.ā€ It … Continued

‘Tech-Savvy’ Gen Z Still Vulnerable to Internet Scammers

We need to warn our families and pray against predators, financial and otherwise, in this country. Let’s pray. From CNBC. You might think todayā€™s teens are asĀ tech-savvyĀ as they come. ButĀ being digital nativesĀ doesnā€™t make them immune to online scams. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   People under the age of 20 lost $101.4 million to online … Continued

Governor Won’t Condemn Explicit Books in Schools

We have to expose and remove this kind of evil in our schools. Let’s pray for leaders who will protect kids, not harm and indoctrinate them. From The Federalist. Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer refused to condemn the pervasion of sexually explicit material in taxpayer-funded public schools during a debate on Tuesday, as parents throughout … Continued

Detransitioners Support Arkansas SAFE Act Amid ACLU Challenge, Say Law ā€˜Protects Our Youthā€™

Detransitioners have come out in support and defense of Arkansas’ SAFE act, calling it necessary to protect vulnerable youth. From The Daily Signal. Two men and one woman who underwent experimental medical interventions in pursuit of a transgender identity told The Daily Signal that they support Arkansasā€™ Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act, arguing that it … Continued

Is Biden’s Newest Booster Shot a ‘Political Stunt’?

Biden received his latest booster in front of America to promote vaccines for children. Let’s pray against mandates, especially for kids. From Fox News. Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier criticized the White House on Tuesday for turning President Biden’s COVID-19 booster into a public spectacle to promote vaccines for Americans ages 5 and … Continued

Xi Jinping Ascends in Power

While working against America from both inside and outside our borders, the CCP sees its leader, Xi Jinping, begin a third term in office. We must be constantly praying over this hostile nation. From Bloomberg. Xi Jinping emerged from this monthā€™s carefully orchestrated political pageant looking stronger than ever ā€” third term secured, rivals sidelined … Continued

Google’s War on Democracy?

This is yet another example of censorship of conservatives. Let’s pray that Google’s political bias would not skew the votes this November. From Fox News. Google is manipulating search engine results to harmĀ Republicans in critical Senate races, according to the Media Research Center. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   The MRC is … Continued

Republican Canvasser Assaulted

This is another instance of politically motivated violence in our nation. Let’s pray for peace, especially as we get closer to the midterms. From The Christian Post. Two men have been arrested in connection to an assault Sunday of a Republican political canvasser in Florida, alleging that one of the defendants tried to order his … Continued

Experts Look to a Red Wave

Newt Gingrich feels that Republicans have a good chance in the midterms. Let’s pray that candidates of godly character win this November. From The Epoch Times. Analysis. TheĀ RepublicansĀ could see large gains in both chambers of Congress in November,Ā according to Epoch Times contributor and former House SpeakerĀ Newt Gingrich. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA. … Continued

America’s ‘Human Catastrophe’

Analysis. Last weekend, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler sounded the alarm over his cityā€™s homeless crisis, calling it ā€œa human catastrophe.ā€ Portlandā€™s homeless population has shot up by 50% ā€” from 2,037 in 2019 to upwards of 3,000 this year, resulting in some 700 homeless encampments over 146 square miles. Have you taken your place on … Continued

Prophetic Word: Catch the Little Foxes

Donā€™t sweat the small stuff, says the well-known adage. And normally, that is sound advice. We should never let ourselves be overwhelmed by little things, especially when our faith is rooted in Christ. But there is a time when we must be discerning over little things. Recently, I had a dream, one that I believe … Continued


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