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I Prayed have prayed
God, help us build an impenetrable wall of your Spirit and your Word around us, our family, and our nation.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

I awoke as the morning sun began to shine through my windows. Even before I slung off the covers and put my feet on the floor, I heard the Lord giving clear, firm, seemingly urgent instructions. “Build a wall! A stone wall!”

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My mind drifted back to one of my favorite movies where I first heard these instructions. The movie is called Facing the Giants. It’s about a football team and their coach. This team was known for losing – the coach hoped to change that but challenge after challenge stood before him. One day he taught his players a lesson about Nehemiah in the Old Testament. Here is the story he shared.

In the Old Testament Nehemiah had the task of building a stone wall around his city for protection. He didn’t have enough people, resources, or time but because each person worked on the stone wall that was in front of their house, they got it done in record time. That’s what we must do. (Facing the Giants, Sherwood Pictures, Alex Kendrick)

Moving forward, when this team faced their toughest competitor, they realized this was the strategy they needed as the quarterback began to yell, “STONE WALL! STONE WALL!” This instruction came at the last seconds of the game. The team was exhausted, weary from the battle, but they knew what they had to do. They dug their feet into the ground, stood firm and held their position with all their might. Not one opponent could get past them.

That morning, when I heard those words from the Lord, I too knew what we needed. We as the Body of Christ must build a wall around our nation. Around our family and we must do it now. While it may feel like an impossible task – if we use the same strategy Nehemiah did, it can be done. You see, each builder completed a portion of the wall, the area that stood in front of their home. Once all the sections in front of each individual home were done, the stone wall was completed. Their city was now totally protected and safe.

We can do the same. It’s entirely up to us to build a wall around our home, our family, and our city. Remember, everywhere you place your feet, God has given you. You have authority over your city and your family. You can and must build a wall around them. How do we do that?

With the Word of God and the Spirit of God. We must resolve, nothing gets past us as an individual, nothing gets past our family, nothing gets past our city, state or our nation. We must build a stone wall.

I know many of you are already praying and standing in faith daily for your family and even for our nation – but it’s time we ramp it up a bit and build a stone wall so strong nothing from the enemy gets through it. Dig through your Bible, find scriptures that cover safety, protection, healing, peace of mind and anything else you can think of and begin to build a wall by declaring Gods Word over your home and your family. Then do the same over your city and your nation. Declare, “not one weapon formed against our nation will prosper in Jesus name.” Drive back the enemy with the Word of the Living God!

I know many are tired, it has been a long, heated battle. It’s easy to build a wall when we are full of energy and passion. It’s not so easy when one is battle weary. However,  right now is when it matters the most! We are in the last few seconds of the game; we must give it everything we’ve got. We must dig our heels in and refuse to give up any more land. God has promised us victory, it’s time to take it by force.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force (Mt 11:12, NKJV.)

It’s time, we as a nation and a family, take back what is ours, by force.

Let’s pray!

Father, we thank You that if You have instructed us to build a stone wall then You have empowered us to complete it. Help us to build such a wall around us as individuals, around our family, around our city and our nation. Give us anointed words to speak that will destroy yokes and remove burdens in Jesus’ name. Holy Spirit of the Living God, back up every single word we pray and declare. Help us, equip us by the power of Your Spirit to build an impenetrable wall. One that nothing the enemy has can get through. Surround us with Your Word, with Your protection, with Your Spirit and with Your glory. We declare and decree we build a stone wall that can withstand any foe and outlast any storm. We declare and decree no weapon formed against us will prosper in Jesus’ name. We take back everything that belongs to us as a family, as a city, as a state and as a nation – we take it now, in Jesus name. Amen.

Were you encouraged by this article? Share it with your friends and family to encourage them to build a wall!

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. Her daily inspirational writings are available at www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Vanessa Trant
April 17, 2023

Very encouraging!

Darlene Estlow
April 14, 2023

Yes, Father. Help mebuild that stone wall! What better wall than the blood of Jesus! So I plead the blood over my family, my city, my state, my country. In your name.

