Do You Feel Time Going Faster?

Everywhere I go I find people commenting “I can’t believe how time is flying. Life seems to be going by so fast!” They tell me, “Days and months seem to be zipping by almost in a blur.” This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   Is this a fantasy or reality? Is it … Continued

The Church That Turned the World Upside Down

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional series “Back to the Basics,” written by IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles. But the Jews who were not persuaded, becoming envious, took some of the evil men from the marketplace, and gathering a mob, set all the city in an uproar and attacked the house of … Continued

Encouraging State Prayer Update!

It may seem strange that God chooses to work through imperfect and erring people to accomplish His purposes on earth, yet He does. Yes, with all of our faults, weaknesses, and at times, lack of faith, God still chooses to use each of us to share the Good News and to pray for His will … Continued

Study: Spike Protein Remains after Vaccination

The CDC claims that the COVID vaccine does not remain in your body. A recent study, however, casts doubt on that claim. From The Epoch Times. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mRNA from COVID-19 vaccines is “broken down within a few days after vaccination and doesn’t last long in the body”—a … Continued

The Coming Collapse of Our Secular Universities?

Are our secular universities, especially those leaning most radically left, soon to collapse – or at least, soon to lose their current positions of power and influence? A good case can be made that the answer could well be yes. Who is praying on the wall?   First, there has been a serious dip in … Continued

Intercessor, We Are Winning

Despite how our culture may look, God is answering our prayers. Intercessor, be encouraged by this powerful article! From The Christian Post. When you look around at culture you may feel like our values have been defeated. It’s easy to let yourself be discouraged. But a wise person recently reminded me, don’t look at what’s … Continued

The Lies of Benghazi–Don’t Forget

The Benghazi attack was tragic, and it exposed the politicization in our military. How can we prevent something like this in the future? From Center for Security Policy. Eleven years ago this morning I watched the dark blue and grey waters of the West African coastline illuminate with the morning sun. Our team of Marines … Continued

Hope for New York City

The Lord blessed New York City with a reminder of His covenant promises on Monday, Sept. 11, 2023. A double rainbow stretched over Manhattan in the aftermath of sometimes pounding rains on the 22nd anniversary of the attacks that leveled the World Trade Center. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   From … Continued

Biden ATF’s Action on Guns

Some are calling these new rules “radical.” Intercessor, what do you think? Now is the time to make your voice heard! From NRA-ILA. Your help is urgently needed, as the official comment period on ATF’s rulemaking, “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms,” began on Friday, September 8. Comments on the … Continued

Cleansing the Temple, Part 5: Pride

While praying through this series, I was reminded about the sin that did Lucifer in: Pride. Now pride, in and of itself, is not necessarily a bad thing. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, or of having met a goal you’d set for yourself. Pride becomes poisonous only when self-exaltation is involved. … Continued

Biden Gives Iran $6 Billion

Should our government ready have given Iran that much money? Can we trust that it won’t be spent on a weapon to destroy Israel? From The Daily Wire. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) slammed President Joe Biden this week for unfreezing $6 billion in assets for the Islamic Republic of Iran in exchange for getting five … Continued

Trump Secures Later Trial in GA Case

Amidst several indictments, former President Trump earned a win in court, securing a later date for his Georgia election case trial. From The Epoch Times. A judge ruled Thursday that former President Donald Trump’s Georgia election case won’t start in October. Get prayer updates from IFA.   The ruling (pdf) from Judge Scott McAfee of … Continued


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