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Lord, we pray that you would protect our children. That you would give divine wisdom to the families in America in regards to education and what our children are hearing, seeing, and watching.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lord, we pray that you would protect our children. That you would give divine wisdom to the families in America in regards to education and what our children are hearing, seeing, and watching.

The Board of Trustees of the Calaveras Unified School District, which is comprised of ten schools and serves more than 2,800 students, voted 5-0 not to “support, enforce or comply with” the mandate, which is still pending. The board announced its decision to parents via Facebook. The vote applies to both students and staff. The board also moved to put the topics of mask mandates and testing protocols for COVID-19 on the agenda for the board’s upcoming meeting on November 23. . . .

The school board had previously announced their rejection of the mandate and their intention to hold a vote on the issue in a letter to families and staff on November 4. “The board’s informal comments regarding the pending state mandates for COVID-19 vaccinations, as expressed by them individually and collectively at the October 19th Board Meeting, indicated that they have concerns and questions about the COVID-19 mandate for staff and students and they do not support the mandate,” the letter said.

“The board is aware of the potential impacts on the district in terms of possible liability exposure, funding loss, other formal actions that can be taken against the district in response—and they understand the Superintendent’s recommendation for mandate compliance based upon these potential consequences—but they feel strong in their individual positions on this topic, as expressed on October 19th and as will be discussed on November 9th, when their vote will determine the position and direction of the district on this matter.”

News of the district’s refusal to comply with the mandate comes as federal regulators issued an emergency authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine on October 29, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved the vaccine on November 2. The child dose is approximately one third the dosage of the Pfizer vaccine already available to adults and children over the age of 12. According to CNBC, Pfizer “said its low-dose vaccine for kids, which is a third of the dosage given to adults, is more than 90% effective in preventing asymptomatic infection. It also said the shots were well tolerated in young children, producing side effects comparable with those seen in a study of people ages 16 to 25.”

What are your thoughts on this California School Distract pushing back on the vaccine? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Dailywire. Article written by John Rigolizzo. Photo by GettyImages)

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January 23, 2022

WHY test only unvaccinated employees! This is so reckless. You have vaccinated staff infecting unvaccinated and this COULD be prevented if SCHOOLS were mandating testing the VACCINATED staff! So dumb! And this from educators, and top experts?
SCHOOLS should be testing ALL employee since science shows vaccinated people get and are spreading COVID. MANY triple and boosted teachers have tested positive for covid (not at their schools since they’re exempt from the testing) but by getting tested elsewhere. What about the teachers who are vaccinated who attend their schools teaching upwards of 20-120 students a day and are NOT being tested? They are simply overlooked while unvaccinated are mandated to test. This is absurd given we all know by now that vaccinated employees can also get and spread covid.
WHY AREN”T SCHOOLS TESTING THE VACCINATED? THEY ARE SPREADING COVID< TOO!!!! And NOBODY is testing the vaccinated!? This is completely illogical and slaps science and research in the face. No wonder we still have outbreaks.
A study from the University of California, Davis shows vaccinated and unvaccinated people carry the SAME viral load when infected with covid-19. Essentially, “There was no significant difference in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated, or between asymptomatic and symptomatic groups.”
In November of 2021, the FDA website tells us, “Help stop Covid-19 by getting vaccinated.” Yes, the FDA will have us believe that by getting vaccinated you can be a hero and help stop the spread of virus. Well put down your cape and unflex your arm because you may end up getting and spreading covid despite your vaccination status.

Dec 21, 2021: “…vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing infection, some people who are fully vaccinated will still get and spread COVID-19.”
People who get vaccine breakthrough infections can be contagious.
June 26th, 2021
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have already been 4,115 reported cases of fully vaccinated people being hospitalized or dying with Covid-19 coronavirus breakthrough infections.
July 2021
“Fully vaccinated people with Delta variant breakthrough infections can spread the virus to others.”
Back in August of 2021, a pro-vaccine medical doctor wrote,
“Remarkably, the CDC is still proclaiming that vaccine breakthrough infections are rare – but when normal people hear that their barber, their cousin’s husband, and seemingly half the New York Yankees’ starters have experienced breakthrough infections, they might assume the CDC is lying.”
Vaccinated individuals should continue to wear face coverings in indoor and congregate settings, while also being tested for SARS-CoV-2 if they are exposed or experience COVID-like symptoms.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/06/26/cdc-4115-fully-vaccinated-have-been-hospitalized-or-died-with-breakthrough-covid-19-infections/?sh=395f13d96993
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/delta-variant.html

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Laura Inman
November 15, 2021

Finally some good news in California!

Marsha Bashor
November 15, 2021

Dear Lord I wholeheartedly support this school district and pray for their success .

Roxy Clark
November 15, 2021

Thank you LORD JESUS for Calaveras county school board they are the David’s against this Goliath/biden regime. LORD JESUS please give Calaveras board favor, strength and perseverance to stand against this tyranny. Let this be the first domino effect to fall for ALL school boards in our nation to follow. Protect our children from evil in CHRIST JESUS ALMIGHTY NAME AMEN.

Tara Williams
November 15, 2021

Yes!!! Thank You Lord for filling these men and women with boldness to stand up against the political lies. Protect them as they go forward. Lord strengthen other families and school boards by their example. Let’s take America back!


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