“Beware the 25th Amendment Endgame”
“Beware the 25th Amendment Endgame”
Opinion. Prior to the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle in 2021, I heard the LORD say during prayer, “Beware the 25th Amendment End Game.” In chess, the endgame occurs when most pieces have been captured or removed from the board. In diplomacy, an endgame occurs when a desired outcome arrives at its’ final stage after a protracted process and/or time; after the set-up.
This word proved timely, because during America’s shameful withdrawal some were openly speaking about the need for Biden’s replacement. At President Biden’s command, Americans were abandoned, the Taliban was established as heads of state and armed with billions of dollars of American weapons. More importantly, the Biden Administration dishonored the sacrifices of Americans and our Afghan compatriots whose lives had been lost during the decades-long war.
The optics of America’s Afghanistan withdrawal positioned us as a nation running for our lives and reminded me of America’s withdrawal from Vietnam. I wept for the innocent ones lost and left behind, as well as for the further erosion of America’s crumbling moral high ground. For Islamic terrorists, this was a morale-boosting diplomatic victory, providing them with spoils of war far exceeding even their expectations. At the time I thought it was an opportunity for moderate Democrats, Republicans, and liberty-loving Independents, legislators, and special interest groups to align against President Biden’s policies. I wrote an article warning against thinking the Vice President Harris and her radical anti-family, anti-America and anti-Israel supporters are a better option.
Knowing what I know today and hearing renewed rhetoric regarding the possible scenarios for invoking the 25th Amendment to constitutionally replace President Biden, I recognize that the LORD was warning us about then (2021) and later (2024+) regarding the planned 25th Amendment end-game. When the LORD gives a warning, He also wants to give us a strategy for victory — if we listen, obey, and unite in prayer.
What can we do? With approximately 335 days until the next United States Presidential Inauguration and with churchdom appearing more divided regarding what most qualifies an individual to lead America’s Executive Branch, will you pray a bold prayer and act when GOD responds? Will you pray that GOD introduces you to Christians who are registered as other than the political party with which you are registered, but agree about the main, uncompromising things of our faith and then pray together for discernment about whom to cast your votes for and how to contend against the spiritual forces aligning against the nation? In the process, we might just birth a pure and united house of prayer out of the ashes of America’s rebellion against biblical morality and against which the Enemy cannot prevail.
IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal addressed the 25th Amendment in a recent webcast that you can watch here:
Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools Board of Education in 2017/18 and the Maryland Senate in 2022. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Joe Biden, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=86059695.
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Thank you Dave K. and everyone behind the scenes for allowing us to to speak such biblical dynamics & His truth together, in such times. What God has shown me is to pray & fast through my reading my Bible, repenting, forgiving others as well myself, and get more involved with my community of believers, & my community. I admit coming from Quincy by the water made me out to have a lot of “rough around the edges” when I handed my life over to Christ some time ago -But God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit truly turned my life around. I experience discord in the body and participated in such childish things; 25yrs later, somewhat can see where it’s coming from but, “Never Give Up” because I know God will never break His promises as worldly & local news has turned into rubbish. Today, I understand a little better John 3:16 “God so loved… He gave us Jesus!” and don’t want my gay brother, (married), my diagnosed (mentally ill) sister(s), and my youngest brother who’s an (addict) lost from eternity in Heaven, while in the grips of (the mammoth system) the Bible calls “Babylon”. May we see the true value of (LIFE & LIBERTY) for what it truly is once again. As I understand, God cares for the human life, all of us. Blessings from the South Shore.
What if, Biden is elected with a different VP, then utilize the End Game, through that election.
Thank you Dave Kubal for this insightful prayer regarding our sin of looking to a man to save us. I can no longer pray for these ‘leaders’ to have wisdom. First they need to repent and fall on their faces for salvation. they have destroyed and put our nation in great peril. We as the God knowers must take up our places and repent and intercede as if our lives depended upon it/. For truly it does. God may change His mind and bring our enemies down or we may experience the worst destruction. No more pablum prayers to bless the current senior citizen camping in the White House. Complete exposure across the Congress and Federal Government. God we cry like the children in Egypt.
Deb, so true. As you know I am a staunch follower of Jesus and pray that He ha a plan-in mind because our so called leaders do not. My 30 years of defense service leave me sick in today’s world.
