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Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, we look to You to build Your church. Help us follow You, our Good Shepherd, all the way into Your highest and perfect will. Help us to keep assembling together even more as the day of Your coming approaches, no matter what You want that to look like. Thank You.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Christians are migrating en masse to look for real, spiritual community and discipleship. But, where are they going? Over the last several articles, we’ve discussed how many Christians are leaving what we consider to be “traditional church” in order to look for the move of God as described in Acts chapter 2. What does that move of God look like more specifically?

Let’s examine a few things that the Lord seems to be doing across the Body of Christ, as He moves many people into micro- and home-churches.

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Characteristic #1: Small is the new big; few is the new many.

In this new migration, many people are finding themselves yearning for fellowship with a small number of people whom they can “do life with.” They are finding more fulfillment in gathering with two, five, or ten people to:

  • sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs;
  • pray together; and
  • study and exhort one another in the Word …

… than they found formerly in gathering with hundreds or thousands of people in an impersonal, production-like, crowded environment.

Additionally, small fellowships are more versatile, making it even easier to keep the command of Hebrews 10:25:

not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25 NKJV).

One note of caution to the observer:

Don’t criticize or mistake the move of God by taking Hebrews 10:25 out of context. Remember that the church, the ekklesia, consists of God’s people gathered together to govern. Jesus said that He is present where two or more gather in His name:

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20 NKJV).

The only valid minimum standard for how many people make up the ekklesia was defined by Jesus. He said clearly that He will be present “in the midst of them” if two or three people gather in His name.

The text of Hebrews 10:25 cannot be used to defend an “only traditional church as we know it” thought pattern. If you gather with fellow believers over lunch, dinner, or afternoon tea—whether at the park, at your office, or in your living room—and you’re exhorting one another in the Word, praying together, and worshipping God together, that is a valid expression of the Acts chapter 2 Biblical church.

Characteristic #2: Quiet is the new loud.

Over and over, I am hearing Christians say that they are finding more spiritual meat, peace, and fulfillment in quiet gatherings where Jesus is the main thing, rather than in loud concert-like atmospheres.

There’s nothing wrong with concerts or large worship productions. Christians need to be present in the arts; all artistry and creativity was intended by God to glorify His own name. However, it seems that the Holy Spirit of God is calling people back to His ancient paths, reminding them that Israel camped around the presence of God—not around the Levitical 50-piece band.

Loud events and loud worship have their place. There’s nothing wrong with either of those, and there may be everything right with them if they are done with a right heart to glorify Jesus. However, there’s also nothing wrong with a group of ten believers who just want to sing old hymns a capella from their heart, weeping under the anointing with not a single musical instrument to be heard. You don’t need a worship leader to have church; all you need is to be a worshipper. 🙂

Characteristic #3: Private is the new public.

We used to have a conference-focused culture in the American church, but I believe that is going away. I’m not saying that people will stop having conferences, and I’m certainly not saying that conferences are bad in any way. I have been blessed by attending many conferences!


  • I am seeing people develop a new hunger for communing with Christ in the secret places of their prayer closets, woman-caves, and man-caves.
  • I am seeing people skip traditional church so they can prostrate themselves before the Lord in prayer for three solid hours on Sunday mornings, gathering together with their small group of believers later in the week.
  • I am also seeing people beginning to carry the secret of the Lord in new and greater ways, as we read about in Psalm 25:14: The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant (NKJV). The level of revelation and heart change the Lord is bringing to individuals only comes to those who have heard the knock of the Savior at their heart’s door; who have let Him come in to them and sup with them, and they with Him. (See Revelation 3:20.)

In this new move of God, He is pulling His beloved ones back to the ancient paths.

People are eschewing performance and ritual in favor of the (old) “new and living way”—the way of communion and intimacy with Christ. And in this new season of unmarketable, unglamorous Acts 2 church, people are learning to draw from the Well of Living Water for themselves—instead of looking to be spoon-fed by or codependent on man’s religious constructs and opinions about “real church.”

Characteristic #4: Depth, transformation, and fruit are the new measurements of success, rather than numbers, dollars, and appearances.

