Churches are open again nationwide, declared the President. In a press conference Friday, President Trump announced that new CDC guidance classifies houses of worship as “essential” at his direction. This new designation allows governors to open all churches “right now.” This announcement came as part of a coronavirus briefing at the White House.
“If they don’t do it, I will override the governors. In America, we need more prayer, not less,” he warned.
This welcome news comes as many states have been dragging their feet to allow houses of worship to reopen, and in many states even enacting heavy policing of church activity of any kind. With this new designation, churches can safely open their doors, conduct their services and activities, just as other essential businesses are permitted to do.
“Some governors have deemed the liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential,” Trump said. “But have left out churches and other houses of worship. It’s not right. So I’m correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential.”
IFA President Dave Kubal comments, “I think that this presidential declaration shows the importance of the role of the church to our President. He has been pushing for churches to be open, and this reclassification is a very welcome turn of events. Most of all, his comment that “in America we need more prayer, not less” is what we are all about at IFA. I am so thankful to have a president who gets that.”
CLICK HERE TO Send a message of gratitude to the President for reopening America’s churches. It is fast and easy to do. In fact, let’s take this viral. Share the good news with your friends about reopening churches–share this article and invite them to send their message to the President as well! Praise God!
For churches, helpful practical information about the reopening of churches can be found here.
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Lord I thank you for President Trump, and I asked that you would love the hell out of him and that he would come to know the POWER of walking close to you. That President Trump would know the power in practicing you principles. That you would cause him to know the power of giving the first fruit and paying the tithe to heal our economy. I pray that the eyes of his understanding would be enlightened to know the hope of you calling and that he would know the breath, the length and the depth of your love, in Jesus name Amen.
I live in the state of Oklahoma.
We have been blessed here as Governor Stitt has been very lenient About Us opening up our cities.
In this very small town of Apache our church started our first worship service on May 10th.
Although most of my family live in Southern California.
My church family has been praying for those in the state of California. And now they are expecting to start regular worship Services next Sunday the 31st. Praise the Lord once again HE has been faithful. All glory and honor belong to HIM. HE has always been in control. We will continue to pray for the people living in those blue states. We ask God to show His strong and mighty hand and show those who are refusing to give up their control, especially, over the freedom to worship,the only True and Living God Almighty.
We will continue to be in prayer and stand against the evil that seems to be more and more in control. For as Believers in our Sovereign God, we know that Our God has always been in control. He is Almighty God. No evil will ever prevail over Our KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS.
Praise God for this decision made by our President. We have all been dying to come into the house of the Lord. God bless you President Trump. More power to you. Please Lord let him remain in the White House for another term.
Thank you Mr. President for reopening the churches! I am reminded of Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;but exhorting one another and so much more, as you see the day approaching. We praise God that you are standing strong in our fight to keep our American freedoms in these perilous times! We do not cease to pray for you wisdom from God and spiritual discernment of the times and of the wolves in sheep’s clothing around you!
It is time that this nation gets back to the normal we once knew!
PRAISE God 🙏🏻🇺🇸🙌hallelujah
You people are from the pit of hell. Your efforts to kill off Christians will not prevail. The blood of JESUS is against you wicked, evil sinners. You need to be delivered from the devil. Go back to the put to your father the devil.
Dear Judith, I was so saddened to read your response to the opening of our churches. It is good and pleasing to God that His people can gather together and worship Him . The Precious Blood of Our Savior is never used to curse, it is pure, holy, innocent, justifying ,redeeming and sanctifying Blood.Usually in Scripture the Blood of Jesus has an adjective to describe the nature and the work of His Blood. For example: Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His Grace. It is Washing and freeing Blood “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins i His own Blood.” I have studied at least 29 descriptive adjectives of the Blood of Jesus and have not come across one that says that the Blood of Jesus is a cursing blood. I’m grateful that His Blood purchased my salvation not with “corruptible things, as silver and gold, but it is incorruptible. Holy, Atoning, Innocent, Accessing, Perfect, Sheltering, Peacemaking, Saving Blood that has saved and protects us from the deception and snares of the enemy. I pray that the WORD of God bring peace and love in your heart for brothers and sisters in Christ that may have a different opinion from the one you hold. Just as God protected the first Born from the Death Angel on the night of the passover, so He will protect His people who come and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God Bless You
tHANK YOU FOR OPENING THE CHURCHES. W2e live in a free land and can think for are selfeas.
