I Prayed have prayed
Father, it grieves us to see human life not valued. As your word says in Proverbs 24:11, "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter." Use us, Lord to deliver the unborn from death.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As Roe v. Wade appears to be on shaky ground, states are rushing to create legislation that either upholds life or promotes killing it. California has doubled down with not only legislation to provide free abortions but also help pay expenses of women to travel to California for abortions.

From Breitbart. Lawmakers are staying busy to make sure abortion on demand is the law of state as the United States Supreme Court revisits Roe v. Wade, including in California where women will be able to abort their unborn child for free.

ā€œWith this legislation, weā€™ll help ensure equitable, affordable access to abortion services so that out-of-pocket costs donā€™t stand in the way of receiving care,ā€ CaliforniaĀ Governor GavinĀ Newsom said in a statement.Ā 

Senate Bill 245, named the Abortion Accessibility Act, prohibits insurance companies from charging a deductible, co-pay, or deductible for the procedure, which in California is available untilĀ Ā ā€œfetus viability.ā€

Newsomā€™s wife is referred to as ā€œFirst Partnerā€ in the left-wingĀ San Francisco Chronicleā€™sĀ report on the law and pregnancy as a condition experienced by ā€œpregnant people.ā€

TheĀ ChronicleĀ reported:

Co-pays and deductibles can surpass $1,000 and tend to get more expensive as the fetus develops, often putting pregnant people who need or want abortion services in a position where they cannot afford reproductive care, officials said. SB245 will ensure that anyone seeking abortion services in California will have ā€œautonomy over their own bodies and the ability to control their own destinies,ā€ First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom said in a statement.

The California Future of Abortion Council, an advisory group focused on reproductive health care, recommended the billā€™s passage last year as a way to make abortion services more affordable and accessible. Newsom signed aĀ Proclamation on Reproductive FreedomĀ in 2019 ā€” a symbolic commitment to safeguarding choice and access in reproductive health care.

ā€œEliminating out-of-pocket costs for abortion for people with private insurance is a major step in Californiaā€™s commitment to being a Reproductive Freedom state ā€” making abortion services more accessible and affordable for all people in California,ā€ Jodi Hicks, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, said in a statement about the law, which go into effect in 2023.Ā 

ā€œSB 245 becoming law means that more Californians will be able to access the care they want, when they want,ā€ Hicks said.

Another Democrat California lawmaker, Sen. Nancy Skinner, proposed a bill last week that would create a fund to help women pay the expenses of traveling to California to abort their child.

(Excerpt from Breitbart News. Photo Credit: Canva.)

Contend for life in your state. How are you praying? Share your state and where your state is on the spectrum of protecting vs. destroying life in the comments below. Let us pray for one another’s states!

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Marta Gallegos
May 26, 2022

Painful The enemy is butchering our babies If not in the womb At schools Our we complacent?I pray every single day for this to stop JESUS IS LORD

April 1, 2022

Thank you for your commitment to stand for the unborn and defend them

Sheryl E. Richardson
March 31, 2022

I live in Oregon which is another state with a big legalized abortion support status politically. The encouraging news are the numbers are showing there are less abortions being done. ORTL (Oregon Right to Life) is very active here educating the public and I personally support a local crisis pregnancy shelter where women get an ultrasound of their baby where the percentages are high that they won’t abort once they see their child!

Rosalie Maginness
March 26, 2022

Forgive us for killing our children.

March 26, 2022

ā€œOpen your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die.ā€
ā€­ā€­Proverbsā€¬ ā€­31:8ā€¬ ā€­NKJVā€¬ā€¬

