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LORD, thank You for using Elon Musk to fight against child porn and abuse. Please destroy this evil from the earth.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Twitter’s actions to clamp down on child porn are a direct answer to prayer! Just days ago, IFA’s Pray with America’s Leaders focused on combatting child porn. Check out our Watch page if you missed this powerful time of prayer.  

From The Daily Wire. A cyber security and data analyst funding research into Twitter’s alleged child sexual abuse material (CSAM) problem said Saturday that the platform has nearly doubled its daily suspension rate on accounts that share exploitative content containing child pornography.

Have you taken your place on the wall? 


Andrea Stoppa, founder of cybersecurity group Ghost Data, had personally funded research into the issue earlier this year after receiving a tip about the problem’s severity. The report allegedly found more than 500 accounts soliciting child sex abuse material that appeared alongside or on profile pages of at least 30 major advertisers’ Twitter accounts, which led some of those companies to pull or pause their ad services from the social media platform.

Following his initial analysis last September, Stroppa and Twitter’s Trust and Safety team said the social media platform had updated a mechanism to detect past and present content related to CSAM at a much “faster, more efficient, and more aggressive” speed. …

“No mercy for those who are involved in these illegal activities,” Stroppa said, adding Twitter will find such “illicit” content and act accordingly despite when it had been published.

Child pornography and other sexual abuse material on Twitter has been documented on the platform for well over the last decade. …

When Elon Musk purchased the platform in October, he inherited two major lawsuits involving two minor survivors that were allegedly exploited on that platform. One such case garnered 160,000 views and over 2000 retweets that Twitter allegedly refused to remove the content despite the minor survivor begging for its removal while on the brink of suicide.

It wasn’t until the Department of Homeland Security stepped in that the survivor’s sexual abuse material was removed.

Stroppa said within a 24-hour time frame, the platform ramped up its efforts to crack down on “suspicious accounts,” which led to the removal of 44,000 handles and 1,300 profiles that used strategic communication methods to bypass detection using codewords and text in images. …

Eliza Bleu, a survivor advocate of those affected by human trafficking, has been speaking out against Twitter’s child pornography problem since shortly after joining the platform in 2019. …

“I don’t think I thought any of this stuff was possible at the scale that they’re removing it now,” Bleu said. …

“Twitter had always put profits over the lives of minor survivors,” she said.

Bleu highlighted how Stroppa and the platform’s reformed Trust and Safety team have significantly cracked down on the material compared to the issue under Twitter’s previous ownership.

For context, one previous report showed the platform removed as many as approximately 57,000 profiles in one month before Musk’s acquisition compared to the 44,000 removed in a single day. …

“I think we’ve actually had like a really good case of crowdsourcing of having people on Twitter actually help solve the child exploitation stuff,” Musk said. … “It is true — yes — Twitter has done more to stop child exploitation in the last month than probably the last ten years.”

“That’s insane,” Musk added. … “I mean, it’s like kids can’t defend themselves —so, we must.” …

Stroppa attributed Twitter’s vigorous fight against child sexual exploitation content on the platform to Musk. …

“Twitter is now a safer place under Elon’s leadership,” Stroppa said. “And this is just the beginning.” …

How are you praying against child sex abuse on social media? Share your thoughts below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.)

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December 11, 2022

Lord God, we pray for the protection of our children and youth from physical, mental and spiritual abuse. They need you LORD. I pray you expose the evil behind this horrific behavior and consequences will follow on those people evolved that they may learn from it. I pray for the youngster who have be damaged from sexual sin.

December 8, 2022

Lord protect Elon Musk and use this man to bring to light and justice those that would have a milestone around their necks headed to the bottom of the sea.

Diane Flaherty
December 7, 2022

Wow to those who harm the children. It’s better to tie a millstone around their neck and throw themselves into the bottom of the sea. Praise God for Elon Musk. Bless and heal these children Lord Jesus.
Please pray for Moms In Prayer Intl ministry that prays for children & schools. MomsInPrayer.org

December 7, 2022

As we continue to pray and see God’s miraculous loving answers, let’s be sure to also pray to see if God has something for us to DO in regard to our prayer. James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom,let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. “ and James 1:22 “ But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. “ There are two parts to serving God. We must get out into the world 🌎 and make a difference as the blessed Lord leads us by His Holy Spirit. Amen 🙏🚶‍♀️🚶🚶‍♂️👨‍🦼 ⛪️ Let’s GO !!

