New York to Ban Gas Stoves?!

Following a study condemning gas stoves, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has decided to ban them. Is this really the right decision? We must pray. From New York Post. Gov. Kathy Hochul quietly snuck a proposal to outlaw new gas stoves into the ā€œNew York Housing Compactā€ she unveiled duringĀ her State of the State speech … Continued

The Power of Forgiveness – A Lesson from MLK

From The Christian Post. Have you ever been reminded unexpectedly of a book from your past that influenced you enormously at an earlier time in your life? Earlier this week I was rearranging the books in my library in order to put some new volumes in their proper place on the shelf when a book … Continued

House Passes Bill to Block Oil Sales to China

As Biden cuts into our petroleum reserves, the last thing we need is to be sending oil to the CCP. From Fox Business. The House on Thursday passed a bill to ban the sale of oil released from theĀ Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)Ā to China as the chamber capped off its first full week of legislative business … Continued

The Faith and Fight of Chip Roy

Find out about the congressman “whose presence should give Christians some peace about the road ahead.” From WORLD. Last week, Americans were fascinated by the fight in Washington as Republicans battled over the election of a speaker of the House. Congressman Chip Roy of Texas, a conservative member of the House Freedom Caucus, led the … Continued

Pray for More Ministers

As we pray for leaders in America, we donā€™t forget prayer for our spiritual leaders: pastors, teachers, and those in parachurch ministry. Letā€™s ask God to raise up more of them, as well. Who is praying on the wall?   Their numbers are declining among most mainline Protestant denominations. Among Catholics and Jews, the story … Continued

Fast for Breakthrough

This year, let’s take our prayer lives even deeper by fasting often and praying for ourselves, our friends, our families, and the nation. From The Christian Post. Fasting is hard because self-denial is hard (discipline), and overindulging is not rewarding.Ā  It becomes a never-ending cycle of defeat unless we break the cycle by choosing discipline … Continued

The Year of Release

Holy Spirit has spoken a word of “release” over 2023. Let it be so, Lord! From Ministries of Francis Frangipane. In spite of increasing tensions around the world, the Holy Spirit says, for many, this next year will be a year of release. While we must absolutely intercede for our nations, we also must refuse … Continued

The Fall of Church Attendance

The pandemic seriously harmed church attendance across the nation. What are your thoughts? From The Christian Post. A new study on how the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns impacted church attendance in the United States has found that roughly one in three Americans now say they’ve stopped attending religious services. Do you want state prayer alerts?   … Continued

Christians Prefer Prayer to Bible Reading

The majority of Protestant churchgoers prefer prayer to reading Scripture. God is definitely moving in Christians’ lives, but let’s pray that we will remember the power of Scripture as well. From The Christian Post. Most Protestant churchgoers in the United States spend time alone with God on a daily basis ā€” but most talk to … Continued

The Creative Power of Godā€™s Word

Reading and praying through God’s word is powerful. Let’s spend more time in scripture and praying God’s will this year. From Give Him 15. I am constantly amazed at how many prayer meetings I attend where so little of the Word of God is implemented. The greatest weapon God has given us often goes unsheathed! … Continued

Forced Transition May Bring Breakthrough

A prominent conservative figure recently publicized a dream in which he was pushed or compelled to go down a hallway. This one aspect of his dream rolled over and over in my mind. Spiritually speaking, a hallway often symbolizes transition. Find out when your state prays.   With that thought in mind, we realize that … Continued

Biden Ed Dept Fights for Explicit Books

Explicit books have no place in libraries for children. We pray for efforts to keep explicit books out of libraries. From The Daily Signal. A Texas superintendent is under investigation for trying to protect students from sexually explicit books in public school libraries. Find out when your state prays.   The U.S. Department of Education … Continued


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