Venisa Villar
March 25, 2022

Abba Father, Holy God, Giver of Life, our Stronghold in the day of Trouble, our Resting Place, the Rock of our salvation, our Shade in the Heat, our Calm on troubled Seasā€¦.each life is truly a gift from You. We pray for the hearts of all people to come to honor and cherish our own lives, as well as, respecting and valuing the lives of others. From the time You place us in our motherā€™s womb we are precious in Your sight!! You desire us to live life godly, to uphold life, to speak life and to defend lifeā€¦ā€Defend the weak and the fatherless ( Ps. 82:3a).ā€ Of course none of these things can happen with out a personal relationship with You, Almighty God, through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. Save souls across America and the worldā€¦that people will have a desire to save the lives of unborn children who have the right to liveā€¦.in Jesusā€™ Name and Blood May wicked leaders be saved or removed from office that righteousness can rule in this land and all over the worldā€¦in Your Authority Jesusā€™ May every wicked scheme of the enemy be brought to light as to what is really bring done with the bodies of aborted babies ā€¦.and why wicked leaders continue to be for abortionā€¦when the fight against it as gone on for so long. Hear our cries as we cry out for Your justice Lord God, Your Blood is greater than any scheme of the enemyā€¦help us choose life for it is valuable and precious to You, or You would have never sent us Your Son to die in our place so we could live through faith in him, now and forevermore. Praise You Lord!! In Jesusā€™ Name, Blood, Word, Authority and Powerā€¦stop this action being taken by the state of California to make abortions free and for free expenses to travel there. Father God, help them see they are doing nothing but bringing further destruction upon themselves and their stateā€¦and our nationā€¦open their eyes to the things unseenā€¦the real war going on in the heavenlyā€™sā€¦May many who have been deceived by the enemy and he has their eyes blindedā€¦May the scales come off that they will have a Damascus road experience just like Paul. That they will be saved and transformed from the inside out. That they will move from taking lives of innocent babiesā€¦to fighting for life!!! There is nothing to hard or impossible for You God. Do it for Your gloryā€¦and these babies best good!! That they will live and breathe and have the chance to say, ā€œI cry out to my God Most High, to God Who fulfills His purpose for me ( Ps. 57:2).ā€ May there be no injustice in the courts. In Jesusā€™ Name we pray believing Who is the Defender of Life. Amen.

    Sharon Spoth-Wetzler
    March 26, 2022

    Your prayer was beautiful to both me and God! And praying using God’s word reflected back to Him made it both pleasing to Him and so very powerful! Thank you.

Neil Johnson
March 25, 2022

I live in Texas and thank God every day for our leadership that values and protects human life and Biblical principles. It may not always be so. We must stand and be counted!

Vicki M
March 25, 2022

In Colorado, the House & Senate just passed a bill that specifically denies that the embryo / fetus has ANY rights whatsoever under state law. Instead, access to abortion throughout pregnancy is protected such that no agency is allowed to put any kind of regulation on abortion whatsoever. We are concerned it may impact parental consent and basic safety laws already on the books. Our Democrat governor is expected to sign it.

Ingrid MW
March 24, 2022

So I was taught proverbs are for insight not a guarantee For those seeking Godly life, I have found it helpful to add ā€œin your soul ā€œat the end of each proverb. Whatever happens in this lifetime the wisdom of the proverb will be weighed/proved in the next life.
Think of those who risked everything living amongst the enemy to hide Jews, Romanians, Catholics, mentally unfit, from a tyranny started by Nazi Germany. A remnant clung to Gods word and some gave up their lives.

Be the remnant now

We who have the benefit of the Word of God and a recent example in history- cursed be us if we stop at wringing our hands and claiming- well I DONā€™T send people to abortions.

You DO- Every time state/federal/mandated insurance coverage: money is used for a mail order abortion pill- a life is stopped.

In addition to prayer, seek out a Faith Based Pregnancy Crisis center in your area and gift them, or seek out any Women Health Services providing abortion under their ā€œumbrellaā€ and quietly pray on the public sidewalk.

Your prayers will be heard

In Jesus powerful name. Amen

Helen Randall
March 24, 2022

I thank.God that all these precious, sinless. innocent, God created human babies are living with Jesus in Heaven totally loved and cherished and in God’s predence eternally. They are blessed and will never face the wrath of God Almighty like their murderers will soon. God hates those who shed innocent blood.

Paul Subbie
March 24, 2022

When abortion on demand becomes law, then, America will be evil enough to be destroyed, for life of the innocents no longer has meaning here.

Sue Tracy
March 24, 2022

Father, Forgive us for the needless loss of these precious babies. Have mercy on them and forgive the women who have allowed abortion in their lives. We pray for those without a voiceā€”the unborn.

Verna Knox
March 24, 2022

Open our eyes to see You, Father. Open our hearts to be restored to You and to Your Word. God, teach us to love you, to love ourselves and to love Your creation. Take away our hearts of stone which allow the lies of Satan to rule our land and steal our children and our homes. Once again, let America be One Nation under You, Dear Father… God of All.

