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Father, we pray that You would protect Ohio's constitution. Prevent the left from enshrining abortion, sex change surgeries, and all manner of sin into state constitutions!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tuesday’s vote decides whether the left is able to enshrine unbiblical principles into Ohio’s state constitution. Intercessors, let’s pray!

From The Washington Stand. In the frantic lead-up to next Tuesday’s vote on Issue 1, the latest polling from Ohio Northern University shows both sides in a dead heat. Proponents are even up by a hair (42.4% to 41%) — shocking the radicals who’ve pumped millions of dollars into the state from outside groups. …

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Under Issue 1, the threshold for passing a constitutional amendment would jump from 50% to 60%, a move that would make it inordinately more difficult for the Left to hijack the state’s founding document. …

“All we’re talking about here is [changing] how we amend our state constitution,” Citizens for Community Virtues President Aaron Baer explained on “Washington Watch” Monday. “… The bottom line is, our state’s constitution, just like the U.S. Constitution, should be more difficult to amend than just state law.” …

Otherwise, Baer went on, “with a state constitution that’s so easily manipulated, so easily amended, the Left has recognized that their biggest advantage is the deep pockets of their funders like George Soros and the ACLU and Planned Parenthood and the unions. And so they recognize they don’t actually need to win state legislative races or governor’s races … They can just spend as much money as they want to manipulate voters, to put on deceptive ads, and get their entire agenda into our state constitution, locking it in for generations to come.”

That agenda is breathing down the Buckeye State’s neck, now that an amendment to Ohio’s constitution has qualified for the November ballot. “If this amendment [passes],” legal expert Carrie Severino warns, “and Ohioans allow it to become part of the state constitution, their elected representatives in Columbus will be powerless to pass any statute that would undo the damage. If voters do not reject this proposal, they can expect to suffer its extreme consequences well into the indefinite future.”

Those consequences, Severino spells out in frightening clarity, are not only abortion-on-demand right up to the moment of birth (erasing the six-week limit the governor just signed), they also extend to “any medical procedure that involves the human reproductive system, including sex-change surgery.” Worse, “the proposal makes no distinction between adults and minors,” and parents would have zero authority to intervene — that is, if they’re even notified. …

Issue 1 is the state’s attempt to cut all of this off at the pass. The legislature intentionally scheduled this vote for August 8, in the hopes that a special election could beat the Left’s disastrous amendment to the punch and disqualify the initiative before it gets to voters. …

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(Excerpt from The Washington Stand. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Jan S
August 9, 2023

As an Ohio resident, I thank all who prayed for us. Sadly, the lies about Issue 1–that people’s votes would no longer count—convinced voters to vote against it. It takes a 75% vote to change the bylaws in my condo association but a simple majority to change the state constitution. Please, please, please pray for us in the days leading up to the November election, that wisdom and discernment will prevail and the pro-abortion movement will not succeed in expanding abortion rights and access to sexual reassignment surgery.

    Susan CC
    August 9, 2023

    Jan, I am just one of many who prayed. I was so saddened this morning when I checked the result…BUT I distinctly heard, “this is for the greater good.” So, like you, I continue to pray and I am believing The Lord has a greater good in what we are viewing as a loss.

    Father God, please bless Ohio’s upcoming election and every election to take place in our nation.. I pray You will replace the wicked with Godly and righteous men and women. To God be the glory in praise to You Father, to You Jesus, and to You Holy Spirit. Amen

August 8, 2023

Father, I pray for people to vote YES on issue #1.Voting yes is a vote for life and against the indoctrination of our children and grandchildren. I pray for people to understand the importance of this issue and will make the time to go the polls to VOTE YES. It is a privilege to participate in our government. May we not be deceived into thinking that 1 vote doesn’t matter – 1 vote does matter!! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!”. We know this is an absolutely true statement!! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Lauri Roberts
August 8, 2023

Ohio’s state motto…With God all things are possible. The ACLU tried to change this motto but were thwarted. LORD GOD intervene again for us. Ohio will be your state, blessed and free. Thank you Jesus

    Susan CC
    August 8, 2023

    Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for Your blessing of victory today in Ohio. I pray a special blessing for Lauri, her words encouraged me. Thank You for Your mercy, it is new EVERY morning. May Your blessing and mercy rain down on Ohio today. Yes, Laurie….Thank You Jesus. AMEN

