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Biden is using religion to garner support and set himself off from Trump. What do you think of this?

From Washington Examiner. President Joe Biden‘s recent campaigning in South Carolina saw him meet repeatedly with black churchgoers in the Columbia area, foreshadowing a clear effort by the president’s team to leverage religion in contrasting Biden with former President Donald Trump.

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Biden, who is a Catholic, attends Mass weekly and routinely discusses how his faith has shaped his political beliefs — themes he expounded on in remarks delivered to two separate black churches on Sunday. The president’s 2024 campaign had looked to South Carolina, the Democrats’ first official primary contest, to counter a perceived lack of enthusiasm surrounding Biden’s reelection effort, specifically regarding black Southern voters, compared to the previous general election.

The president’s 2020 White House bid was in no small part saved by Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), a co-chair of Biden’s 2024 campaign, and black South Carolinians, for which the president opted to move the Palmetto State ahead of New Hampshire on the primary calendar. …

The president attended a Sunday service at St. John Baptist Church in Columbia and was joined by Clyburn, White House Office of Public Engagement Director Stephen Benjamin, and other aides and surrogates. …

“We’re all imperfect beings, all of us, and we don’t know where fate is going to take us or when it’s going to take us. It can, like many of you, and me, snatch an entire family from your grip with an accident,” the president said, alluding to the deadly car crash that killed his first wife and daughter. “But we can do our best to seek the light and the hope and love.

“You know, from where I come from, that’s the power of faith,” Biden continued. “That’s the power of faith. … That’s what the black church has done for American, black Americans for their — I mean, imagine what would have happened would there been no black church all those periods of darkness?”

Later in the day, Biden again addressed a black church congregation, this time warning attendees at the Sunday lunch at Brookland Baptist about how the Bible cautions against lies, including those told by Trump about the 2020 election. …

What do you think of Biden’s attempts to leverage religion? Share your thoughts, prayers, and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Joe Biden, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Sheila Neuburger
February 5, 2024

JOHN 1.1-18

Darlene Estlow
February 5, 2024

Why did he attribute fate to what had happened in his life? Why is he afraid to acknowledge God and say his name? I pray for him that he would come to the truth and be repentant for his sinful walk.

February 5, 2024

There is not a word that comes out his mouth that I believe. He has worked very hard and diligently to build himself as untrustworthy, double-minded and self-seeking – as have many others. He has violated the oath he took, he placed his hand on the Bible and swore to protect this country, and has done everything but. Claiming you are a Christian because you go to Church is the same as believing you are a car just because you go to a garage.

Sovereign LORD – keep us from further harm from this man, and those who are corrupt, crooked, deceitful, and self- serving. THE Mighty One, You are the God of Justice, ensnare the wicked by the work of their hands, foil those who devise wicked schemes and entangle them with their words.

We will not inflate anything over the Power of Your Almightyness. You are my fortress, my God, in whom
I can rely.

In Jesus Name I pray.

February 4, 2024

How can Biden call himself a catholic when he is pushing for abortion?

Georgia Shaw
February 4, 2024

Man looks at the outward but God looks at the heart. No matter what he says, he will be known by his fruit. It’s hard to believe that this man has a personal relationship with the Lord.

Anna Van Elswyk
February 4, 2024

This sounds like hypocrisy to me. I listen to Joe Biden infrequently; turned off the beautiful service during the National Prayer Breakfast when he got up and started talking about his recollection of the Senate Chaplain and how he works night and day to end the war in the Middle East. I turned it off because those sounded like lies to me.

February 4, 2024

Biden accusing Trump of lying. That is for sure the pot calling the kettle black. He sees no wrong in his horrendous decisions? Has he ever read the Bible? Doubt it. This man needs a lot of prayer.

Ann Shaw
February 4, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant us the wisdom to discern the truth and courage to obey you. Going to church is not as important as spending time being close to God. God wants us to know him, not know about him. God knows the truth; He is the truth, the way, and life.

In Jesus’s name Amen

Susan CC
February 4, 2024

“Biden, who is a Catholic, attends Mass weekly and routinely discusses how his faith has shaped his political beliefs…”

We are only what we are in the dark; all the rest is reputation. What God looks at is what we are in the dark—the imaginations of our minds; the thoughts of our heart; the habits of our bodies; these are the things that mark us in God’s sight.  Oswald Chambers

John 3: 27-30 (CJB) Yochanan answered, “No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from Heaven. You yourselves can confirm that I did not say I was the Messiah, but that I have been sent ahead of him. The bridegroom is the one who has the bride; but the bridegroom’s friend, who stands and listens to him, is overjoyed at the sound of the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine is now complete. He must become more important, while I become less important.

Dear Lord and Almighty God, we are all sinners but Your Word says, everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. Joe Biden is reported to attend Mass weekly but when John the Baptist testified about Jesus, he said, a person can receive only what is given them from Heaven. Lord, I pray You will attend to Joe Biden by creating a desire for him to wait for You and to listen for You. I pray he will hear Your voice, his heart will be filled with joy and from this life changing moment, truth and justice will result for the remainder of his term. In the Name of Jesus, I ask this and so much more for Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., as well as each individual leading or seeking a position of leadership in our nation… under God, indivisible with liberty and justice FOR ALL. Amen

Beth York
February 4, 2024

Biden lives by lies and cannot recognize his own lies.
Oh Father, You are well acquainted with The Father of Lies.
We need Your deliverance, personally and corporately as people
given choice, to recognize the Deceiver and reject Deception.

Michael Robert Blevins
February 4, 2024

His fruit don’t fly

Francis (Frank)
February 4, 2024

Let me sum up my thoughts. Biden professes to be a “devout Catholic” but, PROBLEM!!……he flatly endorses elective abortion, UP TO BIRTH!. Abortion may be tolerated only to save the life of the mother. Abortion, quite simply, is killing human life. I totally fail to understand how anyone cannot understand that. Including some Catholic bishops!


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