Jennifer A. Molin
March 24, 2022

Father God we paralyze and demolish this bill! We declare it will not pass, it will never be brought forward ever again . Every baby will be protected in the State of CA. We FIRE every puppet senator being used by the Devil to birth forward these demonic inspired laws. Awaken each of us in the Body of Christ who have an anointing to rise up and accept the calling to run for the CA Senate and take these people’s place. We come in the Mighty Name of Jesus Eph 6:12 we come fighting in the Spirit and in agreement with every person who reads this and prays this into place. Heaven aligned laws, heaven aligned senators and governor for CA. Eureka,! We have found JESUS AMEN

Carmen Montanez
March 24, 2022

Catholic Vatican approval and endorsement of the Abortion tainted jab has made many Catholics complicit in accepting fetal stem cell research.

Tammie Roberts
March 24, 2022

I pray this bill will never be passed! It is bad enough for abortion to be legal in this country. But to kill babies 28 days AFTER birth? This is nothing less than murder! We dont need innocent babies put to death because this bill passed!

March 24, 2022

Right now, in the Colorado State Senate Judiciary Committee, a proposed Bill (HB22-1279, the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA) is being debated. They will determine if the bill is thrown out, amended or moved forward to the State Senate for a vote.

This bill would allow abortion all 40 weeks of pregnancy. This will not only allow killing of a baby up to 28 days after he/she has been born, but also removes parental notification and age restrictions on abortion. IT IS EVIL!

Father God, we bind the spirit of Baal over this land, over our families and over the unborn children. We ask for Your intervention, Dear LORD, in this matter. Convict the hearts of each committee member in the Colorado State Senate Judiciary Committee; Senator Pete Lee, Senator Bob Gardner, Senator Julie Gonzalez, Senator Robert Rodriguez, and Senator John Cooke. Convict their hearts, LORD, for life. Rise up the voices of the people O LORD. Let the sound of this moral outcry be so vast and massive that it will be impossible to fall on deaf ears. May they vote this bill be thrown out and be defeated in the fires of hell. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen!

    March 24, 2022

    This Bill has already passed the Senate. It only sits waiting the Governors approval. LORD we pray for a last minute huge conviction of heart for Governor Polis. We pray he realizes the consequences of his actions and that he serves you and you alone does he answer to.
    We cry out on behalf of the many lives this will effect. You are a BIG God and NOTHING is impossible for you! We love you, worship you, and honor your GREAT Name, the name above all names. In Yeshuaā€™s name we ask and pray.

March 24, 2022

Lord God we ask to stop this in evil plan of the enemy and protect our innocent teenagers and give them understanding and knowledge of the effects of abortion to their physical, emotional and spiritual lives. In Jesusā€™Name šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼

March 24, 2022

EVIL!!! I would love to be standing near by for his judgement from Christ.

March 24, 2022

They are ghouls. They pay for this baby’s body to do wicked things with it. They call it ‘Women’s Rights’. My heart is so grieved, so horribly grieved. They have murdered the little lives, devastated the parent’s lives so many lives . . . they are evil, wretchedly evil who do such things.
It won’t be long before CA tries to pull the infanticide of Maryland’s current proposed Senate Bill 669 which would allow babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth, Who are these people? What is the magic of 28 days? Who could ever conceive of such an evil unless they had plans for the little bodies.
May their hearts quickly be convicted of their crimes and they fall upon their knees, repenting and receive the LORD Jesus Christ. The time is up for He is at the door. LORD Jesus please bring and end.

CM Brown
March 24, 2022

When did we – as a people, forget that killing is WRONG? If a child is gunned down in the street, everyone agrees that’s wrong. A baby, a fetus is a HUMAN BEING! What will it take to open the eyes of Americans? Unborn babies are treated as an inconvenience. As former President Ronald Reagan said “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

God – please, please forgive the USA for this unthinkable bloodshed. Amen

Jean Berry
March 24, 2022

I am thankful to the Lord that Texas supports life! I pray that Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick who are strong supporters of life will win the election in November so that Texas can remain a role model for life!

March 24, 2022

There is one place left on earth where total innocence, purity and righteousness exists and that is in the womb.

Dear God, I pray for the protection of the beautiful and miraculous life you create.

I ask that Satan not be not allowed to continue to lie and steal his way into the court systems and bring more innocent lives to be taken.

I pray for hearts to be changed to recognize that conception means human life. Any removal of that life is murder. It is a lie to think otherwise.
Through the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray.

