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Father, we lift up our kids before You. Protect them from sexual content and pornographic library books, God!
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Explicit books have no place in libraries for children. We pray for efforts to keep explicit books out of libraries.

From The Daily Signal. A Texas superintendent is under investigation for trying to protect students from sexually explicit books in public school libraries.

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The U.S. Department of Education has launched an investigation based on the American Civil Liberties Union’s complaint against the Granbury Independent School District and Superintendent Jeremy Glenn, which centers on the removal of controversial books, as well as related comments made by Glenn.

The ACLU alleges the school district exhibited anti-LGBT discrimination and violated Title IX, the federal civil rights law prohibiting sex-based discrimination, but reinterpreted by the Biden administration to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

“I acknowledge that there are men that think they’re women, and there are women that think they’re men,” Glenn said. “And I, again, I don’t have any issues with what people want to believe, but there’s no place for it in our libraries.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott expressed similar concerns last year in a letter to the Texas Association of School Boards.

Texas parents “are becoming increasingly alarmed about some of the books and other content found in public school libraries that are extremely inappropriate in the public education system,” Abbott wrote. “The most flagrant examples include clearly pornographic images and substance that have no place in the Texas public education system.”

In Glenn’s case, the statement quickly drew criticism.

“I can’t overstate the type of damage it does to create a culture of shame and silence around LGBTQ topics,” said Vox Jo Hsu, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

“I don’t think that little children should be shocked or disgusted by our identities,” argued a student from Granbury High School.

Nonetheless, school board members supported Glenn’s decision.

“All students at [the Granbury Independent School District] are loved and cared for by the amazing staff and administration,” board member Courtney Gore said. “With that, public schools are not the place for young people to express themselves sexually.”

While both sides are accused of pushing political agendas, few pause to consider the scientifically proven consequences of exposing children to sexual content.

Kaiser Permanente, a California-based health care company, says that a child having sexual knowledge beyond what is age-appropriate is a sign of sexual abuse.

“A 3-year-old child should not be able to describe in detail what happens during sexual intercourse,” said Kaiser’s website, which adds:

Young children who have firsthand knowledge of sexual acts likely have been sexually abused or have been exposed to sexual activity.

Caroline Giroux, an associate clinical professor and psychiatrist at the University of California at Davis Medical Center, argued early exposure to pornography can cause sexual trauma.

“Exposure to pornography is not trivial,” Giroux wrote, adding:

It can have traumatic effects leading to significant distress, disruptive behaviors, compulsive sexuality, and even suicidal attempts.

We have no excuse as a society to not invest resources in prevention of sexual trauma of any kind.

What do you think of Glenn’s decision? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Redd on Unsplash)

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Darlene Estlow
January 15, 2023

Thank you for Superintendent Jeremy Glenn. Give him strength to continue to stand for protection of students against these books. Give him favor. Than you for the support of the school board. I pray you would end this investigation by the Department of Education. I declare victory in Jesus’ name for the protection of the children and I declare righteousness over our schools.

January 14, 2023

America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three fold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas America will collapse from within. Joseph Stalin

Bill Johnson
January 14, 2023

I totally support his decision! Those folks that want to put this kind of books are totally wrong and want to negatively influence our children for their own benefit and for not for the benefit of the children.

Cristina Conlon
January 14, 2023

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” 2 corinthians 10:5
Thank you Father God for Jeremy Glenns life, empower him and the School board members with strenght and wisdom to enable him to keep pushing back the evil forces that are attacking our little children in the public schools. I pray that other School Superintendents will in the Nation will join the fight in Jesus Holy Name, Amén!

Susan CC
January 14, 2023

“I acknowledge that there are men that think they’re women, and there are women that think they’re men,” Glenn said. “And I, again, I don’t have any issues with what people want to believe, but there’s no place for it in our libraries.” Granbury Superintendent Jeremy Glenn

“I can’t overstate the type of damage it does to create a culture of shame and silence around LGBTQ topics,” said Vox Jo Hsu,
Who is Vox Jo Hsu?
a nonbinary Taiwanese American professor and rhetorician
an only child to Taiwanese immigrant parents
writer and assistant professor
queer, transgender, noncomforming

Perversion: depravity, corrupt, decadent, unwholesome

From Proverbs
A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit.
A man will be praised according to his insight but one of perverse mind will be despised.
Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than he who is perverse in speech and is a fool.

Dear Abba Father, God of all flesh, please help. I pray the Biden education department’s compliant is annihilated and Jeremy Glenn is upheld in Your righteous hands. As for Vox Jo Hsu and those who are like minded, let them know Your judgement Lord. Let them feel the ache of a crushed spirit. Lead them into integrity so they are no longer considered fools. May our praise of Jesus Christ rise above all of the little ones who are targeted daily. Targeted in schools, in hospitals, in homes, in neighborhoods and even in churches. We have countless problems but there is only ONE SOLUTION, Jesus Christ. Amen

    Jessica Renshaw
    January 14, 2023

    Susan, thank you for identifying Vox Jo Hsu and for your prayer that s/he and those like him/her know God’s judgment and be led into integrity. I don’t know about wishing they would “feel the ache of a crushed spirit”–but to be brought to a repentant spirit, certainly, be brought to a conviction and admission of sin and repentance for the crime they are committing against children. I pray they will come to a knowledge of their own true identities, embracing them and the One who made them in His own image.

    Those who cause such sexual trauma are in danger of hellfire. These people are perpetrators and need to be prosecuted as such. Let us pray for the fear of God to prostrate them before Him. Jesus said, “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Luke 17:2

    Thank God for the Granbury Independent School District, Superintendent Jeremy Glenn, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for their sanity, good sense, and courage. God bless and protect them, their families and their positions of authority in the state of Texas! May God “clone” them in every state!

Donald Vader
January 14, 2023

Lord God, hear our cries for the precious children to be saved from the attacks on their sexual Identity… We lift our precious children up to you and trust you that you will guide us to stop this attack on our children through the educational system… Amen


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