Jesus Revolution Film Passes $40 Million

The nation is hungry for God, and the success of this film is proof of this fact! Praise God! From Christian Headlines. The faith-based hitĀ Jesus RevolutionĀ passed $40 million at the box office Monday thanks to another solid showing and is now the highest-grossing movie since 2019 for its studio,Ā Lionsgate. This content is supported by your … Continued

Fires of Persecution, or of Revival? Prayer Will Decide

Analysis. As our news is littered with such things as threats of the arrest of former President Trump and with FBI raids of Mar-a-Lago, one cannot help but wonder about the weaponization of government agencies for political motives. But the attacks do not stop there: We hear of FBI raids on the home of ā€œAmericaā€™s … Continued

An Evil Agenda: Pediatric Transgenderism

Analysis. Several recent news stories leave no doubt that there is an intentional agenda behind the promotion of transgenderism to school-age children. Fox News reports that Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender Biden official who is assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, promised in a recent speech that ā€œgender-affirming careā€ … Continued

China Brokers Middle East Deal

Analysis. Longtime Middle East enemies Saudi Arabia and Iran announced a peace deal this month that raised eyebrows in capitals around the world. But it was not just the parties themselves that surprised observers, it was also the deal’s broker: China. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   For decades, the U.S. … Continued

Prayer to Plead the Crown of Thorns Over America

Do you ever wonder how on earth people consider themselves to be of sound mind and body yet still believe the propaganda being pushed on America? I know I do. I look at how people believe that up is down, left is right, right is left, down is up, right is wrong, and wrong is … Continued

Filtering News Through a Biblical Lens

Floyd Brown, founder and former publisher of The Western Journal and author of several books, joined Kris Kubal, IFAā€™s chief program officer; and Camille Solberg, IFAā€™s former director of government and media, on Pray with Americaā€™s Leaders on Feb. 2, 2023. They discussed the topic of presenting news from a Christian worldview. This content is … Continued

Court Blocks Vax Mandate for Fed Employees

Praise God! Another win against mandates. From AP News. President Joe Bidenā€™s order thatĀ federal employeesĀ get vaccinated against COVID-19 has been blocked by a federal appeals court. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, in a decision Thursday, rejected arguments that Biden, as … Continued

Israel Will Not Pass Bill Persecuting Christianity

Praise God for Prime Minister Netanyahu! From Daily Caller. Israelā€™s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Wednesday that he will not allow any legislation to be passed banning Christianity after two members of the Israeli government proposed the bill earlier this year, according to the All Israel News. This content is supported by your donations. Give … Continued

State to Enshrine Abortion in Its Constitution

This amendment would turn Ohio into one of the least friendly states toward the unborn. Let’s go to the Lord in prayer about this. From CBN News. Pro-life groups in Ohio have funded a $5 million ad campaign exposing a proposed amendment that would enshrine abortion into the state constitution as a “right.” This content … Continued

CA Aims to Send Abortion and Trans Medications to Other States

Let’s pray that whatever strongholds that keep California is spiritual bondage and moral decay would be broken by Jesus.Ā  From Breitbart. One of theĀ 105Ā California DemocratsĀ introduced last weekĀ would protect medical providers who mail abortion pills and transgender-related medications to other states. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   The bill,Ā SB 345, would allow … Continued

American Church: Find Your Voice

We are at a tipping point. It’s time for the American church to wake up, take a stand, and pray hard for our government. We need more intercessors! From Give Him 15. Todayā€™s post is a little strong. The following few paragraphs contain an overview of Godā€™s plan for humankind and the earth. It also … Continued

Illegal Immigration Is Breaking States’ Budgets

Our current border situation is not financially sustainable. Something must be done soon. From New York Post. President Bidenā€™s ā€œporousā€ border policies are expected to cost New York taxpayers nearly $10 billion in 2023, a new watchdog report claims. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   The conservativeĀ Federation for American Immigration Reformā€™s … Continued


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