I Prayed have prayed
Father, we exalt You as Lord of truth, justice, and righteousness. We pray that Your truth will prevail in our nation.
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Tucker Carlson has expertly pointed out the manufactured division in America and our need for truth.

From The Epoch Times. In his first in-person speech after departing Fox News, Tucker Carlson did not hold back when speaking about what he sees are issues undermining America — lack of truth in the media landscape and a “manufactured” national division.

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“I think I’m probably the first unemployed person who was ever invited to speak,” he opened his speech after a 15-second standing ovation by a full house at the 1,215-seat Oxford Performing Arts Centre on Thursday. …

The former news host of Fox News’s top-rated “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show said that he agreed six months ago to attend Thursday’s private fundraiser event, which was organized by Rainbow Omega, a faith-based nonprofit that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

During his hour-long speech, Carlson didn’t directly address the situation with Fox News but spoke about America’s political and social issues that he believes can lead to the “end of democracy” and the “enslavement” of the American people.

Manufactured Division

According to Carlson, what he witnessed at Rainbow Omega’s facility — people’s lives being materially improved — stood in stark contrast to his experiences with American politics and the media industry.

“American politics is supposed to be designed to improve people’s lives, but what is the point of it actually?” he said. …

But he said the ideas promulgated in the public sphere aren’t only irrelevant to Americans’ everyday concerns and designed to divide.

“I’m starting to really believe that the divisions that we see in our society are pretty much manufactured,” Carlson said, adding that one example of this is the idea of racism.

“Obama’s first term was how we were going to get past race. I didn’t vote for the guy, but everybody I knew was excited, and so was I,” Carlson said. …

But that changed in Obama’s second term, he said: “Oh no, we’re not post-racial. All we’re going to talk about is race and make each other hate each other on the basis of race.” …

A cause of this division, Carlson lamented, is what he has observed to be “propaganda” published by the “overwhelming majority” of American media. …

End of Democracy

The democratic system cannot function with dishonesty dominating the public sphere, Carlson indicated.

“The first effect is to, kind of, end democracy,” he said. “The whole idea of democracy is based on the understanding that the people who vote will have some knowledge of what they’re voting on — what the real issues are – they’ll be informed citizens.”

But when the media industry is collectively excluding issues that matter, such as crime, immigration, and the economy, the population becomes uninformed, which undermines a fundamental part of democracy. The harm brought by the media industry is compounded by a lack of authenticity from the entire federal government, including politicians from both political parties, Carlson said. …

“If you can control someone’s brain and get them to say, ‘I really need to wear a mask inside my car alone to protect myself — if you can get someone to that place where he gets in his Subaru and just instinctively puts on a mask with the windows up, then you’ve won,” Carlson said. “You’ve defeated them … in the enslavement of people, taking away their choice, and in so doing their dignity, really their humanity.

“That is the goal, obviously.”

Seeking Truth

The antidote to this, Carlson said in his speech, is to seek truth — echoing a statement he made in a video published on Twitter last week, days after his exit from Fox, that “truth will prevail.” …

He encouraged the audience to tell the truth and not partake in what he says are the lies propagated in society. …

What do you think of Carlson’s speech? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Are you, like Tucker Carlson, fed up with the division in America and desperate for truth? If so, take Carlson’s advice and spend 10 minutes a day in prayer for our nation.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Jason Koerner/Getty Images)

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Dave Morrison
May 13, 2023

Right on point of this countries media coverage no investigative research just those that read their prompters and have no idea of the truth great job tucker

Joan B
May 10, 2023

I am so grateful for Tucker Carlson, and all those who are speaking out for us in the public forum.
Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, protect, bless, and continue to bring the truth to the American public, and let their eyes and ears be opened to the truth. I pray in, Jesus’ Name, rebuking
the evil spirits of deception and delusion. Let the voices of those on the frontlines, for the cause of truth, and opposition to tyranny be many. Amen

Bonnie Berg
May 10, 2023

We as every day Americans knew that what Tucker said was true – we were watching it happen. We watched as Obama kept his campaign promise to fundamentally change America – he did it and is now continuing to do it. As Michelle Obama ramps up her ‘presidential campaign’, we will see the divisiveness get even louder. They have tasted control and cannot let it go. Tucker is the voice of all we were thinking and knew to be true. Lord, continue to remind me and all of Your people to pray that this great nation might be saved to Your Glory!

May 10, 2023

Was he wrong? Was it wrong to say we’ve been played? We have been. Wake up! Our ” information resources” aka global news media outlets have intentionally “shaped” the narratives in order to promote an agenda. It purpose is to manipulate opinion, and to divide this nation. This is an uncomfortable fact. But we need to see it before we can change it. Satan hates liberty and freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom to worship… that’s why Satan hates America.
So we pray, because although “facts” can change Gods truth stands. God loves this nation- despite its many many sins. He called this nation, and He laid its foundations. America was His idea. And He’s not done with us yet. We can turn the tide on the plans the enemy has laid to destroy us by standing with our Lord – here, on our knees in prayer and intercession to take back our nation. And then doing as He directs each of us to do – speak up! Stand for righteousness. Truth silences the enemy. That’s “the goog news!” Amen

May 9, 2023


May 9, 2023

Scripture says that foreigners will “invade our land and be above us”
.. and we will serve them.. as the result of sin.. that is what is happening.. yes we should repent.. but we also must stand against the evil.. so I am agreeing with you and I just cannot say it forcibly enough that we have to do our part and that is standing in the gap.. not just repenting.. but being involved and standing against evil.. and the further evidence of that is as you have said-, your jobs have gone to China ..and now the packing plants that people work in..are packaging Chinese products- that used to be made in america.. if anyone cannot see that and all they can understand is repentance..then they are missing the point

Grant Windholz
May 9, 2023

Lord God bring people like Tucker Carlson that we know through our media to speak the truth and faith towards this country that this country has been desperately needed for this country that’s in crisis!