This particular change is one of the most pressing transformations the American church has needed in a long time. In many cases, we have built a culture that emphasizes church attendance, numbers of people who have filled out a salvation card, and celebrity status.

However, we have often neglected ongoing, in-person discipleship on Monday through Saturday. And it is only through ongoing discipleship that we can make sure people who “prayed the prayer and filled out a card” even meant it.

It is only through weekly, daily mentoring that we can build disciples of Christ, rather than church attenders and concert-goers. And it is only through humility, heart change, and personal fruit that any person can even become strong enough to witness for Jesus and sustain a ministry that makes disciples of all nations.

The Lord is bringing us back to the ancient paths.

He is bringing us back to the things that are real, true, and pure. He is refining our motives, our hearts, and our preferences. He is opening the eyes of His people to discern between what glorifies Him versus what glorifies man. He is bringing His Body back to prayer, to the study of the Word, to fasting, and to personal evangelism and discipleship.

And I believe it’s time for us all to seek Him in these matters, asking Him what He would like to separate from us so that He can separate US to Himself.

As we conclude this series, I am reminded of how the church of old was built.

Firstly, in Matthew 16:18, Jesus said that He Himself would build His church.

Therefore, His techniques are the only ones that matter. In modern times, we need to humble ourselves enough to recognize when a thing is more about a “vision” or a man than it is about the central presence of Christ.

Secondly, if we look at Jesus’ techniques, we see that HE chose to share His daily life with His 12 disciples.

He didn’t tell them to stay home and meet Him for an hour on Sunday and Wednesday. They left their all and followed Him, and He did real life with them for three years. He made disciples by sharing His heart and life with His disciples.

Jesus’ disciples (all except Judas) became the pillars of the early church. Daily discipleship and mentoring are lacking in many church environments, but it is absolutely Biblical and godly to find a place where you can be discipled—and where you can also make disciples, as iron sharpens iron—on a daily basis.

Thirdly, when Jesus built His church in the book of Acts, we see that He caused and ordained all kinds of gatherings from house to house.

There were teachers and apostles and bishops and appropriate structures, but it wasn’t a “join my megachurch and come volunteer for me every week” type of construct. The focus was on Jesus, who met with His ekklesia wherever two or three gathered in His name. And the small gatherings were honored as much as the larger gatherings.

Finally, as the Word was preached from house to house, great signs and wonders followed—which led to massive numbers of conversions to Christ.

If we could return to the Word being preached from house to house—not merely from stage to stage—I believe we would see the Gospel going forth in greater ways than ever before.

Beloved, the church is, in many cases, leaving the church in order to find authentic church.

This is not a bad thing, but it is a different thing. There is a reformation going on. Christ is literally reshaping the local expressions of His Body in order to bring people into more intimacy with, and dependence upon, Himself.

In many cases, He is bringing people into smaller, more intimate, less glamorous, but deeper local church expressions (including home groups and micro-churches). By doing so, I believe He is actually accelerating the process of purifying His bride.

When people spend more time in relationship and community like Psalm 133 describes, being exhorted and taught personally—as well as having opportunity to exercise and grow in their own spiritual gifts—we are seeing the Lord transform His children at speed. Those transformed sons and daughters, thus equipped, are then able to get out into the harvest field, rather than sitting around waiting for a pastor who doesn’t even know them to promote them.

Could it be, therefore, that this great migration toward micro-churches is in answer to Jesus’ own prayer request?

Remember Matthew 9:35-38 as we conclude this series:

Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:35-38 NKJV).

When people get lost in the crowd, accustomed to “watching the man” do the ministry, they do not become effective harvesters in the Kingdom. But when people are sharpened, discipled, equipped, stretched, encouraged, exhorted, and accountable in community and in total submission to the Word, they quickly become laborers in those fields that are white with harvest.

Are you sensing the Lord moving you into an Acts chapter 2 church environment? If so, leave your thoughts below.

This article is the 4th in a series. You may also be interested in Leaving the Church: Flesh or Spirit?A Growing Hunger for ‘True Church’ and  Does God Ever Break Up Churches?