August 7, 2023

Lord- Lord thank you that conservatives are slightly ahead in this fight to eradicate the left’s agenda to make the state constitution of Ohio useless. Lord put a bulwark of your holy power around this issue and let the hearts and minds of legislators be convicted Lord to see the error of their ways and repent Lord that everyone coming to the vote Lord would be convicted in their conscience to vote for this measure or this law to increase the percentage required in the Ohio Constitution to amend that Constitution-,that perversion could be kept out of the constitution.. and Lord let it be a witness unto your glory and an example to all states Lord that a state’s Constitution should not be the hiding place for evil in the Distortion of the process of creating laws that make constitutions stand on a Godly Foundation. In Jesus name, Amen

    Susan CC
    August 8, 2023

    “…a state’s Constitution should not be the hiding place…” HJ

    “You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word.” The Psalmist

    I believe I was suppose to come back here this morning to read your comment and to be reminded that “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” Hebrews 4:13 I agree, evil has NO hiding place and certainly not in the Constitution of Ohio. It declares in gratitude, that God is Almighty and His blessing secures their welfare. Father, may this be so today in EVERY vote and may ALL Ohio praise You for the victory of freedom over this proposed evil. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen

    We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our general welfare, do establish this Constitution.
    — Ohio Constitution, Preamble

August 7, 2023

Abba, put it upon the hearts of your people who are called by your name to stand up and vote for life! Move as only you can do and send confusion into the camp of the enemy. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Darlene Estlow
August 7, 2023

Father, we bring this matter before you. What a breathtaking statement: Proponents are even up by a hair (42.4% to 41%). You are truly working on our behalf inspite of all the money the wicked are pouring into the defeat of this issue. Many who say to vote no are not aware of the dangers of this issue not passing. We praise you that you are mindful of our prayers. We praise your name. You are worthy of all praise and trust.

Mary B Phillips
August 7, 2023

Lord Jesus, we make our Appeal to Heaven that You will protect all life, especially pre-born humans, in Ohio. Lord stop those who want abortion legalized there to not be able to get out the vote. We pray You show them there is God , the Only True God in Heaven, who is pro-life and He is in control of the government in Ohio as the voters go to the polls there tomorrow, Aug 8, 2023.
In Deut 30: 15-20 You tell us that You set before Israel “life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life that you and your children may live..”

We say: America choose LIFE!
We join in prayer with your remnant in Ohio, knowing the enemy is trying the same tactics in South Dakota and 10 other states where abortions stopped after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v Wade.
God, we declare and decree Your will be done today in Ohio as it is in heaven, especially regarding abortion and all the evil schemesvof the enemy who was defeated when Jesus freely gave up His life on Calvary so that we may live with You forever in heaven.
We declare and decree America shall be saved and America shall be free from legalized abortion to your glory and honor.

    Susan CC
    August 8, 2023

    “America Choose LIFE!” AmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmenAmen!!

Susan CC
August 7, 2023

“Father, we pray that You would protect Ohio’s constitution. Prevent the left from enshrining abortion, sex change surgeries, and all manner of sin into state constitutions!”

enshrine: to assign a high status or value to

Dear Abba Father, there is no value in taking the life of a child. As far as status goes, anyone who would kill a child moments from birth, has NO position. Please Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray You will not let this amendment pass. I pray in these hours and minutes prior to voting, You change minds, reverse plans and totally frustrate (to annihilation) this plan of the devil. Amen

    Susan CC
    August 7, 2023

    …..PS …Father, there is no value in sex change mutilation. As far as status goes, anyone who would mutilate a child has NO position. Please Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray You will not let this amendment pass. I pray in these hours and minutes prior to voting, You change minds, reverse plans and totally frustrate (to annihilation) this plan of the devil. Amen

Karen Bennett
August 7, 2023

Heavenly Father, I Jesus’ name I shout DOWN the ungodly attempt to enshrine sin in Ohio’s constitution. I ask You to cause Issue 1 to pass with a massive margin in Ohio, so that it is more difficult to change Ohio’s constitution, and let the Truth of the heinousness of what the ungodly are attempting to do motivate all believers in you to go to the polls to Pass Issue 1, and later, to vote Down the constitutional ammendment! We BIND Issue 1 to PASS, and we loose the consitutional amendment to FAIL.

Ken Budz
August 7, 2023

Lord may Your will be done concerning this issue. Amen.

    August 8, 2023

    GOD’S WORD already told us HIS WILL in the matter of abortion and life! “Thou shalt not kill!” Abortion is killing a baby! “Choose Life that you and your seed (children…both inside and outside the womb) shall live! Read your Bible! GOD’S Will is plain on every page! FATHER GOD please speak to YOUR people and let them know YOU and YOUR WILL concerning every matter we face, in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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