Thank you Jesus for our President! May the Lord bless him, keep him, make His face to shine on Him, and give he and his family SHALOM!
Thank you so much God bless you and your family you have sacrificed so much for your country.Your nation will be eternally grateful!!! Praying for you daily!!! Dianne
Hallelujah! Thank you Father for answered prayer. Father, I pray you fill President Trump and all of our nation’s governors and leaders with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. Remind them that all power comes from you and those to whom it’s granted are to be ministers of God for the good of the people.
Thank you President Trump for opening up the churches – they are the most important facilities to be opened!
THANK YOU for opening our churches! Father, we rejoice in the work You are doing in and through our President. Thank You that Your power and LOVE are greater and more effective than the things that would try to destroy his life, destiny and purpose. Thank You for giving him a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Your nature, ways and will. Thank You also for enlightening the eyes of his understanding so that he knows the hope of Your calling upon his life. Thank You for continuing to give him boldness, courage, discernment and hope coupled with humility, a heart of forgiveness, compassion and mercy and for securing his identity in You. We continue to call forth Your laborers to communicate Truth that affirms light and faith are filling his life. We declare and thank You that neither President Trump nor others are overcome nor influenced by the lies spoken to or about him. Help him to continue to hear Your voice clearly. We thank You that President Trump has been letting things go that are incompatible to the man You have ordained him to be. Thank You that President Trump is communing with You more and more frequently and intimately, believing what You are telling him and walking in the reality, GOD, of Who You are; and he is pursuing You with his whole heart, mind, soul and strength. He’s no longer living out of the feelings of his emotions nor thoughts of his mind because Holy Spirit is empowering him to align himself to truth so that he is living out of the reality of a renewed heat, as well as regenerated thinking and motivation as inspired by the pure mind and intentions of Christ. We declare that our President lives from the Truth of Your Word. He is constantly asking You to mature him, lead him, guide him because he is totally dedicated to being fashioned by You and he desires that nothing hinder him from seeking, knowing, imitating and honoring You all the days of his life. AMEN
Renewed “heart” not “heat,” fourth line from the bottom.
Mrs. D, that’s ok we know what you meant and what wonderful prayer.
Here I am encouraging someone who corrected their spelling and I have to correct my grammar. There should be an “a” between the words “what” and “wonderful”. Sorry about that.:(
Thank you Pres. Trump for your strong stand and declaration in protecting our religious freedoms. My husband pastors a church in Michigan, so this is exciting news for us! You are prayed for DAILY.
Some have pointed out that we can worship anywhere and that the church is not a building, all of which is certainly true. But we see recorded in the book of Acts that believers daily gathered together in the temple and in their homes. The right to peacefully assemble and to worship is both commanded in scripture and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution the the 1st Amendment. Believers need to be together to encourage and strengthen one another. Whatever his personal shortcomings, President Trump seems to recognize this more than many state governors. Thank God that he does.
Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
Your scripture is so appropriate for now and everything you said is correct.
There is nothing Spiritual or prophetic about what this man said
He did that because those Evangelicals that support him asked him. God has nothing to do with it. What is wrong with those of you who claim to know Christ? Stop trying to put a man who needs God in a position of authority and power as a man of the most high God. And another thing, because he said what said about ISRAEL, go back and look at who said it first.
Lord God Almighty I pray I pray your Holy Spirit will be at work in all your body to remember you say all sin is the same! Which means we cannot rightly say our continual sin is Forgiven but others sin is too evil to ever be forgiven!
God is the judge not you. You do not know the President’s heart but God does. You have absolutely no idea whatsoever that God did not speak to him. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean that God is not working in and through him!
