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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would empower Biden not to politicize Ian, but to instead provide needed assistance to Florida.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Biden says that getting vaccinated is a “vital part” of preparing for hurricanes. DeSantis, meanwhile, is not convinced.

From Breitbart. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) team on social media assured the Sunshine State that its officials are ready and willing to help all Floridians who will be impacted by Hurricane Ian, regardless of vaccination status, after President Biden deemed getting vaccinated a “vital part” of hurricane prep.

Post a prayer for your state!


“Let me be clear. If you’re in a state where hurricanes often strike like Florida or the Gulf Coast or into Texas, a vital part of preparing for hurricane season is to get vaccinated,” Biden stated ahead of Hurricane Ian’s anticipated landfall on the west coast of Florida. …

The DeSantis War Room addressed Biden’s call for more vaccinations on Tuesday. …

It remains utterly unclear what getting vaccinated for the Chinese coronavirus — which Americans have had ample opportunity to do — has to do with preparing for a massive storm, which is expected to bring catastrophic flooding, “life-threatening storm surge,” and mass power outages across the state. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who has held several press conferences on the storm, has made no mention of vaccines, as it has nothing to do with preparing for a massive hurricane. …

How are you praying for Floridians as they deal with Hurricane Ian? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Say What
October 1, 2022

The radical left never misses a chance to perpetuate its lies. We need Covid vaccines, green energy (especially wind turbines) and world government to fight hurricanes? What we really need is Jesus Christ! Pray that Americans are smarter than the Biden administration’s folly.

Roxanne Rice
September 30, 2022

If it were true that being vaccinated was essential for being prepared for a hurricane, Biden’s warning came too late to do any good. It takes a couple of weeks for the “vaccine” to be “effective” so the hurricane would be long gone before the jab would take effect.

Lord, please watch over all the people of Florida as they recover from the devastation of Hurricane Ian. Provide every need. Grant them physical strength and safety, emotional comfort and hope, and all the financial resources they need. Thank You for the many, many people who have come to help them. Bless them all, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Rose Rocha
September 30, 2022

Lord, give sound judgement to Mr. Biden as he addresses the people in Florida who have been and are to be effected by the hurricane and severe weather. Let this not be a political attack on vaccinating people. I pray heavenly protection on all in the eye of the storm. IJN

Victoria Z
September 29, 2022

Father we are a nation sadly filled with prideful sinful people, and it sometimes takes castrophies to wake us up. Lord, in your wrath, have mercy. We are a church full of prideful sinful people as well, who have not won our towns, cities, state and nation for Christ, instead have been lazy, and laid down our cross instead of carried it, we have supressed the truth in unrighteousness, and given the world more rules and religion, instead of truth and love. in your wrath, judge us yet teach and heal us and all who call themselves yours. Thank you for hearing our prayers.

Roger Hall
September 29, 2022

Lord, I pray that politics not enter into the recovery efforts in Florida.

September 29, 2022

If God created the hurricane, why would our prayers matter? If HE is infallible, are we hoping to convince HIM that HIS hurricane was in error?

Also, this makes perfect sense; if people will need to shelter in emergency housing in large groups, all diseases will spread more quickly in those shelters. It stands to reason that the disease that has brought the global economy to its knees (that we have a vaccine for) would be present in those shelters. Vaccines work. Polio, Measles, Smallpox, Diphtheria, Tetanus – all of these diseases are almost unheard of now because of vaccines.

    September 29, 2022

    If it was a thoroughly well tested vaccine, you might be right. But it’s not. And whether you want to accept the truth or not, the various side effects continue to come forth…. despite the Biden administration’s best efforts to squash that truth information. Documents coming forth from the makers of the “so called COVID wonder vaccines” also reflect just how much damage that isn’t necessarily immediate. It is & will continue to be ongoing. Talk to some of the professionals doing autopsys. They have never witnessed blood clots of such an extreme nature or other quirky results coming forth from “vaccinated people who have died”. Well known software creator Bill Gates, who is publicly a heavy supporter of population reduction as well as “heavily invested in pharmaceuticals”..has done his ideological job well. (Ever ask why our senators are exempt from taking the vaccine. Ever ask why Gates hasn’t taken the vaccine? Ever ask why Gates has been invested in Chinese pharma for over a decade? And why his wife divorced him because she didn’t agree with much of what he was/is doing)
    You don’t have to dig very deep to understand that these vaccines (which really aren’t vaccines) have been rushed into action to capitalize on the fear being forth. Please – seek the Lord’s understanding of this. He will give it if you really want the truth.

    William P Wortman
    September 29, 2022

    Vaccines work but this is NOT a vaccine or Biden would not keep getting Covid. The jab is a very dangerous thing and should be stopped now. Medical Examiners have been warning us for years but we refuse to listen. The government should not be trusted!

