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Lord, we pray that you would protect our children. That you would give divine wisdom to the families in America in regards to education and what our children are hearing, seeing, and watching.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lord, we pray that you would protect our children. That you would give divine wisdom to the families in America in regards to education and what our children are hearing, seeing, and watching.

The Loudoun County School Board meeting erupted into shouting on Tuesday night after parents confronted members of the school board after the parent group Fight for Schools filed more than 2,000 signatures to remove the board chair.

“By the way, Denise, Brenda, Ian, Atoosa, we are well over 100% of required signatures for the petitions,” Megan Jenkins said during the public comment period. “So I’m not going to encourage any of you to resign because when you are recalled and removed from office, it will be much more satisfying. See you in court.”

Jenkins had been referring to Board Chair Brenda Sheridan (Sterling District), Board Vice-Chair Atoosa Reaser (Algonkian District), Ian Serotkin (Blue Ridge District) and Denise Corbo, the at-large member. Ian Prior, a father and executive director at Fight for Schools, previously told Fox News that his organization had compiled all the signatures to mount legal challenges to each of those four board members, although he filed the petition to oust Sheridan on Tuesday.

In order to remove an elected official in Virginia, petitioners must acquire a number of signatures equal to 10% of the votes cast in the previous election for that office.

“I have the privilege of telling you that we are finished collecting signatures for your removal,” Jessica Mendez said during the board meeting’s public comment period. She said that parent organizers “sacrificed and spent countless hours away from their families, day in and day out.”

“I used to think that there was no point in speaking at these meetings,” Mendez added. “There was no point in trying to have a voice because you never seem to listen, anyway. But I had it all wrong. It wasn’t you who needed to hear our voices. It was all those parents, grandparents and neighbors listening at home, horrified at your actions or inactions. They were the ones who needed to hear us, and they were the ones who sign petitions, see you in court.”

Erin Dunbar accused the school board of spending taxpayer money to inculcate “critical theory of the Marxist philosophy.”

“You have activist teachers using to indoctrinate their kids who are at the mercy of their authority,” she said. “That is child abuse. And you have no right to brainwash children into believing that their skin color determines their purpose.” . . .

Many parents have opposed critical race theory (CRT) — a framework that involves deconstructing aspects of society to discover systemic racism beneath the surface — believing it to be divisive and racist. While many have insisted that Virginia’s schools do not teach CRT, various government documents contradict this narrative, including a contract showing that Loudoun County Schools paid more than $300,000 to The Equity Collaborative, which begins its trainings with an “Intro to Critical Race Theory.”

Parents have also confronted school board members with sexually explicit images from the books “Lawn Boy” and “Gender Queer,” which parents say aim to normalize pedophilia.

Education issues in Loudoun County took center stage in the Virginia governor’s race, which Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin won in part by championing parental rights in education and pledging to ban CRT in schools. Youngkin has called for many school board members to resign.

If the cases go to trial, a judge or a jury will rule whether or not to remove the board members. If any board member is removed, the board would have 45 days to appoint an interim replacement and 15 days to petition the court for a special election.

What are your thoughts on what is going on in Loudoun County? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article written by Tyler O’Neil. Photo by IStock)

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Margaret Daley
November 15, 2021

School’s purpose is to teach the core subjects: English, history (the right kind—we learn what we should do or not do by learning the real history), science and math as well as subjects like art, music and P.E. We are seeing less of what the schools should be doing and more of what should be the parents’ role in their child’s life being taken over by the schools. There are so many hours in a day and I prefer the schools stick to English, history, science and math or our society will be dumbed down. Just think of how much science has been developed in your lifetime. Where is the time to teach that if a school is fixated on social issues like CRT?

November 15, 2021

I am delighted! I live in Loudoun County and signed the petition. This encourages me that God is for us, so who can be against us? I pray that all concerned parents, grandparents, and citizens across the country will rise up and defy these evil influences in our schools. You may be wondering how these people got elected in the first place. It is because there was very little background information available on these people, and their statements before the election were completely different from their actions afterwards. In a word, they lied. We need to pray that righteous, honest people run for offices!

Marsha Bashor
November 15, 2021

Lord God please sweep the Virginia county of Lauden with your Holy Spirit and cleanse the hearts and minds of the ones in charge of the schools and in the the teachers hearts and minds, in order to bring righteousness to prevail there. In Jesus’ name I pray

Deborah Foster
November 15, 2021

Every school district should be following this example and bringing these school boards to heel.

Ellen Hoffman
November 15, 2021

Good for them!! Sad it had to go this far for us to understand the need to be involved! I fought a lone battle when my kids were in school. We actually pulled one out. No support from church or community. I was constantly told to go home. I would have home schooled, but was not supported by my husband who believed they needed socialization. Now everyone is seeing it. We humans like status quo and easy.

Belinda Dickerson
November 15, 2021

Praise God the Father, The Son, and His Holy Spirit for giving the Strength and Stamina to all these parents who are Standing for their children in Righteousness. There is only one way to win a War snd it is by the Sword of Truth. Thank Father for those who have received His Word with all readiness of mind (Acts.17:11) that which has been reasoned out not by the ideals of the World, but throughout The Words of Scripture (Acts 17:2). Thank you parents for being an example to all the states of the USA. I am praying for you continually and supporting you in the ways that ye have received (the ways and being obedient) in Jesus Christ (The Word Of God – Jn.1:1,14, Rev.19:13,KJV). May Father continue to push you forward in His ways, in this you cannot and will not fail. March on Soldiers, March On!

Charles Smith
November 15, 2021

We need the same actions to be taken in school boards across the county. More brave parents willing to put time and effort in taking back our schools. If we don’t do this our children will be lost……good work Jessica and Erin!

Jon Gregory
November 15, 2021

Good for parents!

Lloyd King
November 15, 2021

Thank God for parents who stand up for our rights and defend our children from CRT and other twisted form of education. I believe the entire board should be removed! Keep up the good fight. I have grandchildren in this school system and I’m very concerned for them. My daughter is now home schooling them to keep them from this insanity. I can’t believe that I am the first person to comment in support of these parents. Sad!


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