First Friday Miracle

The mobilization of monthly First Friday Fasting and Prayer by IFA has continued since 1974. This uniting of multitudes of Bible-believing Christians around common prayer points while fasting has proved to be an effective, strategic deployment. Did you know that God used First Friday Prayer miraculously? And seek the peace of the city where I … Continued

True the Vote Arrest Update

True the Vote shared this update with us, detailing exactly how Catherine and Gregg ended up in prison and how Catherine is doing now. Scroll down to hear Catherine’s message from federal prison. From True the Vote. If we were living in normal times, Catherine would be updating you on the work of True the … Continued

Answered Prayer! Election Integrity Victory

Intercessors, we have been praying for weeks now for God to protect the integrity of the midterms. This is an answer to our prayers! From Daily Caller. Pennsylvaniaā€™s Supreme Court unanimously ruled Tuesday that mail-in or absentee ballots lacking a date on their return envelopes are invalid … Get prayer updates from IFA.   The … Continued

The Battle for Abortion Rages in 5 States

The fight between pro-life and pro-choice American rages on in five states as ballot initiatives. Let’s pray that life is protected. At the bottom of this post is a video that has the power to change views on abortion. It is not religious or political–it is just fact, based on one man’s story. Warning: the … Continued

12 Prayers to Speak Over America

As we move into this critical election, it is important that we be in constant prayer for our nation. Follow along with these 12 prayers. From Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Are you wholeheartedly seeking the Lord on how to pray for our nation? You are not alone! Throughout the history of the United States, many have … Continued

Global Social-Credit System Explained

The perhaps all-too-near implications of this world’s emerging social-credit and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) systems (in China and elsewhere) call for sober thinking ā€” and fervent praying.Ā  From Horizons. The China social credit system is a broad regulatory framework intended to report on the ā€˜trustworthinessā€™ of individuals, corporations, and governmental entities across China. ā€¦ … Continued

North Korea Fires Missiles Amid Nuclear Threats

Another major international conflict could happen at any time. The intercessors have to step up on this issue. From Fox News. North KoreaĀ fired more than 20 missiles on Wednesday in the direction of South Korea, and at least one landed near the rivalsā€™ tense sea border. Who is praying on the wall?   South Korea … Continued

Netanyahu Wins Israel’s Election

Intercessors, you prayed for Netanyahu during Israel’s election. Now he has emerged as the new Prime Minister. Let’s continue to pray for him. From The Jerusalem Post. Former prime minister and Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu is poised toĀ become Israel’s next prime minister, according to the counting of almost all of the ballots. By Wednesday afternoon, … Continued

More Proof of Feds Working with Big Tech to Censor Us

Big tech has been trying to censor conservatives for years. We now know, however, that the government was working with them the whole time. From The Daily Wire. Hundreds of internal documents expose top U.S. government agencies working closely with social media companies like Facebook and Twitter to censor American freedom of speech ā€” under … Continued

Even Left-Wing Voters Are Opposed to This Horrible Law

We need to fight back against Prop 3, a Michigan ballot initiative that would spell disaster for the unborn. Let’s pray. From Breitbart. Left-wing pro-life activists unfurled a banner during a televised college football game on Saturday, warning against a Michigan ballot initiative they say could lead to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. … Continued

Mass Shooting on Halloween Night

The violence in Chicago is a constant reminder of the lawlessness that has spread nationwide. Let’s pray for peace across the nation. From Fox News. At least 14 people were injured, including several children, in a mass shootingĀ on Chicago’s West SideĀ on Halloween night. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   TheĀ Chicago Police DepartmentĀ confirmed to Fox News … Continued

Brazil Wraps Up Controversial Election

As congratulations and accusations of fraud alike color online discourse, Brazil recognizes its new president-elect. From Breitbart. The top electoral authority in Brazil announced on Sunday evening that 77-year-old hardline socialist Luiz InĆ”cio Lula da Silva, once convicted and sentenced to over two decades in prison for alleged corruption, had won this yearā€™s presidential election … Continued


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