    Barbara Janicki
    September 29, 2022

    Yes, true vaccines work – they have worked in the past. As you said, those diseases are essentially eradicated and we don’t get multiple shots per year for them, or even annual shots. We had those vaccines as babies, once, and we have not gotten those diseases. Until covid, that has been the definition of a vaccine as opposed to a “shot” like the flu shot, which is given annually and people have no expectation that it will keep them from getting the flu, just that it will be “milder” when they do get it. What we have been told is a “covid vaccine” clearly does not prevent those who get it from getting covid and getting covid multiple times. As with the flu, we are told this can be attributed to “multiple strains” of the covid virus, just as there are multiple strains of the flu virus. Rather than admit this is a covid shot rather than a vaccine by the traditional medical definition of vaccine, the CDC recently changed the definition of vaccine. Of further concern, covid shots have been given not annually, but with boosters coming every four to six months, after the initial two shots, individuals are getting multiple “shots/vaccines” in a year. In the past when was a “vaccine” an annual event – every year of your life in perpetuity? Something isn’t making sense here. If it were just a money making scheme, using a placebo shot, that would be evil enough. But these “vaccines” actually do harm, as we continue to see in real life. And to add insult to injury, it is a needless risk we take because the virus is survivable 99.95% of the time. (that was pre-covid shot) now that so many are vaccinated, more may die, because the “shot/vaccine” weakens the immune system and makes people more susceptible – not less. Too bad they vaccinated over all that natural immunity which we got from March to December 2020, before the “shot/vaccine” was made available – because natural immunity is broader, stronger and far superior to any man made shot. We forget – our bodies are “wonderfully and fearfully made” to survive even in this fallen, broken world. Thank You, Lord for the gift of health. Let us not take it for granted. I pray that physicians will remember their oath and “do no harm.” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    September 30, 2022

    Give me a break! Are you serious that people whose home is flooded are saying, if only I had gotten that experimental Mrna therapy that liars in big pharma and this bogus government call a vaccine, I won’t drown and/or the flood will not touch my house! Please read your Bible from cover to cover quickly so you can learn GOD! FATHER GOD please send YOUR laborers to them that do not know YOU as LORD that they may be saved from destruction and hell in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Larry Cook
September 29, 2022

Please people do your research. I have lost more people vaccinated than not. Go beyond government supported info. The vaccine is very dangerous. I wish I could share more, but I will say. I have 24 percent lung capacity and to get the virus would probably finish me. I had to be around numerous people with covid. The second I felt anything close to symptoms I started up on hydroxachloraquin, vitd, and zinc. Have never been sick. On another note I wish the state of Oregon had your governor there’s not a better one in the world

    Barbara Janicki
    September 29, 2022

    so true, about the vaccine, I feel desperate to warn everyone I know and love, but most people take it despite getting covid multiple times even as they continue to get multiple boosters. I am left wondering why more people aren’t connecting the dots? And vaccinating the young and healthy is criminal, as the virus poses no threat to them, except giving them natural immunity, while the vaccine is full of risks, some clearly known and many more becoming apparent as time passes. I was grieved and alarmed every time the age limit to receive the vaccine was lowered. Medical people with knowledge need to speak up – I realize some have tried and have been silenced, threatened with loss of job and license – but the truth needs to be known – people are not making informed decisions about the vaccine because we have not been given accurate information about the vaccine. It is not a placebo – it actually does harm! The vaccine is far more deadly than the virus ever was. And we never needed it – we had medicines already available that worked! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

      September 30, 2022

      When I went to the protest against mandates on Jan_ 21 in DC, that same day I discovered my 26 daughter got this evil v@x, bcz in her new job a non-profit organization they asked her for the pass, and the next day I had another bad news, my younger daughter 19 yrs also got it, not once but twice. Since that day I know they’re not the same, and when I talked about the “nan0 Sh0t” they don’t say a word, I know the idea is to altered the @dn and minimize the population. This is really sad when a mother raised the kids in a Christian family and schools, with healthy homemade food, and the kids get brainwashed for the ignorant friends, the evil media and in one second their lives are changed. 🙏🥲

        October 14, 2022

        I plead the Anointing of Jesus Blood over your daughters, from crown of their heads to the soles of their feet to protect them & destroy every harmful effect from those jabs… Keep praying for them and declaring Gods Word over them. Our God is faithful and all powerful- His Word is alive and His Resurrection Power makes all things new, Praise the LORD, Amen

September 29, 2022

Thank you all for your prayers for Florida, here in Jacksonville we experienced the reduced force of hurricane winds. We are also experiencing reduced hurricane flooding.

September 29, 2022

Follow the money

September 29, 2022

Proverbs -21: 2 – A person may think their own ways are right but the Lord weighs the heart ♥️. People can find an excuse For almost. Doing anything, but God looks behind the excuses to the motive of the heart. “ God is not pleased when a person does deeds to receive something in return.” Pushing dominance is not what God wants, v. 3 Haughty eyes and a proud heart – the unplowed field of the wicked – produce sin. The reason behind the vaccine was for gain not meant for good deeds. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

Deborah Thomas
September 29, 2022

Father I pray for our government; I pray your will be done; I pray for Biden to stop trying to make people take a vaccine that was created to kill people not help; I pray for people to trust in you and not the government and to listen to you in Jesus name;

September 29, 2022

You are a good, good, Father, Lord! We ask you to protect the most vulnerable and fearful as hurricane Ian makes landfall. Give them immunity from distractions and deceptions which the enemy is throwing out daily before our the crucial mid-term elections – just 5 weeks ahead! We ask you to keep your people united in wisdom so that they can be effective as your lights at this time of threatening chaos, suffering and election fiasco. We ask you to gird up the minds of all who are assisting Floridians, with truth, courage and foresight. We stand together in prayer for them to resist the devil, for you will make him back off. Let us be seated above in heavenly places, at your right hand, and watch the salvation of God work ALL things for the good and and the glory of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen

Marsha Bashor
September 29, 2022

Instead, I pray for a change of his heart toward you.