March 24, 2022

Why are women allowing the government to call pregnant women, pregnant people?Can men get pregnant? Why are they disrespecting women by taking away their scientific natural function? Scientifically only women can get pregnant. That is to womens credit.

Antoinette Johnson
March 24, 2022

Stop killing babies!

March 24, 2022

In Jesus Name, I break the power of this murderous, death spirit over California’s children. I take authority over this wicked, evil and demonic abortion spirit running rampant in California. I send the Host of Heaven to tear down and destroy and completely annilate the abortion spirit over California NOW in Jesus Name. California will be a place where all life is honored and celebrated and not destroyed in Jesus Name. I forbid that SB 245 will become law. This bill is dead on arrival and crushed. I declare and decree California will be a safe haven for all life in Jesus Name.!!!

Linda Crum
March 24, 2022

it is sad the ones who wrote the bill is not punish for killing babies. it is murder. I hope people in california finally wake up to those who don’t care about us or the state just themselfs and the power they want. I pray they are gone in the november. we need to take our state back to show the country that we care.

March 24, 2022

Father God, this is from hell we don’t agree with any of it, or the people hell bent on doing it. We and the babies NEED YOU to come to our nation’s rescue and deal with all this in Jesus Name! Jesus is THE KING of the UNITED States of America, and we DENY the enemy and all of its schemes to destroy our nation which IS YOUR nation. We decree WE WILL FULFILL OUR PURPOSE FOR OUR KING JESUS for HIS glory and name to be lifted high! Save the babies and save all the children, our God and redeemer, our Savior and protector!! The enemy has pulled an all-out attack on humanity in this day to rob You of Your Bride and harvest BUT we say NO it shall NOT be so! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so and WE SAY NO devil, you WILL NOT STEAL, you WILL NOT KILL, and you WILL NOT DETROY America, our purpose and destiny, or the children OUR inheritance in the MIGHTY name of JESUS CHRIST! Send YOUR armies, YOUR heavenly hosts and bring us, your earthly army together in Holy Spirt UNITY to WHOOP the devil THIS DAY!!!! Let ALL that YOU want God, be DONE in Jesus Name!! Fill US with Your FIRE and let Your FIRE consume the enemy and ALL it’s plans! AMEN

debbie akers
March 24, 2022

Our God is the God of life, not death, may God protect the lives of all babies in wombs and all children on earth. Abortion was never established for women’s health and women’s rights, it was instituted as a means of genocide, to destroy all babies of any race other than white, and now women have embraced this killing machine to a disgustingly high level. Killing a baby, is KILLING a baby, it is NEVER RIGHT. Women need to stop being careless and selfish and turn their hearts to protecting the gift of life God that gave them, that should be nourished and grow and have a sanctuary from evil in their wombs.

May God’s will be done, may God be with those of us against abortion and against those who are for it. In Jesus Name, Amen!

    March 24, 2022

    Plenty of white babies also get aborted. And men need to stop being selfish and treating women like sex objects and abandoning their children and the women.
    Lord, restore the sanctity of human life to the hearts and minds of people. Lord, restore purity and sexual holiness to the practices of people. Start with all who attempt to profess Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism. And help us overthrow the evil works of darkness among the others.

Magdalen Dugan
March 24, 2022

I am praying daily.

March 24, 2022

I am praying daily
Never give up

Sprit Huber
March 24, 2022

Abortion is murder.

Staci Clifford
March 24, 2022

Abba Father, I beg you-please remove Gavin Newsom and all his cohorts from power. I decree and declare California belongs to you Lord. The Ecclesia is alive and growing here in our beautiful state. Give us dominion to take this territory for you. This can not succeed, it is pure evil and will doom this state which is not your plan. We have been crying out to you Lord for years but more so the last two years to free us from tyranny. Raise up Godly leaders in every city in California. Remove Newsom and all like him who hold a position of power. Bring forth those you have in the wings Lord who will take back California and make it golden again. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray!

    TRUST in JESUS!!
    March 24, 2022

    AGREED, not just for California but the whole nation and the whole world so ALL peoples will be free!! GREAT mighty prayer!! Thank you!