Lord let Your will be done in these: in how women forget the blessing of their precious pregnancy by You (and to instead date with men Your way); let Americans again see what is really going on with Your people in Israel; let the Hezbolleh, Hamas, and other terrorist groups see and hear from Your Spirit about Your Son Jesus and forgo their plans; let Putin drop his evil power because he accepts Jesus as his Saviour, and let there be, by Your will, a righteous President for America who knows the best from You for our country. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Father, forgive us. Protect us. Give us leaders who have the fear of the Lord. May we who are called by your name walk in repentance and righteousness. Thank you for what you are doing in our nation and over the world in bringing many people to you. May those who preach the Gospel do so with courage and truth. May your bride walk in righteousness.
Father, who do you want to be president of the United States? It seems that the body of Christ all have their own opinions and think they know who you want but I am asking Lord who do you want? Please father move upon the hearts of your people to forsake their choices for your choice. In Jesus name I pray.
God’s will at this point in time is for the Bride of Christ to be revealed in Glory. The only prayer that will cause that to happen is travailing prayer. Casting out demons is limited in scope. We need the Presence of God. His Presence through the Bride is what will crush Satan. Rom. 16:20
No politician is God’s ‘instrument of righteousness.’ That will only occur through His Bride.
Some of you need to stop promoting conspiracy theories on things that are memrely temporal in nature and are a distraction from what God is doing.
Dear lord, It is time to apply the 25th amendment endgame to Joe Biden and impeach Mayorkass.
No 25th amendment, ever, no matter what one thinks of Biden or Trump. Yes, other candidates do exist; Kennedy is one of them. Do your research on that. Also know that no one person, however great, can heal our nation for us. It remains for each of us to quietly (or publicly) do our part.
As for the label “Islamic” being joined to “terrorism”. That implies that all terrorist are Islamic and all Muslims are terrorists. This is a false perception. Some terrorists are Islamic and some are of other persuasions, but they all embrace destruction and death. Some Muslims are terrorists and some (many) are not. Strange as it may seem to some, the Muslims who are not terrorists are actually allies in these days that persecute religions of all flavors, promoting atheism and godless loyalty to the State.
Terrorism, in all flavors, is despicable. Specifically, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis deserve to be eliminated, and their sponsor, Iran, held to account internationally. However, Iran and these terrorists are not the sum total of Muslims. Look carefully and plenty of terrorism comes into sight – look for the death and destruction, in all its aspects, to find the terrorists.
Nikki Haly is still running for office.
Not Nikki. Please pray for the Lord’s will in this matter. May the Lord bless us!
Trump is definitely NOT God’s will!
Nikki Haley is a Christian.
Donald Trump’s ability to control and manipulate people is shocking and clearly not of God!
I am praying God’s will and it is Nikki Haley!
I am praying God’s will and it is Ron DeSantis!
My father, in heaven, Lord God I come to the foot of the Cross in the name of your son, Christ Jesus, with my petitions before you, father, we have discarded all of your plans , all of your wishes for your country, and your children: I pray now my father, that you unite every Christian man and woman according to your will, make our prayers, reach your ears, father, and have us unite as a Christian nation once again. Our father, may the Holy Spirit engulf each, and everyone of us that we can see the truth of your will, for our lives, our nation and , our land. Lord God, may our eyes be open to the truth and you will , unite us in prayer; and in unity to cast away the darkness that it’s over our nation, our land and your people. In Christ Jesus name, amen.
While I do believe that Biden is mentally ( and especially morally!) unfit to be President, he either wittingly or unwittingly gave himself an insurance policy in selecting a Vice President who no one wants to be President (except herself!) in choosing Kamala Harris to be his Vice President. She is so unpopular that she never won a single primary during the 2020 Presidential race. So, unfortunately for the country, we simply can’t invoke the 25th Amendment, even though it is entirely appropriate to do so, given Biden’s evident mental state. I wish this were a viable option to us; but with Kamala Harris waiting in the wings, it simply isn’t. However, may God somehow deliver us from this horrible Biden/Harris administration.
