I Prayed have prayed
Lord, put a stop to extremist and violent thought and action in America. May those who hate Israel see Your people as You do.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Anti-Israel activism and sentiment are reaching far more dangerous heights than ever. What might those who claim to stand with Gaza do next?

From Washington Examiner. Aaron Bushnell, the 25-year-old U.S. airman who self-immolated in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington to protest the war in Gaza, was a man of the Left through and through. … He believed that Israel was a “settler colony” and shrieked, “Free Palestine!” as he set himself ablaze. …

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So it really shouldn’t be much of a surprise that he is now being hailed as a hero by the Left. … But that doesn’t make it any less disturbing to witness. …

“Dear Aaron Bushnell, 1.35 million people made posts about you in 24 hours,” left-wing influencer Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis remarked. “You’ll not be forgotten.”

Anti-fascist writer Owen Jones solemnly remarked that “Aaron Bushnell died because he had too much humanity for a world run by people who don’t have any.” …

Of course, these comments provide only a glimpse into the warped world of the radical Left. While most Democrats have acknowledged the tragedy of a young man committing suicide, the overarching sentiment in these circles was of admiration and respect for Bushnell’s commitment to the cause of Palestinian liberation and his “empathy” for the Palestinian people. …

It should be obvious enough that sentiments of respect for Bushnell’s horrific suicide will encourage copycats, particularly among younger, mentally compromised progressives who long for admiration, dignity, and meaning. The perverse incentive structures of radical progressivism, the very same that encourage adherents to covet oppression in order to accrue social capital, give malevolent forces ample room to operate. The quasi-romantic specter of a young man burning himself alive out of a passionate pursuit for justice has the potential to spread through the zeitgeist like wildfire. And one wonders: Where are the progressive adults in all this? Where are the noble voices of once-noble ideals? …

[Bushnell thought] that lighting oneself on fire in protest indicates “extraordinary courage and commitment.” It begs the question: What else might people like him endorse as legitimate political resistance? …

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(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Nikolas Gannon on Unsplash)

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Ann Shaw
March 3, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant us wisdom to praise you for the wholesome goodness that you shower on each of us as we seek your face and obey the truth

In Jesus’s name Amen

George Leaf
March 3, 2024

Father God, hasten your enlightenment upon these people. Open the eyes of their understanding. Give them just weights to balance upon their personal scale of justice. That what is placed before their eyes and spoken in their ears be weighed for its truth and not sensation. . Give them victory over hypocrisy, vanity, and half truths paraded before them. Reward them with clarity to walk the narrow path of righteousness. Amen


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