March 24, 2022

Father stop this autrocity and the madness behind it. Father the enemy does nothing but kills, steals and destroys but Jesus came so that we would have life and life abundantly. Father open the eyes of many hearts in this hour and let them see the horrifying lies behind abortion and the abortion mills of America. Father You have all power over this situation annilate this appalling monstrous act. Such cruelty inflicted on a baby is barbaric and whoever supports it is in agreement with it. This extreme wickedness needs to cease and desist now before one more precious life is murdered! Abortion is a heinous act of injustice, Forgive us Father for not fighting this years ago during the Roe versus Wade fiasco. Your word states, “You have eyes and hearts for your dishonest gain, for shedding innocent blood, and for practicing oppression and violence.” Leviticus 20:13 ESV. Father Americas landscape is filled to overf;lowing with innocent blood. Forgive us Father for not standing up for the freedom of the unborn! Help us fight the good fight. In Jesus name Amen.

Henrietta Conway
March 24, 2022

I prayed against Senate bill 245. I am pro-life and it saddens me to see how our state of CA supports abortionā€¦ the killing of a human life.

Victoria Z
March 24, 2022

Father in the name of Jesus do not allow the tax dollars of your people to pay for abortions. intervene please for the sake of the unborn and your church.. thank you.

Suzanne Hoeg
March 24, 2022

In Iowa, our good governor goes to lengths to help protect the unborn. So saddened by states who continue to view human life in such low regards and continue to go against the teachings of the Bible. God bless our great governor!

Maryrose Rinaudo
March 24, 2022

Heavenly host of angels send your reinforcements to push this evil out of our government, communities, and schools.
We need You God, back in our homes, schools, churches, and government.
Holy Spirit come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.
The word says, that without the Church engaging in governmental affairs, secular rulers will govern the land by default and legislate ungodly laws to silence our voice and deny us our commission (see Jeremiah 29:7)
I am reminded of a pro-life short film of a mother who was in an abusive marriage, her husband was an alcoholic, pregnant, desperate and alone, scared and out of sorts. She went to a witch Dr. to get a ā€œpotionā€ to abort her baby. This was in the late 1700ā€™s.
As she proceeded to drink this ā€œdeath teaā€ a crash of a piano went through her window, a sudden break of the mug released the death potion. Her water then broke and she delivered a healthy baby boyā€¦who happened to be Ludwig van Beethoven.
You knit me together in my mothers womb, I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I know that full well.
For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this (Isaiah 9:6-7)
in Jesus name, Amen

March 24, 2022

Why do we need abortion when there are measures to keep women from getting pregnant?
Think about this….every life is sacred.

Cheryl Stalinsky
March 24, 2022

This is the latest travesty being perpetrated on our babies. Dear Lord, have mercy and move by your power, in Jesus’ name.


March 24, 2022

Here in Texas, abortions are banned when a fetal heartbeat is detected or at 6 weeks. Of course, there are those who are trying to rip apart this law. LORD, we know that you are so grieved that we keep killing our children, who are actually your children who you created before the foundation of the world. ALL things are possible with you, Lord, so I pray that your mighty hand would come and bring conviction in the hearts of judges and legislators world wide so they mirror your word and your ways. I also pray that you would raise up godly people that you help to position into offices throughout our nation and in the nations that our Pro-God and Pro-Life. In Jesus’s name, make is so Elohim!

Esmeralda winchell
March 24, 2022

Lord, help! How long will this go on? Open the eyes of these leaders who are promoting abortion as a business. My heart hurts because it’s hard for me to think that women would have their baby murdered. That is what it is. Lord, bring this bill down. I pray the people of California stand up and say NO! Open the hearts of those who are encouraging this bill to pass and see who you are. Bring them to their knees and turn their lives to you. They need you! I pray for their salvation. I also pray that they are removed from office. O Lord forgive us!

Glen H. Kippel
March 24, 2022

This is doubly wrong because it not only kills one human life, but it forces the rest of us to pay for it! In California, pro-life counseling centers were required to post a notice informing clients of places to obtain abortions. “Letting women know about their alternatives,” they said. Funny, abortion mills weren’t required to post a notice about where to find pro-life alternatives! I wouldn’t be surprised if God sends The Big One to level all of California’s coastal cities.

    Thomas McClellan
    March 24, 2022

    The San Andreas Fault and all the lessor faults, plus all the volcanoes are just waiting for God to say, “Enough.” I know this as I live 7 miles from an active earthquake fault in California. We have taken extra precautions in our building structural designs, but this is all theory. The Big One will come. Its not IF, but WHEN.