Good for President Trump. He is an incredible leader. I believe each state has to decide what they are going to do.
I think voters need to pay close attention to what the governors do. Then we need to vote those antagonistic to religious freedom out of office.
Yes, Sandy, these governors are exposing their true heart. They do need to be voted out. I received an email about this the first part of April.
Prayer and church are absolutely essential! However, the president does not have the authority to override a state’s governor or a church’s pastor. No church was ever closed since the church is the people and not a building.
Griffin did you see Mike’s post about you only having part of the story? Also my last comment was not meant for you but IFA will not delete it for me
We don’t have to go to the church building to pray. One thing we’ve been learning during this time is that we can and need to live as Christ’s body dispersed in our communities.
I remember a man a couple of generations ago across the sea who strongly supported Christian churches, urging them to join in his campaign of assuring the rightful place of their nation in the world.
Mike’s post is important to those who believed the whole truth is best!
I do love this president
I don’t like his way of saying and doing opposite of what the Word of God says a Christian should be.l refuse to bury my head in the sand and just say praise God?
Lord God Almighty I pray your holy Spirit will be at work in Erma to know that what she said is of her emotions and not of you! For you clearly say that we are to say not only what is sin in a person but also what is godly!
This is FANTASTIC! I think everything should be essential in a free society. I think people should be forced to use their brains. Our leaders are supposed to be our representatives. They are not supposed to tell us what to do and how to think.
Opening churches GREAT MOVE!!
Praise God for President Trump!!!
Prays God for this man, he stay for freedom for the people will believe in the Jesus Christ in God and the Holy spirit, pray and pray for him for nov 2020/2024 our President.
God Bless you all. gr Ellen
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him MUST worship in spirit AND truth.” (John 4:24) The church is not a building, but people who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. He can be worshiped anywhere, anytime. We are called to be salt and light to the world. We are in the world, but not of the world.. The world seeks earthly pleasures like stores, liquor, etc. These things gratify the flesh. We do not live by the flesh, but by the Spirit. What’s next? Kool-Aid? Father, help us!!!
Jacquelyn did you see Mike’s post? it shows you have only part of the story!
The fool is the one who doesnt take precautions. Our President seeks only what is important for his People. And he knows what our desires are. Worshipping God, talking w God, fellowship w brothers/ sisters. My faith doesnt make me scared of anything. And i dont take advantage of it. We all have our time when God will call us home.
Yes the devil roams around seeking the weak to devour. Dont be unaware, n dont be judgemental either. MrTrump’s discernment is peaked, intuition on High key. I believe he can hear God speaking in his heart. God’s blessing to all dust off, shrug off all negativity from your aura/ energy field. And have a good day…sunshine
Thank you Mr President for seeing and understanding how ‘essential’ places of worship are! In this critical time and history, people need hope and I have been amazed at how so many Churches have been creative in their ways of still having worship. But nothing is better than people being able to join together, even in small groups to worship together.
May the Lord continue to give you wisdom and understanding in these challenging times (years). May He be your strength and protection constantly daily is my prayer.
Thank you again,
Amen. Praise the Lord we have a President that values religious freedoms in this country. What a weekend to declare it. We are remembering the the men that fought for the freedoms we have and died doing it. God Bless America!
I agree! Of course The Church is people, not buildings, and nothing can prevail against it. But, an oppressive political mandate can harass and obstruct the Body of Christ in their free expression of worship. Closing places of worship is a dangerous precedent, and President Trump is correct in protecting our freedom to worship. I would also call it a brave move on his part, to stand with those of us who value prayer and worship and honoring our one true God.
Hallelujah! Praise n all glory to God. He knows what’s important to you n i. Its being in the company of our church family. Our prayers are heard by the Almighty n President Trump is his instrument. Doing the Will of God for his life. Its so awesome to watch someone do that. Our Father always walks behind him,so enemy cannot pull a false crack. In front of him to protect what’s coming at him. Along side of because He’s a friend that’s closer than a brother. Trump is protected with prayer. God bless you all have a great weekend.