During the Obama, TRUMP and Biden administrations, while our military has continued to decline and the United States has been involved in internal divisions, the Chinese have relentlessly been building up their military, establishing large numbers of missile silos ,some of which looked like they are in position to launch missiles over the North Pole toward the United States, have become the shipbuilding capital of the world and have built up their navy and built bases and ports all over the world. They have developed hypersonic missiles which are faster than our ballistic missiles and something we can’t shoot down. Our defense industry has during this time degendered into just five companies who are unable to get the parts they need and are unwilling to bid on the new technology the Pentagon wants to develop because it would involve massive financial losses for them.
If China should attack Taiwan, they will start with a blockade of the South China Sea which will cut South Korea and Japan off from food and energy supplies. North Korea will undeniably launch an attack against South Korea and Japan will be brought into the war in an attempt to break the blockade.
All of this is occurring while Putin has made it clear that he is in an alliance with China and has made it also clear that he intends to extend the borders of his empire into Europe.
At what point, does MAGA think we should move to defend our allies and our own interests??
Because at some point, the United States is going to get involved. The World is even smaller than it was in World War II. We get most of our AI chips from Tawain. These are also the AI our military uses. Japan, South Korea and Europe are our trade partners. Our ships and airplanes will be attacked.
The United States has been trying to buy time, by providing arms to Ukraine. This strategy gives China something to think about and keeps our soldiers from getting involved. But some in this country oppose it, and so China and Russia both see us as weak, divided and afraid to confront them.
We HAVE TO HAVE a leader who understands what is occurring internationally and understands the military. This is obviously NOT Donald Trump, who was one of the presidents who allowed us to get into this situation in the first place and who has yet during his campaign to give any answers as to what he might do on the international stage or with our military. He also showed (and Biden as well) a shocking disregard for the safety of our military when he stored military documents in his bathroom and showed them to people without security clearance. His administration was in constant chaos with his replacing the heads of Homeland Security and Defense and Secretaries of States. He got into a disagree with our chief of Staff.
So, please, Lord, open the eyes of the Christians to the TRUE CHARACTER of those running for office and give them discernment as to our times.
I meant to point out that Donald Trump replaced his staff sometimes as much as four times during his administration. So, there was constant chaos and uncertainty with no consistent course of action. This is one of the reasons, we are in the situation we are in.
Lord, give us a leader who will separate our justice system and law enforcement from politics without dividing us in the process.
It is sad that Christians place no value of someone speaking the truth to them. They only ‘like’ those who tell them what they want to hear.
In order to be an effective intercessor, you have the know the truth. Otherwise, you are praying chaos.
Until WE ALL exchange our expectations from hope (doubt, being double-munded) to KNOWING, that God’s word is true, that we can have what His word says we can have when we pray IN FAITH, BELIEVING AND RECEIVING what He says, we won’t see the results we pray for
Mavourene, once again your clear-eyed appeal for the KINGDOM OF GOD to come forth is refreshing and brings hope! We must live in Prov.3:3-7. My heart is crying out for us – His people – to repent and turn back to Him, doing things His way and not leaning on our own understanding or being wise in our own eyes.
And the root of the problem is?
Prayerlessness which leaves the door open to all other sins?
Personal preference?
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, THY WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Our Father we ask you to:
Help us to have right priorities.
Purge our country of all perfidy.
Purify our motives.
Protect our children from “Pride”
And restore personal holiness.
Please Lord Jesus, Grant this nation true repentance.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
I believe we need to acknowledge a few things. Obama during his 8 years did much damage to this nation by going around the world and destroying our worth as a nation in the eyes of the world. Then the election was stolen to set Biden up in office. He undoes (with the stroke of a pen) what President Trump had accomplished. He threw our borders open to the world. There was a time when one nation took over another, it was by battle. This nation has been captured without firing a shot, an ink pen in the hand of the enemy was sufficient. Today, we do not have a justice system that works nor anything else, including our schools. Our wealth as a nation has gone to our enemies. What we worked for and built is being handed over daily to invaders that were welcomed here by the person who was supposed to protect and defend our nation. Only God can help us now. We are living out Scripture. We need pray without ceasing.
I agree 100 percent !! Well spoken, thank you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Excellent. Spoken from the heart by a worshipful follower of the one true God, who’s son, Jesus Christ sets at the right hand of his throne. Please dear Lord save the United States of America.
