Democratic Virtues Cannot Persist Without Christianity

Our nation has faced moral decay, and the erasure of Christianity has accelerated the process. We must pray. From WORLD. Perhaps itā€™s my relative youth showing, or what C.S. Lewis referred to as ā€œchronological snobbery,ā€ but surveying the surrounding culture and observing the increasing polarity of our national debates, I often think to myself, ā€œhave … Continued

Oprah Backs Fetterman in Senate Race

As celebrities jump into the political fray, we must not be swayed. Let’s pray that people vote for God’s choice, not necessarily Oprah’s. From Breitbart. Oprah Winfrey jumped into the political fray this week when she endorsed Democrat Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman over her longtime friend, Dr. Mehmet Oz. Pray for your fellow intercessor. … Continued

Digital Tool for Denial of Religious Exemptions

“Religious Accommodations Appeal Generator” (RAGG)? This is not the respect for religious liberty that our government should demonstrate. Let’s pray that our religious freedoms are protected in this critical time. From The Dossier. The Dossier has obtained the ā€œdigital toolā€ that at least one branch of the U.S. military has been using to mass-deny soldiers … Continued

The Power of Adoption in a Post-Roe World

There is a crisis in our foster care system right now. Tens of thousands of kids are going without families. The church could fix this. From The Christian Post. When you turn on your iPhone, MacBook, or iPad today, thank a courageous birth mom who didnā€™t abort the genius who would become the founder of … Continued

True the Vote Update: Urgent Prayer Needed

Gregg Phillips has alerted friends that Catherine Engelbrecht is experiencing health problems while they are being held in a federal detention center. He has asked for immediate prayer. Please pray for the health and protection of both Gregg and Catherine while they are political prisoners. Why do we use the term “political prisoners”? We recommend … Continued

A ‘Pandemic Amnesty?’ What Do You Think?

2020 was a dark time. As covid emerged as an unknown threat, many people made hasty, shortsighted decisions. Is it time to forgive them? This author, writing forĀ The Atlantic, suggests that we offer amnesty to those who wronged us and made incorrect decisions during the pandemic, especially during its earliest stages. On one hand, we … Continued

‘Disruption’: Prophetic Analysis of Twitter Shakeup

Analysis. Twitterā€™s new CEO Elon Musk has shaken up the company, the tech industry, and all of Washington, D.C. with his takeover of the company. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   For those not on Twitter, I can tell you that Twitter is THE social media platform of Washington, D.C. Every pollster, … Continued

Debunking “Christian Nationalism”

Have you heard the term “Christian Nationalism”? Find out the source of this term and how it is being used to demoralize, discredit, disunify, and paralyze the Church. Watch the prayer webcast and download the Special Report Prayer Guide. Have you been called a Christian Nationalist? Share your experience, your impressions from the Holy Spirit … Continued

NPR Plays Abortion on Air

As Live Action tweeted, this is nothing more than “a recording of murder.” We must pray against this disregard for human life. We have included the recording from NPR, but also the testimony of an abortionist who no longer performs abortions and a very well-madeĀ video about a sonographer’s experience with abortion. Is there someone in … Continued

Please Pray for Persecuted Christians!

One Christian is killed every two hours. According to Open Doors USA that is the average for Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa. Not fined, imprisoned, or denied nourishment ā€” all harsh examples of persecution in their own right. But killed. Murdered for being followers of Christ. Post a prayer for your state!   … Continued

WEF: Majority of Humans Unnecessary

Infamous globalist Yuval Noah Harari recently called the majority of people “unnecessary.” Why is this man with his strange views allowed such prominence in elite circles?Let’s pray against this antibiblical lie. The Bible says that God knew us before He formed us and planned us before the beginning of time. We know that every life … Continued

Vote Integrity Laws Work in Georgia

Opponents said new election integrity laws in Georgia would suppress the vote. They were wrong. Let’s thank God for this answered prayer. From WORLD. In 2021, Republicans in Georgia revised the stateā€™s election code. The governor of Georgia claimed the state would make it ā€œeasier to vote and harder to cheat.ā€ Stacey Abrams, Joe Biden, … Continued


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