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Superintendent Who Covered for Trans Rapist Fired

Loudoun County recently fired a superintendent who covered up the acts of a transgender rapist. This is a win for our kids! From National File. The Loudoun County, Virginia School Board has finally fired Scott Ziegler, the superintendent who covered for a transgender serial rapist, allowing him to rape multiple female students while at school, … Continued

Independent Abortion Clinics Closing Post-Roe

Forty-two independent abortion clinics closed this year! Praise God! Let’s pray that this trend continues in 2023 and beyond! From Breitbart. Double the amount of independent abortion clinics closed in 2022 compared to 2021 since the Supreme CourtĀ overruledĀ Roe v. Wade,Ā accordingĀ to Bloomberg, which cited aĀ reportĀ from the Abortion Care Network (ACN). Have you taken your place on … Continued

TikTok Tumbles as Truth Comes Out

Analysis. TikTok has had a rough week ā€” at least in the public square. Three Republican governors took steps to ban the popular app from state-owned mobile phones and other devices. A state attorney general has brought lawsuits questioning the companyā€™s commitment to data privacy and the appropriateness of content for minors. And the Biden … Continued

Electrical Grid Attacked Across the Nation

Our electrical grid gives the nation power. Not only do these attacks trouble Americans, they also threaten our national security. From OPB. The electrical grid has been physically attacked at least six times in Oregon and Western Washington since mid-November, causing growing alarm for law enforcement as well as utilities responsible for parts of the … Continued

The Intercessorā€™s Pain: Travail

Have you ever been praying in such agony of spirit that it felt like you were giving birth to a spiritual ā€œbabyā€? If so, that was travailing prayer. Travailing prayer can look and sound like different things. But no matter what your travailing prayer looks like, it is likely to hurt. Who is praying on … Continued

World Cup Soccer Player Gives Glory to God

Within the secular environment of the World Cup and the anti-Christian environment of Qatar, Bukayo Saka is giving glory to God. From Fox News. For any soccer player, the first time representing their country at theĀ World Cup can be a whirlwind of emotions to say the least. Let the IFA community know how to pray … Continued

Religious Liberty Under Attack, But There Is a Silver Lining

Analysis. For decades, our brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe have faced deadly persecution for their faith. Find out when your state prays.   More recently, we in the U.S. have felt increasing pressure, being forbidden to speak biblical truth about sexuality, gender, abortion, and other things, on pain of the threat of … Continued

The Political Seduction of the Christian Left

Analysis. As many readers will know, my most recent book was titledĀ The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of Americans Have Confused Politics with the Gospel. And while I did make passing reference to the errors of the Christian left, my focus was on the Christian right, in particular conservative evangelicals, part of the … Continued

Christian Web Designer in SCOTUS Case Threatened

Web designer Lorie Smith has faced threats against her life and against the safety of her family, merely for her Christian beliefs. Let’s lift her up in prayer. From Fox News. 303 Creative LLC owner Lorie Smith could find victory in the Supreme Court regarding her freedom of speech, but the private battle doesn’t end … Continued

Congress May End Military Vaccine Mandates

Mandates have been egregiously wrong and unconstitutional from the start, and they have hurt many families. Let’s pray that they be eliminated. From The Epoch Times. The U.S. House of Representatives on Dec. 6 included a provision that terminates the militaryā€™s COVID-19Ā vaccine mandateĀ in its defense funding bill. Let the IFA community know how to pray … Continued

Virginia to Reimburse Businesses Fined During Pandemic

In an effort to make things right, Gov. Youngkin has decided to reimburse businesses that were penalized during the pandemic. Thank You, God! From Fox News. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is working to end fines and fees and develop a reimbursement process for businesses who were “unjustly” subjected toĀ COVID-19 pandemicĀ shutdown violations. Connect with others in … Continued

China Relaxes ‘Zero-COVID’ Policy

Amid street protests and a flailing economy, China has decided to take a step back in its heavy-handed approach to COVID. This is an answered prayer! From The Wall Street Journal. China dropped many of its quarantine and testing requirements and curtailed the power of local officials to shut down entire city blocks, as the … Continued


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