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Marriage Crisis Threatens China

China has problems that are carefully hidden. This article reveals moral and cultural decay and the potential for a great decline. From The Epoch Times. President Xi JinpingĀ recently vowedĀ to launch comprehensive initiatives to addressĀ Chinaā€™s rapidly decliningĀ birth rate. Behind the bombastic rhetoric, however, there lies a truly sobering fact: new policies probably wonā€™t be enough to … Continued

Is Your Pension Invested in Chinese Communists?

As China seeks to dominate and influence us, we must make sure we aren’t helping them by giving them federal funds. From Center for Security Policy. This week, the U.S. Senate has an opportunity to prevent the pension funds of federal government employees ā€“ past and present, military and civilian ā€“ from being invested in … Continued

The Red Wave That Really Matters

Analysis. For a number of reasons, I would have preferred to see the Republicans take back both the House and Senate in fairly decisive ways. This would have effectively thwarted the implementation of what I believe to be a very destructive leftist agenda. And I voted accordingly in my own state. Get involved in state … Continued

Pro-Life Victories Challenge the Narrative

Amid countless sad results from the election, the pro-abortion narrative started to crack. We need bold pro-lifers in Washington, D.C.! From The Federalist. Democrats wanted to make the 2022 midterms about the death ofĀ Roe v. WadeĀ but several key Republican wins prove the leftā€™s abortion obsession isnā€™t always a winning issue. Get involved in state level … Continued

From Demon-Possessed to Evangelist

This powerful testimony is a perfect demonstration of the Lord’s power and love. Let’s pray that more people are freed like Casie. From The Christian Post. The saying “opposites attract” is how 34-year-old Oklahoma resident Casie George describes the “toxic and abusive” relationship with her parents as a child. And the phrase “you are a … Continued

Are Republican Senators Turning on McConnell?

Senator Josh Hawley is just one of many Republican Senators who has voice opposition of McConnell. Let’s pray for God’s will. From Breitbart. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said that he would not support Mitch McConnell for Senate Majority Leader if the Republican Party takes back the Senate. Get prayer updates from IFA.   The senator … Continued

Biden’s New Pick for IRS Head

Biden intends to nominate a new head for the IRS. Let’s pray that Werfel becomes a righteous leader and that he won’t abuse his power. From The Epoch Times. President Joe Biden on Nov. 10 announced his intent to nominate former acting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner under the Obama administration, Danny Werfel, to be … Continued

Federal Judge Strikes Down Loan Forgiveness Program

Biden’s unconstitutional student loan forgiveness program has been struck down. This is a huge answered prayer! From CBN News. A federal judge in Texas has struck down the Biden administration’s student debt relief program Thursday, calling it “unlawful”. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman said the program undermined Congress’ power … Continued

Another Evil Attempt to Hijack Education

Analysis. As concerned parents continue trying to tackle pressing issues in their local schools, the threat of yet another attempt to hijack Americaā€™s educational system looms. The United Nations and other powerful entities are working with global elites to transform education using climate change as their weapon of choice. This takeover demands our prayers and … Continued

Brazil’s Fight for Freedom

Analysis. As America continues fighting for election integrity, another country is battling similar enemies and circumstances. Suspicions of a stolen election linger over Brazil, the biggest country in Latin America, causing massive unrest among its citizens, who see the shadow of socialism looming overhead. Rumors of widespread election fraud there are running rampant and quickly … Continued

Election 2022: A Global Perspective

Intercessor, don’t miss this special interview! Who is praying on the wall?   For this past week’sĀ Pray with America’s Leaders, IFA’s Kris Kubal sat down with Mideast expert Bill Koening to discuss the midterm elections, controversy in Brazil, and new leadership in Israel. Make sure you watch this video to find out how we can … Continued

The Story Behind IFA’s Christmas Ornament

Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022! In January, 1973, the Supreme Court made abortion the law of the land. Nine months later, IFA was formed by a group of Christian leaders who believed that God invites us to join Him in advancing His kingdom by shaping history through prayer and fasting. One of the … Continued


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