    Likewise, why is California in a continuous drought ? God is speaking to the people of California, but most are blaming the wrong thing because they aee listening to lies and believing these lies. To avert this disaster and the geologic one mentioned above, Californians who are call by His name must do 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our state to be healed. Note, I did NOT say all Californians, but just those who are called by His name [there are still a few of us left here]. We must humble ourselves, pray, seek God intimately, and turn from our evil ways. Some are praying, but most are continuing their secret sins whatever they are. So my fellow Californians, turn from your evil ways by running from sin to running to God. Otherwise, be prepare for the largest geologic disaster in recorded history [except Noah’s Flood and the tectonic plates movements during Peleg’s life as they were both recorded in the Bible]. Hundreds of millions will die as it will effect Oregon and Washington, too.

      Susan CC
      March 25, 2022

      Thomas, your comment moved me. When your prayers are brought before God, may they be a pleasing aroma to Him. I am praying for California.

Susan CC
March 24, 2022

NC has a governor who is abortion friendly. My state is on the high end of the spectrum for destroying life.

1 John 1:1,5 We proclaim to you the One who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw Him with our own eyes and touched Him with our own hands. He is the Word of life. This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
Job 12:22 He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light.

Dear Heavenly Father, abortion is one of the deep things of darkness and exists through the depravity of the evil one. But Peter walked with Your Son and proclaims to us that He existed from the beginning. Peter saw Him and touched Him and said Jesus Christ is the Word of Life! He said the message Jesus spoke is this, “God is Light, in Him there is no darkness at all.” Because You are our Abba Father, I declare this message for every child in the womb, in every state in this nation, and in every nation of the world. I pray Your light will shine in the hearts and minds of every mother considering ending the life of their unborn child. I pray You speak to them, they listen to Your Word and declare life. I pray no mother will seek abortion. I pray those who have become rich through the murder of babies would be destitute. I pray this and so much more in the Name of Your Son and my Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen

Sharon King
March 24, 2022

Father, How long O Lord will mankind create laws that clearly go against Your beautiful and perfect plans for children to live and thrive? May CA and other states stand up against these horrible and wrong bills/laws, show us how to speak truth. Only You can change people’s heart’s, we come to the throne asking in Your Son’s Name Jesus Christ; reign down Your power & will on this land !

Elizabeth Crouse
March 24, 2022

Praying for God to bind evil and governors who support it.

March 24, 2022

I never thought I’d see ANY woman murder her baby!

Karol PM
March 24, 2022

This is absolutely wrong. To kill is a sin!!! And to say this is a womanā€™s right itā€™s her body….how about us who chose not to be vaccinated! And many of us were forced. We are not killing another human being. But this is ok? And who will be paying for this? Paying for abortion and paying expenses of others coming to California to get an abortion. Look out California God is keeping account on who is providing to kill his children. He is the creator and each baby has gifts and callings and talents.,you are killing his babies!!!! He will say enough!!!! This is discusting. Itā€™s a sacrifice and you will be judged!!!

March 24, 2022

I continue to pray that God & Newsom have a “head on” meeting – something so prolific that he would become a changed man. But at the same time, I am praying that God will remove Newsom and others from their positions in “anyway He seems just & necessary”.
Newsom and his band of deceived fools are inviting the wrath of God upon the people of CA…and Newsom & his gov’t have no idea that they are shaking their fist in God’s face (or maybe they do know). I am beginning to believe they are deliberate & willing servants of Satan. The gov’t of CA refuses to protect unborn life, they continue to encourage crime, they release hardened criminals early that return to crime, they collect tax revenues from the porn industry with full knowledge that the industry is using underage children… the list is endless. I truly fear for the people of CA but I continue to pray God will intervene & rescue the people. *Lord God, may the people of CA come to the realization that they need to change course and bring forth / raise up Godly leaders. May there be a return & revelation of respect and fear for God & His ways. Raise up bold Godly leadership in CA that will help inspire a return to You.*

    March 24, 2022

    Why can’t women use birth control? It’s FREE for every woman who doesn’t want to be pregnant, not nearly as expensive as abortion or devastating to a woman’s body!!! I’m in full agreement with you and other comments on this subject!

Maureen Rathburn
March 24, 2022

Wow What discrimination
. Why don’t they pay the expenses for mom’s who want their child.

