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New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit on Thursday calling for the NRA’s “dissolution” and accusing its executives of mishandling funds.

“This is going to tremendously backfire on the anti-gun, anti-freedom movement in the United States,” Smith estimated.

Smith added, “[This has] reminded conservatives, gun owners, and gun rights enthusiasts of the importance of the November election because it’s bringing to the fore what will happen if Donald Trump doesn’t win in November and Joe Biden gets in.” . . .

Smith noted a pattern of cyclical political coordination between left-wing news media and Democrat officials, identifying the Empire State’s lawsuit as an example.

Smith explained the leftist-Democrat “playbook” reflected by the New York lawsuit.

“[The cycle begins with] a lot of publicity in the mainstream media about some issue,” Smith said. “The next thing is those allegations appear in a legal procedure or lawsuit somewhere, and then the media reports on those same allegations, yet again, with another news cycle using the lawsuits or the legal proceedings as another excuse to talk about the same things.”

The lack of criminal indictments against NRA officials reveals the partisan political nature of New York’s lawsuit, Smith assessed.

“If they really had the goods on these individuals at the NRA — my opinion as a lawyer — then they have the option to go criminal, to do a criminal indictment or bring criminal charges, but they didn’t do that here,” Smith said.

Smith continued, “They brought just a civil lawsuit and they [do] a press release [and] get a splashy headline, so I don’t think there’s any debate. This is a political stunt designed to get anti-NRA, anti-Trump, anti-conservative messaging out to the mainstream media.” . . .“They have reminded the conservative movement and the people that are interested in politics that what the left has in mind for us is the Beto O’Rourke approach of, ‘We’re going to take away your guns.’”

Biden’s campaign selected Beto O’Rourke to lead its policy platform on firearms.

Marlow described recent and ongoing leftist-driven riots and violent protests as catalysts for increasing support for Second Amendment protections and gun ownership.

“Due to the rioting, I think there has been an increased embrace of gun rights at this moment, knowing that the police cannot protect you all the time. I can’t tell you how many people have reached out to me and said, ‘I’m not a huge Trump supporter, but I’m getting my guns — right now.’”

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Robert Craychik. Photo from Flickr.)

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August 11, 2020

We ONLY have two legs to stand on the Constitution and The Ten Commandments, the our second amendments. It’s either stand up for this or fall for nothing.

Mel Teoh
August 10, 2020

Holy Father,

Thank You for 2nd Amendment. Thank You that You inspired the founders of America to put it there. Thank You that You Are the ALL KNOWING GOD. Thank You that YOUR POWER is unfathomable by human’s understanding.

Gun is an object that can’t move. Human’s heart that need cleaning up and in need of transformation by the Holy Spirit.

We pray that America will be back to honor their Constitution which the founder drawn it with Your guide and it has proven for such a short period of time America be the no. 1 country in the world.
Help us to know that it is YOU that inspire American to be who they are and have such success. Help us to maintain our relationship with You so that we can always enjoy living by Your standard.

So that we can put any gun in the hand of transformed human by the Holy Spirit and it will be used for good not evil.

In Jesus’ name, we thank YOU, FATHER-GOD. Amen.

August 9, 2020

Our 2nd amendment rights must be protected for this society to be truly free.


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