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of Victory In the Camp of the Lord Volume 1: Healing from Fear. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring on her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, which is available through your favorite podcast streaming app. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Mrs. E
August 31, 2023

This is the first I have heard of this migration, and it fills me with joy. God called me to prayer and then fasting in 2010. There is nothing special about the date, just that I heard him fully calling me so that it was unmistakable. It has been a journey toward Him ever since. I have also been praying for God to create armies of prayer warriors, and this is proof that He is moving in that direction. I don’t believe it was me that started praying for it, I believe that God put it in my heart, and He is doing with all who submit to Him. Praise the LORD. This is such good news.

August 11, 2023

Great article. I truly believe people can get lost or hide in large congregations. That is fact. Praying that the Acts church will rise in the body of Christ.

August 7, 2023

I have friends and family who have left the church building but I don’t always see them gather with others to pray and worship and share. I think there is room for both. I prefer a 200 active member church but I go to a thousand person church. I am not as involved, true. But people who want to be involved should join the small groups that all big churches usually have and encourage people to join.
We shouldn’t close the door on either. We had a home church for a couple of years and it didn’t work for us.

August 7, 2023

I would add that New Testament church allowed for many people to minister and use their gifts. I see now evidence in the New Testaments of churches where one person was the preacher/pastor and one person was the worhip leader and everyone else was relegated to the role of spactoator. Jesus empowered His disciples and sent them out to do the work of the ministry. It time for pastors to start making room for other gifts, visions and ministries.

Sheila Price
August 5, 2023

I left the church about 12 years ago and I discovered how we are to be in Relationship first and foremost with Yeshua. It’s taken time to get the religion out of me but my relationship with Him is so much better than it ever was in “The Church”.
I just recently found a Rhema Church that works in the 5 fold ministries and I am so pleased with it. They allow Holy Spirit to be in control of the service instead of the clock, far different from the denomination I came out of.
It’s such a breath of fresh air.
Praise be to Yehovah God.
It’s a small church but it is growing.

Mary Beth
August 5, 2023

Abba – first and foremost – I want to be obedient to Your will and Your way. So, as You know my husband and I left the institutional church in 2006, at your direction. It was not because we: were disgruntled; were bitter; had our own agendas; were rebellious to Godly authority; were rebellious to Biblical Truth and authority; were angry because our needs were not being met – or any other of the many ‘wrong’ reasons for ceasing to attend services at an institutional church. We were spiritually discontent, and rightfully so. We did want to develop authentic relationships with brothers and sisters in Yeshua. (not settle for shallow platitudes and fake smiles) We did want to experience the “every joint supplies” kind of functioning the early church experienced. (not accept being spoon fed pre-digested doctrines of man) We did want the accountability of small group dynamics. (not blend into the pews once or twice a week) We did want the opportunity to truly discuss God’s Word, share our own experiences, and learn from others. (not to be essentially muzzled) We wanted to experience the “one-anothering” Scripture describes. We wanted to be the church, not go to a building called a church. The early church did not meet in homes simply because they didn’t have other buildings available – as Doug pointed out. It wasn’t so much about where they met – it was about meeting daily, and how they met and functioned as the body of Christ under one head – Yeshua, and with the empowerment of Holy Spirit. Remember, the tabernacle and temple were designed by God so He could dwell among His people Israel. Now we, corporately and individually, are His temple – His building – which He indwells by Holy Spirit. We are the church. As a couple we simply wanted to experience the fullness of what that means. Not many truly desire these same things, or are fearful of pursuing them and our journey has sometimes been lonely as a result. But it has been rich in that we have found that those who desire His Kingdom to come and His will to be done will ask, seek and knock, and You will give, we will find, and the door will be opened to us. Luke 11 LORD, may any paradigm shift that frees the church to be all that You designed her to be, come to pass – speedily!

David Medford
August 5, 2023

I’ve noticed this phenomenon in churches that I have gone to

Vickie Unrue
August 5, 2023

While I too have felt this calling of the Lord Jesus to be more set apart and to focus more deeply on studying His Word, more recently I’ve longed for a group of fellow Christians with similar enthusiasm to join in study, prayer, communion, breaking of bread and fellowship in an intimate environment where we put no time constraints on the Holy Spirit and just move with Him in His purpose to Glorify and Worship the Lord Jesus in whatever way seems appropriate at that time.