Pat M
December 7, 2022

Thank you Jesus for a righteous beginning to solving this abuse of privacy and personal degradation. We are grateful that Twitter is now a platform with safety guards to prosecute and stop this malicious conduct.

Donylle DeLong
December 7, 2022

We need to also focus on CDC website. They are seeking to train young people on how to secretly, without parental knowledge pursue either a homosexual lifestyle and/or reproductive mutations.

Grant Windholz
December 6, 2022

Lord God help this country fight against the root of all evil and wickedness which in this case relates to childhood porn. With so much dirty money involved to warp the minds and lifestyle of these young, innocent people! Thank God that Elon Musk can make a big difference and hopefully can turn this demonic mess around 🙏!

December 6, 2022

Thank you IFA for your prayers to end the abuse of children!!

Jesus said it would be better for those who causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large milestone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt. 18: 5 & 6
In our society …there are not enough “millstones to do the job!

December 6, 2022

Lord, you can use all people, any one, to do good. You used an ass once. As we give thanks for the Twitter clamp down on child porn, I pray for deep discernment for those who are lifting Elon Musk up as some sort of hero or Rescuer. His is a wayward life of multiple sexual partners, many children of broken marriages, experiments with transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence. Looking past the Sheep’s clothing into the darker sides of his relationships and businesses LORD, I pray for caution for conservatives and Christians. And I pray for his heart to be drawn to YOU in repentance and humility, that he would be saved from darkness and brought to YOur LIGHT and LOVE.

    Pat M
    December 7, 2022

    We pray for salvation for all who are trafficking in evil. Our God wants that none perish but come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and turn from darkness to His glorious light. His transforming love is something we all need each day. Hallelujah, what a Savior and Redeemer and Friend.

December 6, 2022

Praise to our God! By His power he protects His children.

Sara Ann Sellers
December 6, 2022

My great Grandchildren are my heart!!! I would not want them abused. Pornography is Satan’s Game. He must be stopped. I am so glad Elon Musk came along and is doing a wonderful job of removing all of the garbage!!!

December 6, 2022

LORD, please put your shield of protection around Elon Musk, to protect him from the enemy;s fiery darts and from those who are threatened by his reforms to Twitter. Open his eyes to who You are, remove the barriers that would keep him from Your glorious truth. Our his heat and mind to Jesus Christ, the Most High God who loves him, died for him, and choose him for this work.

    Lisa Gomez
    December 6, 2022


    December 6, 2022

    Protect us from his darker adventures in business, artificial intelligence and the World Economic forum. Thank you that YOU have used him to stop this porn but may we not be deceived by outer behaviors but seek YOU to reveal his inner heart and bring him to repentance and salvation. His is NOT a life surrendered to you in any means… Nothing is impossible for YOU!

Mary Ann Mertz
December 6, 2022

Father God, we thank you for hearing our persistent prayers over our children and over the atrocities going on in this world. We are grateful that you put Elon Musk into this position at Twitter, to bring down and expose the evil that has been allowed to exist on this platfrom. You, Father, have been listening to our continued cries to you to save our children, as you said in Isaiah 49:35 that you “will save the children”. We remind of this Word each day and Thank you that you are doing that Father. Thank you for answering prayers for exposure for all that the evil one has been trying to put upon us! We believe and receive these answered prayers and blessings from you Oh Great and Powerful God! Amen

James Proctor
December 6, 2022

You have no idea what you’re talking about! Stop sending out lies!!! I work in the Trust and safety industry and i can tell you without a doubt Twitter is in shambles. CP is on the up swing as well as hate speech. It’s not at all in a good space and they have just fired most of the agents who deal with this kind of content. You have got to fully understand that this prayer is not answered but it’s worse then ever. It’s so bad even that it’s starting to spill over onto other social media companies. Keep praying that this gets fixed and the tight Trust and Safety people get put into place quickly to stop this.

