Anti-Israel Sentiment Festers in America
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Anti-Israel Sentiment Festers in America
As Israel suffers in the wake of brutal terrorist attacks, many Americans are voicing support for the attackers — even some of our elected officials.
From Breitbart. On Sunday, the Democratic Socialists of America came out to support Palestinian terror against Israelis, which killed hundreds of people this weekend. They were met by a pro-Israel counter-demonstrators — and flashed a swastika at them.
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On Monday, the pro-Hamas crowd was there again — and were met by a boisterous, diverse crowd of pro-Israel counter-demonstrators.
The Daily Mail reported: “A pro-Palestine crowd with their faces covered ripped apart an Israeli flag in Manhattan on Monday chanting their wish for Israelis to die, as they faced off with a pro-Israel group yelling at the Palestinians: ‘They all need to die now!’” …
From The Hill. Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.) are facing criticism from fellow Democrats over weekend statements in which they each labeled Israel as an apartheid state and called for the U.S. to end funding to the nation, amid a surprise attack by Hamas that killed hundreds.
Tlaib said she continues to “grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day,” before calling for “dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance.” She has previously criticized the Israeli government and had denounced a House resolution supporting Israel in a floor speech in July. …
Bush also issued similar comments in a statement Saturday, in which she condemned the targeting of civilians and said she was “heartbroken” by the violence. She also called for the end of U.S. support for Israel.
“As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid,” she said.
Tlaib’s and Bush’s remarks were quickly met with pushback. … In comments to Jewish Insider, Reps. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) and Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) condemned the lawmakers’ statements.
“U.S. aid to Israel is and should be unconditional, and never more so than in this moment of critical need,” Torres said in a statement to Jewish Insider. …
“Two of my colleagues called for America to end assistance to Israel, despite the countless images of Israeli children, women, men, and elderly, including Americans, murdered by radical Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists,” Gottheimer said in a statement obtained by The Hill. …
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(Excerpts from Breitbart and The Hill. Photo Credit: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
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Almighty Father and Savior, help each one of us to humble ourselves and repent of our selfish desires and evil ways, and follow you in your love for each individual you created. Thank you for your Son who took our sin to set us free. In Jesus’s name Amen
Our Father in Heaven,
We have seen the havoc wrought by the hand of the enemy. The savage, barbaric attack on innocent little babies, and the murder of so many, Father, please bring this to a very sudden end. One word from YOU, LORD GOD, is all it will take for legions of holy angels to be released to earth to intervene. Say but the Word LORD and Israel shall be saved. Save, too, those Palestinian people who are innocent of all of these atrocities and grant them your peace. Save their little children Father whose minds have been poisoned by the propaganda of rebels and renew their minds to love their neighbor. We pray LORD for THY WILL TO BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. IN JESUS NAME. AMEN.
Atheist instructors have taught our children to doubt the Word of GOD! College professors ignorant of Christ’s teachings have poisoned their minds. “Love your neighbor” is no longer taught or practiced.
Employers are watching these young people on t.v. demonstrating against the Jewish people. Be sure that none of the Financial Companies in New York will be offering employment to these young people! Send them back to their own countries immediately!
Lord, as a citizen of the United States we repent for the words and actions of those in our nation whose hearts have embraced and spewed the lies of the demonic hordes of hell. We break agreement with anything that promotes the bloodshed of the defenseless and that seeks and glories in the demise of Israel.
We ask that you pour out the fear of the Lord in our nation and in the nations of the world, and protect us from the evil one.
We ask that You give divine wisdom to the new leadership of Israel as they have just come into agreement. Cause them to be of one accord, united around Your purposes and Your will.
We continue to seek the safe release of those held captive, by Your mighty hand, in Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, we lift up the nation of Israel to You and ask for Your help. Redeem the captives LORD and reunite them with their families. Let Your healing touch bring comfort to both the injured and those who have lost loved ones. Surround them with Your love as only You can do. Be a buckler and shield for the IDF as they step into harms way. Root out the evil and violent, dismantle the lies of darkness and let Your light pierce the darkest hearts. Give continued wisdom to Israel’s leaders and the U.S. Where ignorant/malicious attitudes within the U.S. attempt to be seen and heard, silence the voices and let Your word of hope and forgiveness reign. Praying for peace in Israel and Your city Jerusalem. May Your true church stand in this hour and come alongside Israel to be of help and show compassion. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Father God would you give the United States tender hearts to see Israel as you see them. Would we remember your word and when you said you will “bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse her”. Holy Spirit fall on every heart and bring repentance and forgive the cruelty of what is being spoken against your people. Thank you that you are faithful and you love you people. We ask Father that you would move on behalf of Israel and the innocent lives stolen by this injustice and massacre. Lord Jesus come with your angels and right the wrongs done, for your glory and your people’s good. Would revival ring out globally in your perfect name Jesus
Psalm 9:11-14
Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells I Zion; declare among the peoples His deeds. For He who requires blood remembers them; He does not forget the cry of the afflicted. Be gracious to [Israel] O Lord; remember [her] affliction from those who hate [her], Thou who dost lift [her] up from the gates of death; that [they] may tell of all Thy praises, that in the gates of the daughter of Zion [they] may rejoice in Thy salvation.
