May we be encouraged by these believers in California meeting all across the state for worshiping, prayer, and healing. Let this be an encouragement and conviction to each of us to do the same and gather in fear of one another, but unite closer together. Let us not give in to fear of laying hands on one another in prayer and healing.
Below are various accounts over the course of the last month where churches in California have been holding outside services because they have been banned to worship inside their own places of worship. How could God be using worship to overcome the spirit of lawlessness and violence and division in our nation? Read these accounts of gatherings–mostly on the west coast–where believers are publically gathering to praise and worship! Be encouraged!
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Even as coronavirus cases have risen across California, hundreds of people gathered at the beach in Orange County for a religious event despite warnings from local officials.
The Los Angeles Times reports Sunday that several hundred people met in Huntington Beach Friday for Saturate OC, a weekly worship event held at the beach since early July after the pandemic thwarted organizers’ plans to hold it indoors. . . . .
To see video coverage of this event click the link below:
St. Robert Catholic Church in South Sacramento is doing something other parishes may have to do in the coming weeks: hold mass outside. “It’s really a reliance on the grace of God that we continue to do what we’re supposed to do, what we’re called to do, and at the same time, do every human way to keep ourselves healthy and safe,” said Father Brian Atienza of St. Robert Catholic Church in South Sacramento.
California houses of worship are having to find ways around Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent orders for them to close, along with many other indoor services, as the state’s coronavirus cases surge. At St. Robert, that’s what they’re doing.
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Cornerstone Church in Fresno
Editor’s Note: Another church, weeks before, in a different part of California decided to defy the order and meet outside.
In Fresno, Cornerstone Church Pastor Jim Franklin chose to conduct indoor services in defiance of Newsom’s order.
“It was a great service today, many people showed up. We had people that drove all the way here all the way from Visalia because they say they are looking for a church that is open,” Franklin told KFSN.
NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – The day after Governor Gavin Newsom announced churches could no longer have indoor service, St. Patrick’s Church in North Hollywood started holding mass outdoors.
Ada Acosta has been coming to St. Patrick’s for about 10 years. This is the first time she’s attending an outdoor service at her church. . . .
Acosta says it’s not the same experience praying at home by herself, she’d rather be at her church, surrounded by her fellow parishioners.
Preparing for the outdoor service took a lot more work, even before walking into the parking lot where the mass took place, people were asked if they had any symptoms or if they had been in contact with anyone who had COVID-19. There were hand sanitizers located throughout the church property and all seats are six feet apart.
Everyone wore a mask.
Father Nicolas Sanchez says his parish was ready to hold outdoor service the day after the governor made the announcement. He says they were able to use items they already had to make it happen.
“We have chairs, we have the stage, we have the alter, we have what we need, we have the space,” said Father Sanchez.
But he says he couldn’t have done it so quickly without volunteers who helped not only set up, but clean and sanitize after each service.
“The Church has left the Building!”
Editor’s Note: This particular account comes from another California church only days before Newsom closed churches.
Around 1,000 gathered at Lifeguard Stand 20, bringing together several local ministries. Last week, 30 people were baptized on the beach, according to organizers.
The beachside evangelical movement is called “Saturate OC” and co-organizer Jessi Green told the Los Angeles Times it has had a “ripple-effect.” . . .
“The church,” she said in a microphone to cheers, “has left the building!” . . .
Churches in the Golden State were ordered to stop singing recently before being closed due to a surge in cases. California has had more than 336,000 confirmed cases, second to New York.
“In the face of the virus and racial unrest, God has an answer of his people moving in radical love and unity,” Feucht concluded, “and maybe we can’t meet in buildings but we can meet on the beach. We can go to the bridge. We’re going to meet in parks. We’re not restricted to the four walls. We can still be the church even if we’re not in our buildings.”
On Sunday, more than 5,000 showed up on the beach in San Diego for a “Let Us Worship” event put on by worship leader Sean Feucht and his nonprofit, Hold the Line, where he baptized his own son, Ezra.
“It’s just the most raw, organic, gritty gospel,” Feucht told Fox News. “It’s been very eclectic, very diverse in terms of people praying and singing. People got healed, saved, and delivered.”
Father God, I praise you that your Holy Spirit has emboldened leaders of the church in California to pray out in the open despite the new mandate to ban singing and close churches (Daniel 6:10) and convicted leaders of the church to keep on gathering together and encouraging one another as the Day approaches (Heb. 10:25). Please continue to draw people to the feet of Jesus through conviction and repentance in order to create a ripple effect of a mighty revival in California which spreads throughout our nation and the world! Protect all who take a stand for righteousness in our culture in these unprecedented times. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray. Amen!
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Father God, I praise you that your Holy Spirit has emboldened leaders of the church in California to pray out in the open despite the new mandate to ban singing and close churches (Daniel 6:10) and convicted leaders of the church to keep on gathering together and encouraging one another as the Day approaches (Heb. 10:25). Please continue to draw people to the feet of Jesus through conviction and repentance in order to create a ripple effect of a mighty revival in California which spreads throughout our nation and the world! Protect all who take a stand for righteousness in our culture in these unprecedented times. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray. Amen!