I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for families choosing to take control of their children's education. We cried to You and You answered! We praise You!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since the Covid pandemic began, we asked you to pray that families would reconsider the impact of public schooling on their children and be more involved in education. The rise in homeschooling is a direct answer to prayer. Share your prayer of thanks in the comments.

Although the pandemic disrupted family life across the U.S. since taking hold in spring 2020, some parents are grateful for one consequence: They’re now opting to homeschool their children, even as schools plan to resume in-person classes.

The specific reasons vary widely. Some families who spoke with The Associated Press have children with special educational needs; others seek a faith-based curriculum or say their local schools are flawed. The common denominator: They tried homeschooling on what they thought was a temporary basis and found it beneficial to their children.

ā€œThatā€™s one of the silver linings of the pandemic ā€“ I donā€™t think we would have chosen to homeschool otherwise,ā€ said Danielle King of Randolph, Vermont . . .

The surge has been confirmed by the U.S. Census Bureau, which reported in March that the rate of households homeschooling their children rose to 11% by September 2020, more than doubling from 5.4% just six months earlier.

Black households saw the largest jump; their homeschooling rate rose from 3.3% in the spring of 2020 to 16.1% in the fall. . . .

ā€œAt school, children have to follow a certain pattern, and thereā€™s bullying, belittling — compared to being home where theyā€™re free to be themselves,ā€ Williams said.

ā€œThereā€™s no turning back for us now,ā€ she added. ā€œThe pandemic has been a blessing –an opportunity to take ownership of our childrenā€™s education.ā€

Joyce Burges, co-founder and program director of National Black Home Educators, said the 21-year-old organization had about 5,000 members before the pandemic and now has more than 35,000.

Many of the new families experienced difficulties, including lack of internet access, that limited their childrenā€™s ability to benefit from virtual learning during the pandemic, Burges said.

ā€œIt got so they didnā€™t trust anything but their own homes, and their children being with them,ā€ she said. ā€œNow theyā€™re seeing the future ā€“ seeing what their children can do.ā€

(Excerpt from Newsmax.)

Share your prayer of thanks in the comments.

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August 1, 2021

Recently I was asked to be a judge at a debate event for homeschooled kids. These kids were brilliant & so impressive! It gave me a whole new appreciation for home schooling. Iā€™m happy to see this trend

July 27, 2021

Father God, Children are a gift from You, and they have significance in Your plan. Instructs us to place value on teaching our children to know and love You.
Give wisdom from heaven to all the parents now opting to homeschooling their children.
Father God, May your favor rest on these families; and their children will have the best school year ever.
In Jesus name, amen

Mark 10:13ā€“14, 16: ā€œPeople were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ā€˜Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.ā€™ . . . And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.ā€

July 27, 2021

What a blessing that so many families are choosing to take up their God-given responsibility to teach their own children!
Another example of what our adversary meant for evil being used for good by our faithful and almighty God!

Janice Rhodes
July 27, 2021

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July 27, 2021

Father God, We thank and praise you for sending us the perfect teacher, Jesus. Help parents turn to Him for guidance and wisdom. Bless all the efforts of those who choose homeschooling and provide a community of families to surround and support them. Guide and direct organization that provide curriculum and activities, that they may stay true to your Word when developing materials. HOMEschooling is not LONEschooling so open the eyes of families to the many possibilities in their community to get involved and excited about learning with other homeschoolers. In the name of the Master Teacher, Jesus!


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