Without a doubt, we know now where these people stand. We can surely pray for their repentance. Maybe now the Jewish people will recognize that many democrats are not their friends and will vote accordingly. If you support hamas, you support the slaughter of innocent men, women and children even babies just because they are Jewish. Hamas hates all non Muslims and they don’t treat Muslim women very well either.
The vast majority of both Republicans and Democrats support Israel in their war with Hamas. A bipartisan resolution has been introduced, and awaiting passage, after the election of a Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Rep. Gregory Meeks, the top Democrat on the foreign affairs committee said. “The bipartisan resolution will demonstrate this is one issue in which the U.S. House of Representatives is united, and I expect it to pass the House with broad bipartisan support.”
The resolution affirms that lawmakers back Israel and its right to defend itself, urges all countries to “unequivocally condemn Hamas’ brutal war against Israel,” and calls on Hamas to immediately end its attacks and return all hostages. It also urges enforcement of U.S. sanctions against Iran, while asserting that the U.S. “stands ready” to assist Israel with resupplying and other support.
You are so right Jon. It was “the usual” who refused to support this resolution: AOC, Carson, Presley, Bush, Ramirez, Omar, Bowman, Tlaib, and Lee. McCollum voted present. I believe anti-Israel sentiment festers in a few hearts, certainly not in the majority of American’s hearts.
Are any of these representatives Republicans?
What is the response of the Democratic leadership to their support of Hamas?
Where is the condemnation of the pro Hamas leftist rallies from the Democratic Party leaders? Trump was held responsible for most actions of any conservative Republicans.
Why isn’t Biden held to the same standard?
Where is Garland? He goes after tradional Catholics, parents at school board meetings and peaceful protesters at abortion clinics.
In a March 2023 Gallup poll found that around 49% of Democrats support Palestine and only about 38% support Israel. Among Republicans around 78% support Israel and only about 11% support Palestine.
3.Welcome to the jungle
4.Justice has been weaponized
5.Welcome to the jungle
6.Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
7. Don’t believe what you read
…..Susan, we serve the God of Creation who is in control of every atom in existence. Remember He is I AM and we are HIS, be encouraged!
You’re right, Susan. I have never understood how any Christian or Jewish voter could be so deceived by evil that is the Democrat Party. I just saw a Fox video clip of Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat legislators refusing to comment on the beheading of infants, the burning of infants and the rape of women in Israel. They all ignored the reporter and refused to condemn the violence. When the reporter asked how they felt about Talita Rashid having a Palestinian flag outside her office, they all immediately spoke up to defend Rashid. Guess they suddenly “found” their voices.
*Rashida Tlaib.
Please excuse my typos. Been having computer problems.
“The meaning of the name Israel is not clear, but yet it’s huge. The meaning of Israel is not singular and distinct, but consists of many nuances and facets and bulges with theological significance.”
Psalm 83. O God, Be Not Silent
Romans 11:1–2a,26
“I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom He foreknew…. all Israel will be saved, as it is written in Isaiah)
When I awoke this morning, it was with this prayer….
Lord God Almighty, show Israel Your Favor, like never before….
I continue….
I am confounded when I consider the hatred many have for Israel. But even greater, I am confounded at the depth and richness of Your wisdom and knowledge. You are The Unique Triune God, inestimable in all Your ways so I ask again, for Your Favor to cover Israel like never. Protect Israel as their enemies rage and scheme to erase them as a nation. May those who hate Israel be ashamed and may they know You have called Israel. You named Israel. Your Only Begotten Son is also Israel’s son, from the Tribe of Judah. May every enemy of Israel know that You alone, whose name is the LORD, are Most High over all the earth. In the Name of Yeshua HaMaschiach, God bless Israel with Your Favor today, tomorrow and always.
I haven’t followed my usual reading plan these last few days but felt utterly compelled to this morning and just read in the last verses of Zechariah 8 (HCSB)
20The LORD of Hosts says this: “Peoples will yet come, the residents of many cities; 21the residents of one city will go to another, saying: Let’s go at once to plead for the LORD’s favor and to seek the LORD of Hosts. I am also going. 22Many peoples and strong nations will come to seek the LORD of Hosts in Jerusalem and to plead for the LORD’s favor.” 23The LORD of Hosts says this: “In those days, 10 men from nations of every language will grab the robe of a Jewish man tightly, urging: Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”
Chapter 9 describes the “Judgment of Zion’s Enemies”
Dear Heavenly Father, may people of every nation desire to hold on to Israel KNOWING You are with them. Yes, Lord in the Name of Jesus Christ, يسوع, Ιησούς, يسوع, 耶穌, Иисус, عیسی and in every other language of the world, May He be praised. Amen