Lord God, we ask You to protect our nation's children from doctrines of demons and false beliefs. We ask You to raise up a standard of righteousness in our schools, and we ask that parents will be actively involved in their children's education.
Never encourage a child to keep a secret from her parents.That’s what we used to say, in decades past, when we believed a sacred boundary encircled every American home.
Last week, I spoke with another mother who discovered her 12-year-old daughter’s middle school had changed the girl’s name and gender identity at school. The “Gender Support Plan” the district followed is an increasingly standard document which informs teachers of a child’s new chosen name and gender identity (“trans,” “agender,” “non-binary,” etc.) for all internal communications with the child. The school also provided the girl a year’s worth of counseling in support of her new identity, which in her case was “no gender.”…
This duplicity is part of the “plan:” All documents sent home to mom and dad scrupulously maintained the daughter’s birth name and sex. But Mom noticed her daughter seemed to be suffering…this girl’s grades fell apart. She became taciturn and moody.
When the mother failed to uncover the source of the girl’s distress, she met with teachers, hoping for insight. Instead, she slammed into a Wall of Silence: no teacher was evidently willing to let a worried mom know what the hell was going on. (Finally, one did.)…
A “gender support plan” isn’t merely a secret held between child and teacher, which might be bad enough…A Gender Support Plan, or any similar scheme, effects a schoolwide conspiracy to create a secret name and gender identity specifically withheld from parents…
Teachers and activists who support this policy typically make two arguments in its favor. The first is that the very fact that a teen would want to keep her new gender identity a secret from parents is proof that home is an “unsafe” place for her…The second is that this gender declaration is a deeply held and personal decision of the child’s. The school, in this scenario, is merely a polite bystander—at most, a kindly chaperone…
The first is absurd; the second, dishonest. Why would a teen agree to keep a secret from her parents, if not for the presence of abuse? Well…one can think of a few things a teen might want to keep secret from mom: an eating disorder…her dabbling in drugs; a decision to send or post nudes; or have sex with a much older boy. Teens tend to keep from mom and dad a wide variety of healthy and unhealthy teenage experimentations…
Very often, parents lack the time and, frankly, the dark imagination necessary to uncover what their children are being taught. When parents object to a teacher or principal, they are frequently met with, at best, polite confusion…
A peculiar power imbalance has arisen between public school teachers and the parents for whom the necessity of work renders them too dependent on these schools to question them. Parents discover radical materials pushed on their children by accident, like passersby happening on a crime scene. They are treated as…trespassers…made to understand they have no right to be there…
In a time when so many public school teachers are properly described as activists, that arrangement strips children of their families’ protection…
…the moment a middle-schooler whom they’ve encouraged to transition graduates to high school, they more or less wash their hands of him… They may remember a few fondly—but…it won’t be the seventh-grade music teacher who contends for years with the damage…
Is there no law that bars public schools from concealing a “coming out” to parents? Actually, there really isn’t—not a good enough federal law, anway.
The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants parents various rights with respect to their children’s education records. But as former Department of Education lawyer, Candice Jackson, explained to me, schools easily skirt this law.
[I]f a record isn’t kept in a centralized location then it doesn’t need to be considered an ‘education record’ legally. So that’s just one example of how schools have noted, ‘Yes, FERPA could be a problem for keeping stuff from parents, so let’s make sure that documentation and forms that are filled out around gender aren’t kept in the central location where the school keeps records.’…
This is where the most critical cultural battle will be fought…with America’s activist teachers. Will we allow the activists among them unaccountable access to the next generation of America’s children?
If conservatives and liberals hope to save this country, this is where they will place their energies: campaigning for federal legislation to grant parents full access to all curricula. And no, granting parents’ review over sex-education materials alone wouldn’t solve this problem, since the SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity) curriculum, for instance, is often inserted into other areas of the curriculum or disguised as “anti-bullying” education. We need legislation that grants parents a right to opt out of any instruction regarding gender and sexuality and stops schools from changing a child’s name, gender marker, or pronouns without the approval of a parent or legal guardian…
Those insisting that teachers must “protect” seventh graders from their parents—they are rarely parents themselves. What they demand is continued unmonitored access to your children. It’s…time we stopped giving it to them.
Does this alarm you? Share your thoughts and a prayer in the comments below.
(Excerpt from The Truth Fairy. Article by Abigail Shrier. Photo Credit: Getty Images).
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Lord God, we ask You to protect our nation's children from doctrines of demons and false beliefs. We ask You to raise up a standard of righteousness in our schools, and we ask that parents will be actively involved in their children's education.
I want to know if Christian attorney’s are interceding for children! This should have thousands of parents, suing teachers, schools, school boards, superintendents, principals, etc, on the children’s behalf! I can guarantee you when you hit their pocket book, they will go back under a rock!! The only thing they understand is losing money! Passing legislation takes time and perserverence and that should be done, but right now, they can be stopped from taking this further, by a courageous, strong attornie(s)! Why aren’t they all over this?? This is insidious, perverted, coercing……WRONG! Schools, teachers, might “skirt the law,” but they can’t get away from a lawsuit!! These “teachers” and schools have gotten away with too much, for too long!! Parents, grandparents, hold these people accountable!! God is watching us, as well as them! He will not hold us blameless! These are innocent children!!
I am a retired teacher and for years I have encouraged parents to either visit the schools regularly to know what is going on, or to pull their children out to homeschool them, or to put them in a trustworthy private school. Most parents never knew that some schools have taken girls to planned parenthood for abortions and/or birth control pills without parental knowledge. One or more families found out that a school counselor had taken their daughters to get an abortion when they bled out and either died or had to be hospitalized. Some teachers and counselors do stand against parents rather than being in partnership with parents for the good of the child. Some schools have called CPS on parents based on lies told by children who were angry at their parents for being denied a privilege. FATHER GOD we thank YOU for exposing darkness in our schools and all over our culture in America. Open the eyes and knowledge of parents so they will be aware of everything going on with their children, and direct them to make the best possible decision for educating their children in JESUS Name.
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I want to know if Christian attorney’s are interceding for children! This should have thousands of parents, suing teachers, schools, school boards, superintendents, principals, etc, on the children’s behalf! I can guarantee you when you hit their pocket book, they will go back under a rock!! The only thing they understand is losing money! Passing legislation takes time and perserverence and that should be done, but right now, they can be stopped from taking this further, by a courageous, strong attornie(s)! Why aren’t they all over this?? This is insidious, perverted, coercing……WRONG! Schools, teachers, might “skirt the law,” but they can’t get away from a lawsuit!! These “teachers” and schools have gotten away with too much, for too long!! Parents, grandparents, hold these people accountable!! God is watching us, as well as them! He will not hold us blameless! These are innocent children!!
I am a retired teacher and for years I have encouraged parents to either visit the schools regularly to know what is going on, or to pull their children out to homeschool them, or to put them in a trustworthy private school. Most parents never knew that some schools have taken girls to planned parenthood for abortions and/or birth control pills without parental knowledge. One or more families found out that a school counselor had taken their daughters to get an abortion when they bled out and either died or had to be hospitalized. Some teachers and counselors do stand against parents rather than being in partnership with parents for the good of the child. Some schools have called CPS on parents based on lies told by children who were angry at their parents for being denied a privilege. FATHER GOD we thank YOU for exposing darkness in our schools and all over our culture in America. Open the eyes and knowledge of parents so they will be aware of everything going on with their children, and direct them to make the best possible decision for educating their children in JESUS Name.