Ann O'Conno
May 9, 2023

Having watched Tucker Carlson regularly for the past few years, his tendency to be open about his feelings and back-up the feelings with related reporting made my husband and I not want to miss one of his shows. He has not always been nice about his comments, but other than that, he has been revealing so much of the truth that has been suppressed from the rest of the typical news sources. His accelerating reliance on Godly guidance has also not been missed. I pray for his future to continue to reveal truth to Americans and to continue to rely upon God. It is only by reliance on the triune God that we can work to reach more people with the Word and pray for forgiveness for the sins of our nation.

May 9, 2023

Is this a plea for mercy as he had the media opportunity to tell the truth!! When does he ask for forgiveness?
Lord, open the eyes of his heart, our hearts. Let him see himself, let us see ourselves and what we need to do to get right before You!!!

    May 9, 2023

    Unfortunately, like most of us, we are not free to fully express our own, personal, opinions while in the employment of someone else. I believe Tucker, albeit at time inflammatory in his remarks, did the best he could to tell people the truth but was also “reigned” in by what his employer allowed him to say. As I understand it, he signed a non-compete agreement for the next two years, so he is not allowed to sign with any other media outlet for that period of time. Not sure if that agreement came with a continued paycheck or a “buyout” of his contract.

    May 9, 2023

    It is not that simple…we are to stand in the gap.. occupy till the Lord returns ..Luke 17- Carlson is a journalist.. which is a warrior of the type that brings information into the battle.. all Warriors in their own spiritual life repent before their maker..as we understand it.. it is not his job to take a public platform to tell us all to say we’re sorry for our sins when we are being annihilated by the enemies. Tucker presents himself in the most contrite way possible which is one of the main points of contrition.. to present ourselves in the battle without arrogance.. however even having said that there comes a point where that is used against us.. Our niceness has been used against us for 50 to 75 years to install globalist puppets in our government..

Barbara Janicki
May 9, 2023

Truth sets free – lies enslave. First and foremost, God’s living Word is Truth. Like God, it does not change, but is the standard by which we can “test and approve” all other good sounding but false and dangerous philosophies of man that come and go. The lies surrounding covid enslaved us physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. Those lies kept us isolated, afraid of the virus, afraid of each other and of everything that was once normal which we were now told was actually dangerous. Those lies convinced us to take a shot we did not need.
We need the truth in order to make good and wise decisions about things, including who to vote for in an election. Truth has been systematically silenced by the media regarding the border, the economy, our energy production (or lack thereof) the environment, the election, the shot, world events, and currently a very dangerous one – the voices of “detransitioners” are being silenced – those who have had the “gender affirming care” and now regret it. All based on lies, that the treatments and surgeries are reversable, no the effects are not reversable, that a child should be making these decisions, the lie that we are mistakes and need to recreate ourselves by destroying our God given bodies, – it all starts with a lie (like in the garden) and gets worse from there. Truth is the antidote – truth enables us to make better decisions (if we have all the facts but we are now in a feelings based, not a fact/reality based culture) – Truth sets us free. To that end we need more truthtellers like Tucker in every area of our public life today. “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

May 9, 2023

Carson’s is right and we have been sold out to China for years. My husband’s job want to China in 1957. We moved 4 times because of jobs going to China. Now our jobs are at Chinese owned packing plants in USA. Our borders invaded by criminals and women and kids used by the drug cartels. Prayers for our country and the world. Our Father in Heaven is in control. Praise God for everything. God Bless our leaders and bring them to their knees before our Heavenly God. Amen

May 9, 2023

I fully believe what Carlson says is so true, although I Believe most Americans are to comfortable and Lazy to fight for America, I pray for our country, that Americans will wake up before it’s too late, But I Believe most Have Given In To the Demonic take over of our Treasonous Administration, I Pray I’m Wrong, But we have been a Godless Society Far too long!!!! Jesus Come Quickly

May 9, 2023

Lord we pray for Tucker Carlson’s future and the future of his family. He is not a perfect man but a man who seeks truth. If it is your plan that he be be given a larger and stronger platform without restraints, so be it. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. What the enemy meant for evil You will turn it for good. In Jesus name we pray Amen

Nancy Rife
May 9, 2023

Excellent article! Thank you for sharing it!

Fran Armstrong
May 9, 2023

I thank you Lord, to give Tucker to take on the media. I hope we hear from him often. Bless him and cover him and his family. Amen.

Allena Jordan
May 9, 2023

Dan. 9: 4 I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed and said, “Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, 5 we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. 6 Moreover, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers and all the people of the land.

7 “Righteousness belongs to You, O Lord, but to us [b]open shame,…
8 Open shame belongs to us, O Lord, to our kings, our princes and our fathers, because we have sinned against You. 9 To the Lord our God belong compassion and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against Him; 10 nor have we obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His teachings which He set before us through His servants the prophets. 8 O my God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city (the United States of America, founded in dedication to You) which is called by Your name; for we are not presenting our supplications before You on account of any merits of our own, but on account of Your great compassion. 19 O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” Amen

Mac Garrison
May 9, 2023

Tucker is exactly right.
We MUST have honest communication, not propaganda.

Linda Pierce
May 9, 2023

I totally agree with everything Tucker said and has said while with Fox. Hus thoughts and conclusions are right on point. I pray more of the “media” would see the light and turn to God for delivering the truth.


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