Jorge Ballivian
December 6, 2022

Thank you, Elon Musk and for standing for what is right and just. Bless you, in Jesus name!

    December 6, 2022

    CAUTION on falling into blindly thinking this man is for Good. He may have made ONE move that looks good but look deeper into his other businesses…and connections. He has alliances with evil.
    PRAY for his salvation and for GOD to reveal truth.. IF he is clamping down on porn, THANK GOD. but do not give praise to Musk for he may be deceiving many as an angle of light… not a son of the LIGHT

      December 7, 2022

      No one is praising Elon Musk! We are praising and thanking our GOD for using Elon Musk to help protect children! So glad GOD is the ONLY ONE in charge of us all! FATHER GOD please deliver all of us from evil! THY Kingdom come THY Will be done in earth as it is in Heaven in JESUS MIGHTY NAME!

Jorge Ballivian
December 6, 2022

Thank you, Elon Musk!

December 6, 2022

In our locality we have prayed for years to find a way to provide for victims of child and sex trafficking, and prevention. God has provided a champion in the persons of Dave & Vicki Leckie, who started the Rising Hope Foundation which has created the “Freedom Ranch,” which is now ready to house victims, to help rebuild their lives, and in the process, bring the Hope of The Lord Jesus into their lives.

Lord we praise you for the ways you are working in our to bring to light the evil of the enemy that that has flourished in our world to this point. Father, continue to work through your people, and even others who understand the wickedness of the society and help us to pray for freedom and more exposure of the filth that is being fed to our land for you scouring power.

Darlene DeAngelis
December 6, 2022

Father God protect Elon Musk protect his beliefs give him the strength and courage and boldness that he needs to have to stop things that are not of you Lord but of the devil bless him and show him who you are Lord let him be hungry and thirsty for you we the people of you Lord back him 100% without words and deeds in Jesus name we pray

    December 6, 2022

    CAUTION on falling into blindly thinking this man is for Good. He may have made ONE move that looks good but look deeper into his other businesses…and connections. He has alliances with evil.
    PRAY for his salvation and for GOD to reveal truth.. IF he is clamping down on porn, THANK GOD. but do not give praise to Musk for he may be deceiving many as an angle of light… not a son of the LIGHT


      December 7, 2022

      I believe it is appropriate to be grateful for what Elon Musk has done and is doing! I’m so grateful that GOD changed me and I’m no longer known by my past which GOD has thrown in the sea of forgetfulness! FATHER GOD I thank YOU for totally loving and delivering Mr. Musk from his past and into YOUR Marvelous Light in JESUS NAME!

Linda Oleson
December 6, 2022

This is a start in protecting our children from abuse. Thank you to all those involved. We must all do our part in ridding the world of this type of evil.

Brian lynch
December 6, 2022

Praise God for this development! Praise God for the vision that you have given Elon Musk, and the Twitter staff. Praise God for Andrea Stroppa. This is a beginning, of a movement which has a LONG way to go, to remove this trash from the Internet. Lord Jesus, may this movement for what is right continue, until ALL of these terrible sites are removed. Thank You, Jesus,

Joan Bartruff
December 6, 2022

Father, in Jesus’ Name, thank you for those on the frontline fighting against the evil of pornography, around the world. I pray protection for those like, Stoppa, and Elon Musk who are using their gifts and talents to fight the battle. I pray for all victims of this evil, especially, Lord keep our children from temptation in this matter granting them discernment to avoid it. Bring to repentance those who promote this evil. Thank You, Lord for answered prayers. Amen

    December 6, 2022

    Per Forbes article: Twitter has long struggled to police the tidal wave of child sexual abuse material in its so-called “public town square.” Those shortcomings last year landed the company at the center of a significant child safety lawsuit which new CEO Elon Musk must soon wrangle. Yet his turbulent takeover of the platform has left a skeleton crew to deal with Twitter’s enormous problem with illegal content of kids—one that experts fear is about to get a whole lot worse.”
    We need to continue to pray and Pray for Musk’s salvation. He is not a savior… he is involved with many dark ventures…check out the music of his latest girlfriend and mother of his last two kids.