Teresa Lawson
March 24, 2022

Father God, You are Holy and a just God! Release Your army angels to fight against the principalities behind abortion. Abba, we pray You would change the mindsets of those behind abortion laws, as well as those who believe itā€™s their right to abort. Bind and remove the spirit of blindness; so that they may see Your truth!

March 24, 2022

It is our eyes that are being opened. Lawlessness and Righteousness will NEVER mix. We Christians are now seeing what happens when we do not BOLDLY share the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ!
Scripture tells us in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it. The Commandments of God have been removed from public education, one of which is thou shall NOT kill. All this talk about “root causes” well, this is a real root cause for all the mass killing of innocent life. How can one value life if they are not taught to? Instead, many youth of this day and age are given video games that make eliminating life a form or entertainment.
They have no concept of God’s commandments. Why is that?
I’m not defending them but I am noticing where “our great commission” became lax. We must share the GOSPEL with the all and especially the youth, that they may value the sanctity of human life.

I pray Heavenly Father that You have mercy on us and on the women that do not know that it’s wrong to kill their innocent and precious child. Make us BOLDER as mighty witnesses that teach your commandments to the hardened and heartless, and most of all, unsaved. Bring them to repentance with the saving knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ, that their hearts will be completely changed and that they fully accept and embrace Your commandments. Forgive us Father.
In Your most Holy and powerful name, Jesus. Amen.

March 24, 2022

Father, further equip and provide volunteers for the pregnancy resource centers that are on the Frontline of this battle. Bless churches involved with the Embrace Grace ministry to pregnant and single moms. Let more of Your children join this battle by loving on these women in need with Your love.

carolyn billington
March 24, 2022

Illinois is sadly very violent to preborn children. We continue to fight for life and are praying that new Life Center/Women Care will open in Chicago and St Louis besides other locations. Our church connects with other churches and prolife people to give baby items monthly with a gospel message to low-income families with young children.

    March 24, 2022

    Check out the ministry called Embrace Grace. First heard it on a James Dobson program. For churches to come alongside these ladies.

Marsha Bashor
March 24, 2022

Dear Father God, you are the father of us all, you love the children, please work to defeat this bill in California, and take authority over the enemy. Let the conservative and godly people rise up against this bill. And please remove Gavin Newsom from his position of power and replace him with a godly Governor. Let California turn to you through all the tent meetings held there by Mario Murillo. Let there be revival there. In Jesusā€™ nameāœļø

Lori Bollig
March 24, 2022

I pray for the women seeking abortion and for their salvation. I pray that God speaks to their hearts and makes a way for them where they see no wayā€¦.

March 24, 2022

NJ passed a similar bill recently. Father God may the fear of Lord come over these leaders Gov. Newsome, Gov. Phil Murphy and all those in authority to pay for the killing of innocent life. Father may conviction lead them to repentance and reconciliation to you. May the evil laws be over turned in NJ, CA. May women and men see the value in life and not choose child sacrifice as an option. In Jesus mighty name.

March 24, 2022

God’s creation is all around us for those who see. As a blade of grass pushes it’s way through a crack in concrete, the renewal of this earthly life is a testament to the Lord’s Glory. Many people claim to follow the science. Well the science says that upon conception a unique DNA is created thus a unique life.. No one has the right to alter this gift from God. When my son was born 42 years ago it was like a bucket of warm water was poured over my head. I was embraced with this wonder and even before as we felt this wonderful gift in my wife’s belly we were in awe. I pray that we can return to reverence to the love of God and carry any cross with thankfulness and love.
Please Lord open the eyes of the self centered.

Jeri Wilson
March 24, 2022

Also Father .. we pray BELIEVING .. we release YOUR true Love into and over pregnant women and they fall in love with YOUR GIFT of a child in their body .. in their LIFE. They find Joy, and LORD, Your wisdom in Family.. in the Name of JESUS YESHUA .. We crush the ancient spirit of Herod who ordered male children to be killed AMEN AMEN Father we release Your Holy Spirit FIRE to destroy the spirit of darkness in Jesus name..

Terry Andino
March 24, 2022

Absolutely HORRIFIC!!

