California to Vote on Abortion
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California to Vote on Abortion
Analysis. Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to make abortion a constitutional right for every American. If he has his way and State Measure 1, THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM, passes in California’s general election on Nov. 8, women (and men, if this country continues in the insane direction it is now going) who have abortions in California will find themselves in a peculiar and grotesque, even Machiavellian, conflict of interests.
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They will continue to enjoy their own constitutional right to life, but they will also be handed another “right”: the right to deny the right to life to others. Born women, the women of today, will have the constitutional right to deprive the next generation, including the women of tomorrow, of all their rights and the rights of all their would-be descendants, by denying them the constitutional right to life.
On Nov. 8, women can enshrine their right to reproductive freedom into the California Constitution, while taking away the right to life from those they abort. They can vote themselves absolute and permanent thumbs-up/thumbs-down power — the power to administer capital punishment over the next generation for the offense of being conceived — while continuing to enjoy the life their own mothers gave them.
Today’s women have choice. Tomorrow’s women do not. It is like giving choice, a voice, to the slaveholder but not to the slave. Today’s women have a vote. Tomorrow’s women do not. If they had a choice, how do you think the women of tomorrow would vote in this election? Would they put the power to revoke their right to life into the hands of the women of today?
Californians, will you vote for life in this election? Share your prayers and scriptures for the unborn below.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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Job 12:10
In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.
Psalm 139:13-14
For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well.
Psalm 8:1-3
Yahweh, our Lord, how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth! You have covered the heavens with Your majesty. Because of Your adversaries, You have established a stronghold from the mouths of children and nursing infants to silence the enemy and the avenger.
Psalm 127:3
Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord, children, a reward.
Deuteronomy 5:17
“You shall not murder.”
Dear Abba Father,
🙏I am pleading the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ over this vote.
🙏I am pleading for YOU to REJECT this vote.
🙏I am pleading for terror to come to the hearts of the supporters, as they realize they are in the hands of the LIVING GOD.
🙏I am pleading for terror to come to the hearts of the supporters, as they realize this evil for what it is, murder.
🙏I am pleading for You to have Your way with Gavin Newsome and ALL OTHER LIKE MINDED “LEADERS.” I am thinking remove, remove, remove, in whatever way is necessary to correct their awful influence.
🙏I am pleading for a return to the sanctity of life, as these little ones are Your reward.
🙏I am pleading for Godly sorrow to rage through the hearts of the wicked.
🙏I am pleading for REPENTANCE to come and SALVATION to follow.
🙏I am pleading in the Name of Jesus Christ.
🙏I am pleading in Holy Spirit Power
🙏I am pleading to see YOUR GLORY in our petitions Father. Amen
Larry Elder ran for governor when Newsom was recalled! Either they cheated again in the election or people were more against having a black governor than Gavin Newsom’s failed governorship! All the polls predicted Larry Elder winning, and the day of the election Newsom was re-elected making him more bold in his wickedness than before! It reminded me of when GOD was governing Israel and yet they screamed at Samuel, “we want a king like the other nations” (which were heathens!) California screamed “give us the heathen (newsom) back! And they got him, even worst than before the recall! Those that did not support Larry Elder got what they deserve and asked for! FATHER GOD give the people of California wisdom to vote against this wickedness! And please remove Newsom from office quickly in JESUS NAME!
I do not trust the voting machines that declared Newsom the winner; they were highly vulnerable to tampering.
Brother/Sister C, I am a long-term resident of California. Your response was not appropriate for me and many others. Please, instead of attacking us, pray for believers in California. Pray that we will all embrace our responsibility as ambassadors for the Most High God in every area of societal influence. So many, including committed pastors, have “drunk the kool-aid” of keeping the church out of politics, that they won’t stand when rights — especially those prescribed by scripture — are proscribed by man. I pray for California believers on the basis of 1 Chronicles 7: 14; Psalm 97:10; Proverbs 29: 2 Thessalonians 3:2. Please agree with me in prayer for use as well as praying for Newsom, Pelosi, CA’s Sec of State, Aguilar and others on the grounds of 1 Timothy 2:1-6. Thank you in advance.
HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!!
Father God Almighty, In Jesus’ life giving name prayers for Your gift of life for Your unborn children. As Your word says “In the secret places he murders the innocent, his eyes are secretly fixed on the helpless…Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; seek out His wickedness until You find none.” Psalm 10 “Preserve those who are appointed to die..” Psalm 79:11. Prayers for repentance for those whose hearts are hardened towards the most innocent. Proclaiming victory by Your grace and mercy and steadfast love, Praising &.Thanking You El Roi, Our God Who sees. Amen