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Lord God, we pray for truth and justice and for all corruption to be rooted out of our government.
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Hunter Biden’s plea deal failed and the judge ordered him to:

From The Daily Signal. There were clearly some bizarre twists and turns in federal court Wednesday in Delaware, as Hunter Biden’s anticipated sweetheart plea deal collapsed.

So, what happened?

That is hard to say for sure, as a transcript of the colloquy between the lawyers and the judge has not been released.  Basically, it seems that there was a misunderstanding between the prosecutors and the Biden legal team about whether the plea deal was going to end Hunter’s potential legal exposure to other crimes, or whether there was still an ongoing investigation.  It seems that Biden’s legal team believed the former, while the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office believed the latter.

While it is not uncommon for plea deals to fall apart, one would think such a high-profile deal, in writing, would have been ironclad before the parties stepped into court today.

Apparently not.

After the deal was announced in June, there was an outcry from many quarters about the nature of it.  Moreover, since that time, two whistleblowers—experienced, career IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler—have come forward and raised serious questions about whether there was interference by highly placed individuals within the Justice Department with the investigation being conducted by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

Such interference, they claimed under oath, included rejecting recommendations from the IRS to file far more serious charges; refusing to provide the IRS investigators with pertinent information that was found on Biden’s laptop; shutting down potentially fruitful areas of investigation into financial dealings involving Biden, his father, and possibly others; refusing to authorize search warrants that could have uncovered important evidence; tipping off Biden’s lawyers about areas that were to be searched and the names of individuals who were to be interviewed; and unexplained and inexcusable delays that resulted in significant charges falling outside the statute of limitations.

Shapley and Ziegler have also raised doubts about whether Attorney General Merrick Garland told the truth when he testified under oath before Congress and denied that any interference had taken place and that Weiss had all the authority he needed to file whatever charges he deemed appropriate in any applicable jurisdiction. . . .

So far, no information has been forthcoming, although the DOJ has, it seems, now given approval for Weiss to appear before Congress to offer his side of the story.  In response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, the Justice Department has stated that it has thousands of responsive documents about the communications between Main Justice and Weiss’ office, but it has declined to produce any of those documents thus far.

. . .

Suffice it to say, this is a dynamic and confusing situation.  Now that the plea deal has collapsed and the DOJ is continuing to investigate Hunter Biden for alleged violations of FARA, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope that the ongoing Justice Department and congressional hearings will find out the truth about his culpability and anyone else who may have been involved in criminal activity connected to him.  Where this will lead is anyone’s guess at this point.

How are you praying about this “dynamic and confusing situation”? Please share in the comments.

Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Photo credit: Getty Images.

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Darlene Estlow
July 28, 2023

Father, we pray for justice in this case. And we pray that Hunter Biden would see his life as empty. Give him a hunger and thirst for righteousness, for life that will be full and free in Jesus. Give him repentance and that life in Jesus.


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