March 24, 2022

All we keep hearing is ā€œMy body, my choiceā€ but it is not their body theyā€™re killing. It is another human being they are making a choice to kill. Hypocrisy at itā€™s peak. We continue to stand and cry out for mercy from heaven to put and end to this demonic act. Your kingdom come Lord your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    March 24, 2022

    It’s not their body their choice!!! If they don’t want to be pregnant… USE BIRTH CONTROL… IT’S FREE!!! What part of that do they not understand? LORD, bring down this evil abomination in this country. Bring down these evil, wicked, murderous politicians who keep creating laws worse than the last!!! FATHER, I ask YOU to replace these evil people in high places with Godly, Christian, true followers of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who will protect our most innocent… who can’t protect themselves and have parents that won’t protect them either. In the Mighty and Powerful Name of JESUS!!!

March 24, 2022

Please Lord God…let these women that feel they need an abortion see that there are other alternatives. Let them see how precious life is and decide to have the baby. Please open their eyes before it’s too late. Amen

Judy Hudgens
March 24, 2022

The abortion issue in our society is beyond my comprehension. It seems that with each effort to support abortion, another state or government official comes up with an eviler plan than the one before. I would love to see a Christian, Godly organization with influence speak to these abortionist & make them see this is so wrong & in my opinion, there are so many other avenues to address this, one being using prevention of becoming pregnant. One question I would have if I could make suggestions is to ask these so-called lawmakers if they’ve considered that abortion is “murder” & why they should not be punished according to the law? My reasoning behind this is very simple, when a woman is killed while pregnant the offender is charged with 2 counts of murder because of the baby!! To me, there is no difference. Just because most of the time the woman lives doesn’t mean they still haven’t committed one murder?? They’re supposed to be “intelligent” people? Someone needs to ask them if they even remotely have a conscious or have thought about what if these babies were their children/grandchildren? How can they look at a baby & say yes to murdering them? The answer is they need GOD in their hearts. Until that happens, I don’t think the abortion problem is going to improve. We Christians just need to stay on our knees in prayer!!

    Deanna Hanson
    March 24, 2022

    Profound thought. “When a woman is killed while pregnant the offender is charged with 2 counts of murder ”
    Unfortunately, the abortion tribe does not consider logic. It only moves to march with its agenda….
    Papa, in Jesus name, I ask the blinders be removed and they SEE the truth of murder and the audacious numbers. We also ask, in His Name and power, that you would perform a turn around in their thoughts to enter their mind May the spirit of conviction reach past the blockage of… I know what is best. Thank you nothing is impossible !

March 24, 2022

I prayed

Marianne Dubie
March 24, 2022

Our state is Vermont and it has also gone off the deep end. Our legislators have passed proposal5 and itā€™s before the voters in November to put into the state constitution article 22. Itā€™s so poorly written on purpose that will prohibit parents the right to know what their child is doing and train up their children as they see fit according to their faith. Check it out. Research and pray for our voters to be informed. The legislators have made it difficult for speaking out or on this issue. Abortion up to birth is already codified in this state. Now they are going after all things decent and true.

Rev. Elaine Burke
March 24, 2022

I prayed and agree with the Word of God

March 24, 2022

Thanks for this information we cry out against this!
Lord open the heart of people that they will know this is murder! Lord protect the innocent in Jesus nsmešŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

raleigh b Robertson
March 24, 2022

pennsylvania and california are the same, anything newsome advocates wolf will try to follow, wait and see, abortion is murder in the eyes of God and nothing else needs to be addressed, God please forgive these people and lead us to show the truth to them as they take the lives of your little ones

March 24, 2022

Praying for these babies to be protected.

March 24, 2022

Do away with condoms day before pill day after pill birth control you can now just kill.

March 24, 2022

My heart grieves. šŸ˜”

Shannon Stodola
March 24, 2022

Dear Father in heaven, we’ve prayed and are still praying for those who keep continuously wanting the murder or harm of innocent babies to have their hearts and minds changed and to stop wanting to kill them, but dear Lord I pray you would stop those in authority from influencing hurting people’s hearts and minds from wanting to destroy their baby’s life, and take away any one’s selfish desires that come over their child’s life and we’ll bring and knowing your love in Jesus most mighty name I pray, Amen

March 24, 2022

It’s horrible for a person to be able to abort a baby and they don’t get it that you are killing a person. If a pregnant person is walking up a sidewalk on their way to have an abortion and a person walks up and shoots them in the stomach and the child dies, would that person also be arrested for killing a baby? Why? They wouldn’t be arresting the person After the procedure as she leaves the abortion clinic. I don’t see how people can not see the irony of the situation!


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