The Intercessorā€™s Pain: Servitude vs. Sonship

Beloved friend, I have a question for you today. Itā€™s a hard question, and here it is: As an intercessor, you are accustomed to believing God for everyone else. Itā€™s what you do. But can you believe Him for yourself too? Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   And do you … Continued

Christmas and Hanukkah: God Always Provides

As the seasons of Christmas and Hanukkah arrive, many of us are busy planning the gifts we will buy for friends and family. This year, however, our bank accounts may be a little smaller and our walletsĀ a bit thinner. As inflation saturates our nationā€™s economy, some might wonder how they will maintain their lifestyle, or … Continued

A Joy to Be Part of Something Impactful

Editor’s Note: This article came to us unsolicited from one of our writers and intercessors, Kim Potter. Kim was moved to share the word that the Lord put on her heart as she reflected on this passing year. We thought it was a beautiful message of gratitude for the wonderful IFA community that many of … Continued

The Fight for Freedom in Iran

Analysis. The totalitarian regime in Iran may be facing its most critical internal threat ever. Despite the governmentā€™s attempt to violently suppress them for three months, widespread protests across the country in challenge of the Ayatollahā€™s rule appear to be escalating. And now state agents are resorting to public hangings, a step that could signal … Continued

The End of Title 42 Spells Disaster for the Border

Our border is already in crisis. This will only get worse in 2023 if nothing is done to fix it. From The Federalist. As the year winds down, the border is about to break wide open. In less than a week, the Biden administrationā€™s last remaining tool to control illegal immigration, left over from the … Continued

Anti-Semitism on the Right

We bring you this piece that raises important questions about the possible hypocrisies coming to the surface in the responses to Ye West’s comments about Jews. Read this and share your thoughts and prayers for this nation in the comments. From The Christian Post. Ye (formerly known as KanyeĀ West) has proved that many conservatives do … Continued

J.K. Rowling on Why She Speaks Out Against Transgenderism

The left has proved to be ruthless, silencing anyone who disagrees with its narrative. Thank God for people like Rowling, who are willing to stand for truth. From Faithwire. J.K. Rowling, the bestselling author of the ā€œHarry Potterā€ series, says the ā€œcontradictionsā€ of the modern-day sexual revolution drive her ā€œcrazy.ā€ … Do you want state … Continued

Male Rapists in Women’s Prisons

The deceptive transgender ideology has seeped even into the prisons. We have to pray against this and also pray that our government would stop putting women at risk. From The Christian Post. When Americans first learn that male prisoners convicted of violent sexual assault, rape and murder are being housed with women, they’re shocked. Who … Continued

Congress Probes COVID-19 Origins

This investigation is crucial, especially as mandates and masks continue to be part of the daily news. As Rep. Jordan says: “The American people deserve the facts and the truth. ā€¦ “ From The Daily Signal. Two incoming House Republican committee chairmen already have begun an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, asking dozens of … Continued

Leftist Nonprofit Announces $80 Million in Election Grants

From The Federalist. A leftist nonprofit group that funded the private takeover of government election offices during the 2020 presidential election just announced its new round of beneficiaries for the 2024 cycle. Have you taken your place on the wall?   The Center for Tech and Civic LifeĀ ā€” one of two groups thatĀ funneledĀ $328 million (colloquially … Continued

Eight Ways the Feds Protected the Bidens

From The Federalist. For years, our federal government has quietly operated a protect-Biden racket. The public, however, has only recently ā€” and haphazardly ā€” learned of the lengths federal law enforcement officials and government employees have gone to safeguard the Biden family secrets. Here are eight times our government squelched scandals. Who is praying on … Continued

Battle Brews Over Who Will Lead House Republicans

A battle is underway that raises questions about who will emerge to lead the Republican Party in Congress. From CNN. The House Republican Conference is still entrenched in an internal war over whether to reinstate an arcane rule that would empower any member to bring up a vote to oust a speaker at any time. … Continued


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