Cecelia Uzzolino
April 13, 2023

Yes yes yes! Powerful Word and decree! Nehemiah taught me how to be a warrior and how to war many years ago! Thank you to ALL Warriors!

Mary Ann Canfijn
April 13, 2023

Oh God! May we take back what is ours in word and in deed!

Sandra Scott
April 13, 2023

This article is very inspiring.

I will definitely share it with others.

Thank you for sharing. 😊

Linda Esquibel
April 13, 2023

This morning as I was reading my Bible, the LORD reminded me of good King Josiah who made sweeping reforms when he discovered that his nation had not been obeying the Covenant of the LORD. In 2 Kings 22 & 23 the reforms he made to clean up the land were amazing. Considering his young age when he became king – 8 years of age – not to mention that his father, Amon, and his grandfather, Manasseh, were both extremely evil kings, his rule transformed the nation. 2 Kings 23:25 states: “Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the LORD with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of Moses. And there has never been a king like him since.” NLT We need to pray for men and women to lead our nation with his spirit.

Nehemiah has also been a favorite passage of mine, so it was very encouraging. Thank you, Kim!

Linda k Rice
April 13, 2023

I don’t think I can agree with this strategy. It seems to remove free will from others. I assume the prophets would have done this if it worked, but they prophesied to a stiff necked people. I am praying, of course, for my family. I am praying for the Church but not for every church. There will be apostasy and betrayal. I accept that. I can speak truth to others and warn. I can bind demons who currently influence them. But when they are free to decide, I cannot force a decision. Joshua said Choose you this day. That’s where I stand.

I don’t think it’s about preserving America. I don’t trust the motive behind that prayer. It’s about preserving a witness in America.

April 13, 2023

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…2Cor 10:4
… be not you afraid of them remember the Lord, who is great and awe-inspiring and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses. Nehemiah 4:14
Father God, we ask you to strengthen our hands for the task you have called us to and give us courage in the spirit. Help us to see that the battle is the Lords, and he shall not fail. We praise you Jesus! And we thank you for the victory! In the name of Jesus, our Savior, amen.

Karen Secrest
April 13, 2023

One of our favorite activities is to take a short drive through the foothills
As I checked the foliage for signs of “green”? I looked up and saw a wall comprised of very small stones encased in earthenware r cement. As we went along there were more walls, some large and rounded like castle walls. They were All singularly attractive r as if intended for private homes. I was so pleased and amazed that our engineers with t he j ighway department had built that which kept debris from raining off the cliffs onto the highway but also concentrated on the anesthetics if having it be beautiful and blend into our mountains.
This seemed to illustrate your message for me today

Sheila Price
April 13, 2023

Father God, we know as Your Children, we have the authority to command into the spirit realm.
Yeshua came to teach and set the example of how to do that.
He said He had angel armies at His beck and call… following His example as Your Children we know we do also.
So we ask You Father to dispatch Holy Angel Armies to surround not JUST our borders, North and South, but each and ever home in the communities we live in and have spiritual jurisdiction over.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name,
Yes and Amen!

Zenaida Bualat Baulita
April 13, 2023

Thanks for guiding us
What to pray in this end times! Let us not only pray for our families but for all people throughout the world. High technology leads people away from
God-to focus on their jobs for money sake. No more time to talk to God!

April 13, 2023

Thank the Lord 👑 for this inspired message. It has greatly encouraged me. I was feeling tired lately in this battle and standing guard for my family. In this message, I hear God sending me help. Nehemiah is the foundation of the ministry that I was given, A Mind to Work Ministries! It is geared towards helping rebuild broken families beginning with my own. I bless your spirit to continue bringing the light of God to those who are on the front line in spiritual warfare. God’s kingdom come, thy will be done!!!! Amen

Queen A Parker
April 13, 2023

I was copying a song which had nothing to do with what I got after I copied it. What came on my computer on the title of the song which was not even in the song, I will show you great and mighty things so go figure; whatever, I am just sayin’. So my prayer is that God as He hears our prayers, will come to our rescue also for P. Donald Trump, David Daleiden and soooo many others, we, (I) have prayed for. Jeremiah 33.3


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