Are You Desperate?
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Are You Desperate?
Thoreau accused men of “living lives of quiet desperation”. I think the hole in our hearts is desperate for God, and yet have we as a people lost our zeal, our passion, our desperation? Do we truly even know what it means to be in NEED, to be desperate for God?
As privileged as we are to live here in America, I think desperate, passionate, zealous followers of Christ would fail to describe most. The pursuit of the Lord has been exchanged for pursuit of comfort, wealth, things, “likes”, “peace”… Even the “fights” many of us are in are still “quiet”. Do we shout out amongst our tribe and then “cross the street” to only fall into silence or the appearance of walking the walk or simply standing on the sidelines? There are “socially acceptable” fights, then there are those are considered “divisive”, “selfish”, “right-winged”…
I for one fall into the camp I am talking about. I have space for my voice here, but am fairly quiet in my “public life”.
We are called to be peacemakers (Mt 5:9), and yet we are also warned against passivity and lukewarmness (Rev 3:15-16, Mt 24:12, 2 Tim 4:3, 1 Pt 2:16, Heb 5:11-12, Js 4:17). Even Jesus knew that His presence often brings conflict and division (Mt 10:24) and that there is a COST to following Him. As our example, He willingly laid down His own life, amid the attack of the culture around Him. He stood His ground, didn’t waver and let Truth reverberate as looked fear, division, accusation, assault, and anger in the eye.
There is wisdom in not setting your pearls before swine (Mt 7:6), wisdom in being innocent as doves and wise as serpents (Mt 10:16).
But how much of that is an excuse (not a blanket statement at all – some have been called into the secret place, to live “unassuming” under the cleft of the rock) for living “white-washed”, safe lives (Mt 23:27)? There is wisdom in protecting our families, but how much of it is also hiding them from watching examples of warriors in their midst, from grabbing hold of a valiant, generational legacy?
How many of us have hearts of fire, then let it fade when we come out of our closets? How many of us are living lives where our peers, our children, our grandchildren…see us living like Joshua & Caleb (I know what it looks like and I know how afraid you are BUT God has got this!), like Noah (This crazy and ridiculous thing the Lord has called me to, and yet, I cannot do anything but…), like Paul who was once Saul (his life was radically transformed by one touch from the Lord), like Rahab (an unlikely rescuer who protected the men of God), like Jeremiah (ALL taken from him in life and yet STILL chose to praise God), like Mary (“May it be unto me as you have said”)…
Most of us will never be called to a platform. But most of the above-mentioned characters were simply ordinary men and women who lived extraordinary lives. They dared, they risked, they were bold. They lived lives of surrender and obedience to the ONE. They sacrificed their own identities to be forever marked by the ONE who changes everything. There were world changers, chain breakers, adventurers, spokesmen, warriors…the ones who said yes.
Are we letting His fullness rest upon us or are we living as sojourners in want? We can walk with “I have…”, “I am…” OR we can walk with “I’m not ready”, “Not yet”.
I can imagine the fullness in Isaiah’s heart as he boldly and confidently proclaimed, “Here am I. Send me” (Is 6:8). This response was one built in passion, understanding and love – a YES that was emboldened in KNOWING the God who asked, the God who intimately knew him and the God who would make a way.
Our no is often tempered in culture, in “me”, in “wise” boundaries. But have you considered that God wants to know “Are you willing? Do you trust me? Am I enough?”
Where is God asking YOU to step out? What is He asking you to say, to do, to post, to proclaim? Where is He asking you to draw a line in the sand?
We can live for this world OR we can live for Him. One will always carry the greater weight in all of our decisions and responses. Who/what are YOU living for?
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much… Lk 16:10
Can He trust YOU when He asks, when He calls, when He disciplines, when He prunes? Do you trust that He is good and that His plans for you are for your good, and not for your harm?
Share in the comments what might be holding you back from stepping fully onto the field or share your renewed YES. Let’s come alongside one another and pray for courage and boldness.
Lord God, give us courage to be fearless and bold ambassadors for You. We know your plans are for our good and not for our harm. Reveal where we have been holding back, so that we might come FULLY alive for You! We want our “yes” to be all in, and fully surrendered to however it is you might call us. Let the generations behind us be encouraged by our stance and our fight. To You be all the glory, honor and praise! In Jesus’ holy and precious name, the name above all other names, Amen.
Suni Piper is a writer and passionate intercessor for the nation and for the Church. She is determined and surrendered to be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Body of believers. Follow Suni at her website
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Lord God Almighty! Maker of all the good that does exist! It is by your Grace of Jesus sacrifice for us do I know your Grace of your Holy Spirit work in me to ask for your forgiving me of being no different then the people Suni is describing being too satisfied to see the truth of our talk of being desperate but we don’t act like we are! So it’s by your grace does the Holy Spirit give us the strength to repent and live like we Believe the situation of our world is as bad as it seems to be! One way to show that would be more comments agreeing with Suni’s description of us as being true!
Praying for your courage and boldness Tom!
Fear of change, fear of the unknown and fear of financial uncertainty hold me back. Lord strengthen my faith so that I may follow your will for my life. Amen!!
Renee- I am praying that God will empower you with a boldness that can only come from on high, a clarity to see what God has placed before you and courage that is settled in “my God is able”. Believing for great things in your yes!