Yet it is crucial to remember that the Lord sent His Disciples to the four corners of the earth, to spread the Gospel Good News to ALL Peoples. What came out of that was the many Churches that we are so Blessed to have today. Lives were lost in order to bring about all those Churches. So it must have been very important to Jesus, that we have them and attend them and submit ourselves to Godly Christian Leadership.

But even more importantly, we are called to be Salt and Light. Church attendance isn’t just about us getting our own spiritual nourishment needs and desires for comfort met or our own deeper education in the Lord’s ways met, unless we then show up to meet those same needs in others. We are ourselves called to not forsake gathering together, not just because we need spiritual nourishment, but because our Brothers and Sisters in Christ also gleen from, grow from, are nourished, protected and comforted by us being present to let the Lord’s light shine through us and into their lives as well. We must be the Salt that not only seasons their lives, but preserves them in their spiritual walk with the Lord.

So, my prayer is that we can perhaps find a healthy balance and pray for our Churches and their Leaders, speak with them about your concerns and impress upon our Church leaders to seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance about perhaps scaling the services to be more representative of the Acts 2 Church. I don’t believe Jesus had His Disciples over thousands of years to do all this work to build our Churches, just for us to abandon them to go back to small churches and small groups only. There is something very special about corporate worship when it’s all about seeking the heart of God.
Meanwhile, through the rest of the week, we still seek to live out that Acts 2 type of small gathering, for fellowship, breaking of bread and worshipped the Lord in smaller more intimate group settings that let us dive deeper into the teachings of Jesus and the Word of God, and taking communion together and living in peace and joy together in harmony.

Doug Domokos
August 5, 2023

Please read Acts2:46 – the Acts church met in both the temple & houses, not either/or. Luke 4:16 says Jesus went into the synagogue “as was his custom” or habit. He didn’t abandon the large group gathering as corrupt as it was & even though they tried to kill Him (see vs.28-29). Yes, many church leaders & people are abusing Jesus’ original purposes for His Bride, but what would happen if we really prayed for revival for the church instead of running away to do our own thing to meet our own ideas & needs? WWJD?

    Sheila Price
    August 5, 2023

    You are right… but when a person or small group in a congregation have spent LOTS of time in prayer for the leader to be Holy Spirit filled and led but because of false teachings in the seminaries, that speaking in tongues is not of God, they wouldn’t, and when one tries to get the congregation to participate in LOCAL mission rather than sending money off to a foreign country, and they refuse to get involved in local mission work… one, (I) finally threw my hands up and eased on out of that church.
    Now I am a caregiver for my stepson so my outside the home time is a little limited but I am willing to get in and help this new church I am a part of do things in the community… it’s not my local community, but in the county next to mine.

    August 31, 2023

    Yes, that is true, doug I agree with you that is true. In Jesus Christ name, you go right on boy and preached and say the 2 of the word of God in Jesus Christ name. Amen

Dennis Grimm
August 5, 2023

Maybe it would be appropriate to apologize to the Apostle Paul for his attempts to build the Church in every city he preached at.
I say this to show that we need to look at the whole word not just the parts that follow what we want to do. We aren’t commanded to reject leadership because we want to do something different. We are all called to build on the foundation of Christ in the way that He chooses, not the way we choose. I’m certainly not against small intimate relationships but I’m also not for rejecting what God has done through other believers who have gone before us.

Beth Jones
August 5, 2023

First of all, Thank You IFA for allowing this contributing wrtier to state her Holy Spirit inspired Word from the Father’s heart. It was here that my husband and I first heard of From His Presence ministry and what a blessing it has been!
Second, Thank You Jamie Rohrbaugh for boldly speaking and writing from God’s heart.

Mamie cherry
August 5, 2023

This has blessed me sooo much. I thank you for allowing God to use you in such a way. I do want to be an Acts chapter 2 servant. I’m tired of church as usual. Everything is so microwavable. Give one hour to God how dare we put a time limit on God. I desire more.