Verna I praise God you say what I should have
May the Lord continue to fill you, President Trump, with discernment, wisdom, and courage as you govern our land. Continue to be “strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might! Remember – The battle is the Lord’s. He is sovereign over all the earth. May His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We praise and thank you Jesus for your hedge of protection around President Trump, his family and his administration staff.
Let your glory fill the earth!
Aww that was beautiful…
Almost as good as your reply Verna
I am extremely for courage our President exemplified in this action in leading our nation. I continually pray for Gods head of protection over him, in Jesus name!
Thank you Mr. President for your boldness and that you do stand for America and for the people of faith in America – you are truly anointed by the Father and have been given to us for such a time as this – thank you and praying for you always – Blessings and God Bless America
What our dear POTUS was saying is this ; during this time of perceived danger real or not , people have been allowed to shop at big box stores get and abortion and beer etc. no problem. But others for even being in a parking lot at their church have been fined and threatened. Our country was based on religious freedom the very 1st Right of our Constitution. If precautions need to be taken then so be it, but to stop the free exercise thereof is unwarranted and illegal.
If abortion clinics, beer distributors, Lowes, HomeDepot and WallMart all are essential, then even more so Places Of Worship.
Talk about a Great Delusion!
Amen and amen
Hi Pres. Trump, it’s me again, Barbara from MA I am so grateful that our Lord allowed you to be my Pres. Pres. Trump, thank you for hearing the voice of God and all the christian advisors that are helping you to do all that the Lord wants you to do. Thank you for opening up all the churches and the houses of worship. Pres. Trump, please do not listen to those who are against our Lord and His word. This country needs you (a man with the heart of God like king David) to continue to follow in His footsteps. Pres. Trump, thank you and all those in your administration that are doing the will of God to bring this country back to the teachings of our Founding Fathers. My prayers are with you and your family, keep the faith. Know one thing, you are doing what pleases our Lord and that is all that matters. God Bless Barbara from MA Psa 91
Hi Barbara-be sure to click the picture above to send this wonderful message to the President!
Again, i love it. You have that touch msBarbara. Yes we have an awesome man Leading this great land of America. We must continue daily to send prayers because PRAYER IS POWER
Praise the Lord for our President. He understands the essentials of worshipping and praying to our God. Great is his reward in heaven.
Thank You Mr. President for opening our churches and places of worship! God Bless You!
All AMERICANS and none-AMERICANS living in America right NOW should give PRAISE to God for having such a PRESIDENT that understands and sees the VALUES OF PRAYERS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CHURCH.THIS ALONE SHOULD GIVE HIM A SECOND TERM.
Dear Heavenly Father, Holy Jesus & Holy Spirit! Thank You so much for our wonderful President Trump!! For such a time as this!! For his Declaration & support for Your People who are called by YOUR NAME! Help us ALL not to be afraid, but to trust in You Father God, Holy Jesus & Holy Spirit! for our churches opening..instead of fear we need to be on our knees praying Psalm 91!! and all the Lord’s Scriptures of God’s Protection, Deliverence, 2 Chronicles 7:14!! Trusting Him to take care of us, to protect about some corporate Jericho Marches being released over our wonderful country & America!! Right now there is a mighty Global Prayer Movement going on!! Global Prophetic Intercessors are Believing that this years Pentecost Sunday will be the SAME as the ORIGINAL ONE! You can see all the news about this on youtube…just look up Lou Engle, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Lance Wallnau, for starters!! Get on Gods Mighty Band Wagon!! I’m praying you, for me, ALL of us!! Those of us who are going to our Church are going to be safe under HIS WINGS (IN HIS PRESENCE)! In His Secret Place! Lets CLAIM IT & DO IT! AMEN! Love you ALL!
All thanks be to God for President Trump understanding the importance of prayer & not forsaking the assembling in church according to the scripture. May God continue to bless President Trump, 1st Lady Melania, his administration & his family. In Jesus name I pray this. Amen