Devotional Available as Gift with Donation

Join IFA intercessors to pray through the My Daily Pursuit devotional–now available as a gift with a donation. Click here to get your copy in time to start reading it in the new year together as an IFA community. It also makes a great meaningful gift for those you love! Click below to get your … Continued

Engelbrecht Stresses the Importance of Election Integrity

This is a critical time for our nation. If we hope to keep what makes America great, we need to defend our elections. From The Epoch Times. The most valuable lesson aĀ True the VoteĀ co-founder took from being jailed for contempt of court a week before the 2022 midterms was the realization of how important theĀ right … Continued

Musk Hopes to Test Neural Microchips on Humans

This is not headed in a good direction. This transhumanistic development could have biblical consequences. Let’s cover it in prayer. From Fox Business. Twitter and TeslaĀ CEO Elon MuskĀ announced a big development Wednesday in the brain chip innovation by his company Neuralink. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The business mogul said the wireless device, … Continued

Thousands of Pedophiles Released from Prison

As California softens on crime, thousands of convicted pedophiles in the state are being released early. How could this happen? From Daily Mail. Pedophiles are getting less than a year prison time after a range of horrific acts, including raping kids under 14, a investigation reveals. Connect with others in your state in prayer. … Continued

Govt Releases Migrant Kids to Traffickers

Children are being trafficked on our dime. This horrifying news from a government whistleblower needs urgent and desperate intercession. From Project Veritas. Project Veritas released a new video today featuring a whistleblower working within a federal government agency. ā€¦ Find out when your state prays.   The whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, volunteered to assist the … Continued

Balenciaga, Child Abuse, and Moral Relativism

Something is going on here that cannot be ignored. Our only hope to combat this is in prayer and revival. Let’s go to God. From The Federalist. Itā€™s hard to think of an episode more tailored to confirm the wildest conspiracy theories of QAnon ā€” that global elites are a bunch of Satan-worshipping pedophiles ā€” … Continued

Pastor’s Creative Way to Teach Truth on LGBTQ+

As the LGBT movement seeks to steal and convert our children, we must fill their minds with light and with biblical truth. From The Western Journal. An Arizona pastor has come up with an ingenious way of combating the drag queen story hour rage sweeping the nation: He held his own story hour. Join others … Continued

Persevering Faith: The Key to Persistent Prayers

I recently met a seasoned intercessor named Laurel Brooks. She has a remarkable story. In the 1980s, Laurel landed a job through a temp agency, as an assistant to the secretary of CompuShop, a computer distribution company. God had other plans. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   A fledgling personal … Continued

From Satanist to Evangelist

John Ramirez was a powerful satanist. He devoted decades of his life to waging war in the spiritual realm, only to be radically freed, transformed, and saved by Christ. Have you taken your place on the wall?   The video below details Ramirez’s incredible testimony. If you are interested in hearing more from him, catch … Continued

China and Russia Enter South Korea’s Air Defense Zone

This is no small thing. As tensions rise in eastern Asia, we must cover all countries involved, both allies and enemies, in prayer. From Fox News. South Koreaā€™s military scrambled its jets after two Chinese and six Russian warplanes entered itsĀ air defense identification zone (KADIZ) without warning early Wednesday morning. Get prayer updates from IFA. … Continued

Fifty-Eight Top Medical Schools Teaching CRT

We need to be teaching our future doctors and surgeons how to help people, not how to discriminate against others. From Washington Examiner. Fifty-eight of the nation’s top 100Ā medical schoolsĀ require some form ofĀ critical race theoryĀ -based program, according to new information from a database that monitors the prevalence of such programs inĀ higher education. Visit your state … Continued

Senate Rejects Religious Liberty

This is a dark day for religious freedom in America, but we must not be discouraged. We have done what we can. The rest is up to the Lord. From The Epoch Times.Ā A bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate approved theĀ Respect for Marriage ActĀ on Tuesday after rejecting on close votes a trio of detailed amendments … Continued


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