David Broussard
December 6, 2022

I was introduced to porn at 8 years old. It hooked me as if I would have been on heroine. It stole 20 years of my life. I posted my miraculous testimony entitled KIDNAPPED AS A CHILD on Facebook a few weeks ago and it has gotten much traffic. Many people shared it.

It is only by the power of a transformed life and renewed mind by being born again can one truly be freed from this abomination.

I have made it my goal to pull as many men out of the pit and onto the Rock for solid footing so they can experience true freedom.

    IFA Staff
    December 6, 2022

    David, we praise God with you for His deliverance in your life. Please submit your Facebook post to IFA for publication if you feel comfortable with that. Perhaps it would encourage many in our community as we pray against this great invasive evil in our culture.

    Susan CC
    December 6, 2022

    David, God is so good. Your bold confession is proof He thinks of you as a worthy man. I can say so much but I am certain it cannot compare to what you now know in your inner man. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for purpose in David’s goal.

Susan CC
December 6, 2022

Jeremiah 32:17 “Oh, Lord GOD! You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You!

Mark 10:27 Looking at them, Jesus said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God, because all things are possible with God.”

Isaiah 44:28 who says of Cyrus, ‘My shepherd will fulfill all that I desire,’ who says of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ and of the temple, ‘Let its foundation be laid.’ ”

Proverbs 21:1 “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.”

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Page, Charles Koch, Julia Koch, Steve Ballmer, Sergey Brin, Jim Walton, Rob Walton, Alice Walton, Michael Dell, Phil Knight, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Ken Griffin…….the 400 wealthiest Americans are worth $4 trillion dollars.

Dear Heavenly Father, we are a sinful nation, led by godless men and women who worship only power and money. But there are many of us who love You. We continue to pray for Your renewal of America. I believe Elon Musk is an answer to our prayers. I pray he is Your shepherd and will accomplish all that You please. Lord, I am praying it is Your pleasure to destroy child pornography as well as the lives of those who create that horror. Elon Musk is not a king but I pray his heart is directed into You pleasure. I pray the same for Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg and all the 400 “kings and queens” of earthly riches. May it please YOU to let this nation know You are God, there is no other. You WILL be served on earth as it is in Heaven. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. I pray in Holy Spirit power. I know with You FatherGod, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Amen

Donald Vader
December 6, 2022

Hallelujah and praise you Lord for this victory and helping us to save our children from pornography abuse and its effects and we give you thanks and praise in the mighty name of Jesus… Amen

H Verner
December 6, 2022

Dear LORD please rid the planet of this evil invasion. Free the children as only you can asking thanks for your intervention. We love you, Amen.

December 6, 2022

Father, thank you 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Paula Miller
December 6, 2022

Lord,thank you! Please continue to bring this evil to the light.

December 6, 2022

Praise God for this news!

December 6, 2022


Rebecca Cooper
December 6, 2022

There is a group of people who pray every Monday through Friday and we have part that someone gives a report on “Saving our children outside the womb” and we pray using that report. Father protect our children and get rid of this evil.

December 6, 2022

Porn is a sickness a disease its also a Sin. The filth is enough to destroy one’s mind that can lead to other Sins, porn shouldn’t be protected by law.

December 6, 2022

I have been praying for those at the Mexico/United States border who have been victims of human trafficking and drug dealers for safety for them, and the criminals will be caught. I pray for salvation for all of them.

December 6, 2022

Oh thank YOU FATHER GOD for Elon Musk! Let his actions on Twitter cause the rest of social media, like Youtube and tiktok also remove these evil accounts in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Kathy Dowden
December 6, 2022

Child porn is one evil that breaks my heart like no other! I thank God for answered prayers in this area! Bless Elon Musk Lord!! Thank you for his heart to rid Twitter of this wickedness!

    Joy Myers
    December 6, 2022

    I thank God for Elon Musk and his stand for innocent children to be protected from this evil force of darkness. May God continue to use his influence for righteousness!

L. Sina
December 6, 2022

Thank you LORD!


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