Marsha Bashor
September 29, 2022

Dear Lord please shut the mouth of the one who has no idea of what is important to the people who are in the midst of a devastating hurricane.

September 29, 2022

The vax doesnt help you rebuild your home, replace your car, turn on the lights, bring you drinking water and food. Supply all u our needs, it di we set even keep you from the virus. Please know your state snd neighbors across the state will help you vaxed or not.

September 29, 2022

May God protect the people of Florida from this hurricane and all those who are coming to help the state of Florida. I feel it has been proven that vaccines aren’t too effective and to suggest that people include being vaccinated as they prepare for natural storms seems highly irrelevant to me. I pray that GOD oversees His people as they rebuild their lives, their homes, and their Faith.

September 29, 2022

Father God help our president, give him wisdom. How ridiculous of him to suggest that vaccines are part of preparations for any storm. Lord send the needed help and protection for Florida today, in Jesus name, we speak peace to the winds and waves, be still!!

Brian lynch
September 29, 2022

I pray for all people who are in harm’s way. Please, protect them and keep them safe, Lord. I pray for all first responders and Good Samaritans. Let their efforts be blessed and protected. Biden, as usual, has no idea what he is talking about. Nothing new here!

Barbara Janicki
September 29, 2022

Those are two dots that are hard, if not impossible, to connect – vaccines and natural weather disasters – maybe because there is no connection? The covid vaccine does not protect against the virus, which is its sole purpose for being. So I don’t think it will protect from high winds, flood waters, power outages etc. Perhaps boarding up and/or evacuating would be more useful courses of action. Talk about advice that clearly does not address the reality at hand . . . but then that’s been the problem all along – the “ideas” the people governing us want to implement, don’t play out well in real life for all of us. Something that does and will make a difference though, is prayer. Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of intercession. We pray for the storm to lessen in strength, to head out to sea and not come back to land again, for flooding and damage to be minimal, despite the initial strength of the storm, for no loss of life, for people to draw close to You when faced with this natural disaster, may this be the time they turn to You and find You have been with them and waiting on them all along – may people come together to help each other, putting aside all divisions such as political parties, vaxed/unvaxed, etc. – divisions that have been recently created by CRT, BLM etc. – use this time to tear down walls and bring people together and to You, as they all experience this natural disaster together. Bring healing and hope out of the destruction of material things – bring the intangible gifts of gratitude, restored relationships, more people coming to know You, Lord God, use Ian and the aftermath to accomplish Your purposes which are always good and are eternal rather than temporal. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Allena Jordan
September 29, 2022

Lord, deliver us from insanity, scare tactics, and nonsense. Amen.

Melody Timm
September 29, 2022

I feel we are being dishonest when we print things out of context. I am NOT a BIDEN supporter but I did my research and the video/quote of Biden suggesting people get vaccinated ahead of the hurricane is from Aug of 2021. He was saying this regarding people who might end up in shelters and face exposure to COVID in addition to the destruction of the hurricane. I am “unvaccinated” so I did not agree with Biden, but I don’t feel he spoke these words with ill-intent. I add my prayers for the people in Fla. May every evil intended by the enemy be used for God’s glory. We know God has authority over even the winds and water. I ask especially that the livestock and agriculture areas be spared.

September 29, 2022

Holy Lord, God…please lift Your mighty hands and calm this storm that has descended upon Florida. Please let it dissipate before it keeps going up the state to cause more destruction. Please keep all Your people safe from any harm in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Gail Wood
September 29, 2022

We really appreciate all of your prayers . Thank you so much from Florida.We are in the best part of Florida where hurricanes are concerned. I just praise our heavenly Father for His faithfulness to us. We serve a mighty and awesome God.
Father we pray for all of Florida and the states in Ian’s path. We ask even when the storm is raging that we know that you are in the midst of it as you are all the storms in our lives.
We thank You that You have Your hand upon all people involved.
And He speaks to the storms and they obey Him. Our God. The same yesterday , today and forever.
Praise You Father.

Pamela C
September 29, 2022

A hurricane is catastrophic and totally unrelated to vaccination. How agitating. May God save President Biden’s soul. He is blind. May God protect the people of Florida from this hurricane and all those who are coming to help the state of Florida.

Anne Leake
September 29, 2022

I’ve been praying for over a week for Florida’s Ian Hurricane. I’ve friend’s and relatives who live there.
We need to pray for All of Florida State including Louisiana, Georgia, Carolina’s and Texas.


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