Take Time to Thank God

IFA invites you to take a break from negative headlines and join us in thanking God for what He has done this year in our nation and the many answered prayers we have witnessed. Today IFA’s prayer webcast Pray with Others Live will focus entirely on thanksgiving. It will be interactive! We are asking you … Continued

A Heart for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving brings to mind turkey, homemade stuffing, family and friends gathered around the table, and football in the afternoon… a wonderful day to enjoy loved ones and relax. Of course, God wants us to enjoy this day of Thanksgiving with family and friends, however, for us who are in Christ, Thanksgiving should be more than … Continued

The Ministry of Kingdom Hospitality

Come to my home, and the first room you will walk into is my kitchen. I will take your coat and offer you a cup of warm tea. Over the years, Iā€™ve watched a bowl of soup and a cup of tea warm the souls of the hurting and broken. Something about nourishing food and … Continued

Thanking God for These 10 Blessings Will Enrich Your Thanksgiving

With the avalanche of anxiety-producing stories in the news, arenā€™t you glad we can pause this week and express gratitude to God for our manifold blessings? Letā€™s considerĀ ten areas often overlooked that can cultivate the attitude of gratitude we need personally and in our families. Visit your state page to pray.   First of all, … Continued

The True Story of Thanksgiving

IFA Founder Derek Prince explains the true story of the Pilgrims, the first Thanksgiving, and the importance of fasting–all of which can speak to us today. Having been educated in Britain, I do not recall ever having learned anything at school about the Pilgrims. The phrase, ā€œPilgrim Fathers,ā€ commonly used by Americans, had created in … Continued

Pilgrims Past, Futureā€¦ and Present

Two dramas celebrating the Pilgrims are available now to direct your prayer life, and a third is on its way. Iā€™m a bit in awe of how the Lord has placed me on all three projects about our spiritual forebears, but it shouldnā€™t be surprising religious persecution is a common theme these days! Post a … Continued

Suicidal Thoughts Rising in Youth

The enemy is coming for our children. We must pray that they hear more from God than from him. Protect them, Lord! From The Christian Post. Suicide rates and mental health-related hospital visits among youth were rising before the COVID-19 pandemic but surged even higher during the lockdowns, according to a new study. Have you … Continued

Moms for Liberty-Backed School Board Members Take Action

This is a huge answered prayer! Let’s pray that we continue to see wins like this across the nation for parents and children. From NBC News. On Tuesday evening, the Berkeley County School District in South Carolina swore in the board members who were elected last week, six of whom were endorsed by the conservative … Continued

Be Bold in the Face of Persecution!

In the face of growing persecution and oppression from the culture and the government, the church must be bold. From Sean Feucht. Congress is in a lame-duck session, but that won’t stop Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumerā€™s efforts to pass a gay marriage bill, the passage of which signals a coming attack on the church. … Continued

Demonic ‘Prayers’ Affirm Euthanasia

A Canadian minister wrote these prayers that affirm euthanasia. These demonic counterfeits have no place in the church. From The Daily Wire. As Canada prepares to loosen laws related to medical assistance in dying [MAID], prayers published by the United Church of Canada designed to help sick and disabled people follow through with the lethal … Continued

Disneyā€™s ā€˜Not-At-All-Secret Gay Agenda’

Disney’s gay agenda, proudly announced earlier this year, is continuing to barrel on with film after film. Let’s pray for our children. From CBN News. Disney’s next animated motion picture release titledĀ Strange World will mark a first for the company founded by Walt Disney in 1923. It will feature a gay teen romance. … Get … Continued

Give Him 15 – The Reversal of Evil Decrees

Just like Esther, the church today has been chosen for such a time as this. We must stand strong and prepare for reversals and revival. From Give Him 15. Jane Hamon is the wife of the incomparable Tom Hamon, and daughter-in-law of Dr. Bill Hamon, the person whom I consider to be the patriarch – … Continued


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