Holy Father .; We live, move and have our being in Jesus . You sent him to earth to become the atonement for sin once and for all. The cross was to be the way because You are Holy . Only holiness destroys evil. He conquered death and arose! The tomb is empty. He is coming again and we must be ready! We are all in place waiting and looking unto You . This election is a watershed for America. Speak to us from Your word. Reveal to us what we are to do . We bow down in praise believing You will pour out Your will upon a praying people across the world .Gather us and give us Your presence. Guard us from fear . It is time for courage . Be Thou our vision .” Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the Name of the Lord in whose name we pray.
It IS time for Christian unity to happen in this nation. All of our division, including denominations and the sin of pride, continue to do, is feed into the enemy’s agenda. We need to stand united in prayer, and standing for what we know is morally right. Our nation’s future hangs in the balance. It is that critical! Lord Jesus, please, cause Christians to come together as one in these End Times. Thank you, Lord.
FATHER, YOU are in control of all, nothing surprises YOU. We are trusting in YOU. We trust and obey YOUR WORD. Our HOPE is in YOU IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN
Lord, we are helpless without You. Guide us. Deliver our country from this evil. We surrender to Your Will. Speak Lord! Your servants are listening. In Jesus Name.
🙏🏽God Bless USA ✝️
God’s Kingdom come, God’s will be done. 💖 In Yeshua’s name.
Bended knee is our place to be; asking for God’s great mercy over this country. Not because of anything we have done or deserve—our sins are greater than Sodom. Yet because of who our Great God is— compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness. It is our Lord whom we desire to reign and until then, may it be a person who, on bended knee, seeks wisdom and guidance from the Lord; to the glory and praise of His Holy Name. We desire Lord to return as a beacon of light to the nations. Help us to walk humbly with you Lord, trusting in you. In Jesus’ name Amen.
May God bless America with a Goldy leader who stand for what God says in His Word.
Praise God for this technology of us being able to unite all around this globe in intercession of prayer before the throne of God ! May we realize that what is required is a global revival across all nations. It IS beginning. This revival definitely will require much spiritual warfare and we must remain steadfast as Satan ramps up his attacks to counter Gods move of the spirit. Evil has his end-game strategy in place therefore we MUST foresee and destroy his next move.
Father we are so privileged to be alive today. We thank you that YOUR end-game plans will prevail and we will be in place as your Holy Spirit sweeps across the land like a whirlwind. HaHa Hallelujah in Jesus name and through the power of HIS blood !!!!
After listening to President Trump’s speeches and testimony of people who met him over the last 8 yrs and he is the only President to attend the national prolife rally he does stand for life.
Look at Answersfromgod’s comment
Ron DeSantis 2024: “Today is the 51st March for Life,” the presidential candidate said in a short video message shared with The Daily Signal. “I want to thank you for standing for the sanctity of life. I’m proud in the state of Florida to have signed legislation protecting babies with a detectable heartbeat. The heartbeat bill was something we worked very hard to achieve, and it is a landmark victory for the sanctity of life.”
Politicians are not going to save you. Trump said that DeSantis’ anti-abortion legislation was cruel. Thus, Trump is just another pro-baby murderer. He could have stopped abortion, drained the swamp, etc. but chose not to, as did Regan decades before him.
Apparently, most, if not all, modern day politicians go into politics seeking money, power, etc. for themselves at the expense of their fellow citizens — not unlike the senators of Rome prior to its demise.
To me, it is very telling that we only effectively have a choice between two evil men for president in the 2024 election. To me, that clearly suggests that we are under Elohim’s (God’s) judgement as a nation.
We can look at it that way, or we can look through the Bible and see that God used imperfect people to do mighty things! Examples are king Cyrus, Jehu, Saul who became Paul, Peter and the likes. The list goes on and on! Yes, he can use Trump too. He is an imperfect man like anyone of us who can be called to do mighty things. Our God is a God of miracles! All Mighty is He! So, let’s trust in Him like we should, and watch and see what He will do! Yes and Amen!
Nikki Haley is still running for office.
I think God is only able to discern the true motives in someone’s heart, and someone who is pure of heart, while mighty in the Kingdom of God, is not necessarily the best one to lead a secular world.
I am not concerned about selecting someone who is ‘pure in heart’, but rather someone who shows a grasp of our situation and knows how to move us forward.
Am praying