August 5, 2023

The Church is the Bride of Christ; no person, group or entity has the right to consider
it to be their “business venture”. God has ordained certain things and ungodly, greedy,
evil people have decided they would set the standards and forget God’s standards.
Because of certain ungodly behaviors in the church I was attending, I had to honor God
by actually not going to that church. For a person who loves the Lord, this is so hard to take.
The desire to worship God will cause us to overlook certain things that God Himself does not
advocate, if we selfishly desire our own comfort and ignore the counsel of the Holy Spirit.
God let me see how desperately I wanted that comfort and I tried going back by selecting a
church that was familiar to me, and the one I grew up in (Mom and Dad would be happy!)
But, embedded in that “worship” that I loved and wanted to keep loving was the encroaching
evil of the permissiveness of the world’s ways: Not God’s. It is such a sad, sad thing for me.
But, God encourages me that I saw what was going on and even though I want and need that
comfort of going to church, I cannot embrace an ungodly “doctrine” in order to have that.
The big problem with it all is that people think it is all about them and it is not all about them.
It is all about God: The true end and scope of life. He is more than enough and He is the God
of all Comfort.
I pray that God will be glorified in all the earth.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Maribeth Bieber
August 5, 2023

I feel the same way about church. I have no desire to go to church at least not any of them that I have been to in Ohio, Youngstown area. All the things you say are true about the big churches. I believe that there is no move of the Holy Spirit like in the past. I don’t get what I need. I am willing to go where if any place The Lord leads. I have grown closer to the Lord at home with a good Pastor great prayers, prophecy, communion at home send tithing where needed. And be filled with the Holy Spirit right here at home with friends and family and Jesus, Papa God and The Holy Spirit.

August 5, 2023

Yes! About a year ago it really struck me in my Bible reading that we should look to the first church…acts 2. I talked with my pastor and we began. A campaign of breaking bread together and meeting an additional week day as a church… from there a couple small groups have formed. This article gives even more support and truth to doing church Gods way. Thank you. I want more of Him in my church!

August 5, 2023

If this is God’s desire, the Holy Spirit will surely move in these home churches and it will be glorious. It will not be under man’s control, for we have to be reminded by the times we are living in, these days appear to be the last days. We can already see the corruption/dysfunction of what man has done in organized church.

Lori Meed
August 5, 2023

My heart is soaring to read this! Hospitality, community around the table, intimacy with the Lord and others have long been my gold standard for fellowship. Two or more years ago the Lord asked to challenge the young ones I walk with to ask Him what ‘church’ looks like without a building. I am longing to see the fuller expression of this as Jesus builds His ekklesia and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!

August 5, 2023

In Jesus’ time followers were receiving the actual Body and Blood of Christ (it was not just symbolic) Small groups are beautiful but in those groups they do not receive the Consecrated Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    August 5, 2023

    Yes, Jesus established this so we might be closer to him

    Mary Beth
    August 5, 2023

    Communion may be shared by any and all true believers in Yeshua. The instruction in Scripture is simple – “as oft as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me.” I Cor. 11;24-25

August 5, 2023

This is a very encouraging article in that it reveals what has been happening in so many hearts for many years is now happening in outward expression–that is, the deep deep hungering for the move of God in a raw, real, community expression. I’m all for it. However, there is one caution that we should be highly aware of, and that is, “accountability”. This can be a breeding ground for false teaching to arise and take root. So, pray that no bitter root, nor false ideas/teaching will grow up within the small groups. Let us plant the seed of pure devotion and the fear of the Lord. Let us know the Word of the Lord in our hearts, then be sent out as Jesus sent out His disciples in Matthew 10. Let us be His people declaring His praises (Peter 2:9)

    Vickie Unrue
    August 5, 2023

    Excellent point. Thank you for reminding us all that we must always be on our guard so as not to become mislead by any false doctrine or false teachings. We must all be accountable to God, to His Holy Word and to the Leaders we know that we can trust, who watch over us, and that we can turn to for truthful guidance about following the Lord and remaining in His will.

    Mary Beth
    August 5, 2023

    False teachers and false prophets can operate in any setting, large/small – institution/house church – etc. We are individually and corporately responsible for knowing YHVH and knowing His Word, so that we will not be deceived. The best way to know what is counterfeit is to know what is genuine, and reject anything less, or anything different. Holy Spirit will guard and protect all who are genuinely seeking Truth.


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