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Father, we thank You for the passing of this bill. Protect our children, Lord.
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Florida schools will now require students to use the restroom that matches their biological sex. This is huge answered prayer!

From The Christian Post. Florida education officials have passed a new rule requiring public and charter schools to allow students to access bathrooms and locker rooms based on biological sex rather than preferred gender identity.

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The Florida Board of Education approved a new rule unanimously last Wednesday that, among other things, requires public and charter schools to restrict trans-identified youth from using facilities based on their gender identity without notifying parents and making a public announcement online.

“If a school board or charter school governing board has a policy or procedure that allows for separation of bathrooms or locker rooms according to some criteria other than biological sex at birth, the policy or procedure must be posted on the district’s website or charter school’s website, and must be sent by mail to student residences to fully inform parents,” reads the new rule, in part.

“School board and charter school governing board policies or procedures must include accommodations or modifications in order to ensure that all students have an opportunity to use a bathroom or locker room separated by biological sex at birth.”

Board of Education Chairman Thomas R. Grady said in a statement that the rule is more about “parental notification.”

“It’s not mandating what a particular bathroom looks like or doesn’t look like or who can use it,” Grady said after the adoption, according to The Hill.

LGBT advocacy groups and activists, such as Nikole Parker from Equality Florida, are critical of the new rule.

“This proposed rule is designed to intimidate school districts from following federal guidance, making schools less safe and adding fuel to a politically motivated crusade against LGBTQ youth and their families,” said Parker, quoted by The Tampa Bay Times. 

Socially conservative groups and activists, such as Jessica Tillman, chairperson of the Seminole County chapter of Moms for Liberty, support the new rule.

“Not just girls, not just boys, all students need to feel safe in the bathrooms and in their locker rooms. We need to let parents know how they are being monitored,” said Tillman, according to The Tampa Bay Times.

In March, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill to prohibit public schools and third parties from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with students between kindergarten and the third grade.

The bill also requires school districts to adopt procedures to notify parents about changes affecting their child’s mental, physical and emotional health and prevents school districts from withholding information from parents.

“Parents’ rights have been increasingly under assault around the nation, but in Florida we stand up for the rights of parents and the fundamental role they play in the education of their children,” stated DeSantis earlier this year.

“Parents have every right to be informed about services offered to their child at school, and should be protected from schools using classroom instruction to sexualize their kids as young as 5 years old.”

The law came amid concerns from conservative advocacy and policy groups like The Heritage Foundation that some school districts in the U.S. weren’t informing parents if their child was identifying as the opposite gender.

Are you encouraged by this news? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Used with permission. By Anugrah Kumar from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Darrell Payne
November 4, 2022

Thank you Lord for protecting our children , all the children of the world.

Patsy K Miller
October 30, 2022

PRAISE GOD! How I wish that ALL school districts & government officials would stand & be bold with sound judgment & courage and DO what is RIGHT, for the protection & safety of our children & youth!!

The solution for ALL KIDS to FEEL SAFE is build restrooms and locker rooms to accommodate students who are struggling with their God-given creation of them!

Society as a whole has allowed the loud demanding [voice] of the LGBTQIA to steamroll their personal choice(s) of sexual orientation & gender identity to become the rule of the land, where ALL must bow down to their distorted & evil views/agenda within our education system, affecting & influencing our most vulnerable…our children!

GOOD for DeSantis & the school board to remove the Power-to-Dictate out of the hands of the LGBTQIA…(it needs to go beyond the third grade, & out of our education system, period!).

PRAISE GOD for someone beginning to take a stand for what is right! GOD BLESS them! And may MORE follow!

Ellen Hoffman
October 29, 2022

Praise the Lord!! I pray that the same will happen in every other state and throughout the whole world!!

Darlene Estlow
October 29, 2022

Thank you Governor DeSantis. This is a step in protecting our daughters especially. I pray for those lost in the gender problem that you would deliver them. Give their parents wisdom. A great majority of children grow out of this when they are older.

Johnkathy Joyce
October 29, 2022

How sad we need laws to dictate common sense. Oh well,we here are gratefull with 2 teachers and 3 grandkids in Fl public schools!

Brian lynch
October 29, 2022

Praise God!!!! It’s about time that sane, conservative action gains victory. Never despise small beginnings. Greater things are to follow. I am not sure what that means, but God does. That’s good enough for me, knowing that He is in control.

October 29, 2022

Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! So thank you for letting us live in FL!
So thank you for Gov DeSantis and this School Board decision! Good decision!
Father, open the eyes of those blind captives who swallow the devils lies, bring them from the dark to Your glorious light! To see that we adults, all adults, have the responsibility to protect and nurture kids, not exploit them or worse groom them and prey on them for some vile, fleeting moment of self satisfaction.

Zoe Ella
October 29, 2022

Amen. However, in the urgency to eliminate the lies about trans people, including that one can absolutely “be” an opposite gender if one wishes, it is important to not forget compassion and that transgender people, too, have a right to human dignity. The carry a heavy burden, whether it is a mental health issue or whether their souls are really of an opposite gender from their bodies (which would make them both, not one or the other, and would not allow them to ignore the physical gender into which they were born). Imagine – if it were you, the pain you would feel. This is a kind of handicap. One needs to react with compassion, not rejection, at the same time as refusing to tell lies about it.

    October 29, 2022

    Thank you Ella for this reminder to be compassionate.
    This RN has seen these confused, hurting kids and been filled with compassion for them and their parents.
    We can and must show compassion for the person in sin.
    For clarity, hating one’s self is the sin here. But rejecting them is so not like Jesus. God’s command, to speak the truth in love is our standard.
    We can not stand idly by and let misguided adults keep butchering kids at worst. Keep messing with development by giving hormone therapy to preteens and teenagers.
    This is experimental procedures like the Nazis did.
    Not tried and true legit authentic, ethical ‘safe to repeat’, on humans at least, science.
    Father God, have mercy on us, we have so sinned against You, Your way, as a nation…we are seeing the depths of our sin as a nation revealed, in abortion, transgender ideology targeting the destruction of our kids, even Your church’s failure to be salt and light for generations, Lord, this is not bashing, You have been so gracious, so merciful to us…please forgive us and forefathers, thank You for using the evil of the past few years to train us Your people, to love Your Word, to wear and weld Your armor, to abide in You and show up and take a stand with You in the good fight,,more and more. Draw us closer still to You, Most High God, so that the world sees You in us and the lost come to You, God of Love, Who is with us.
    We live in a world corrupted by sin. Babies can be born with ambiguous genitalia, usually both male and female ‘equipment’

Gail Wood
October 29, 2022

I just praise God for this huge!! Breakthrough! What and answer to prayer.
As a Floridian, I am thankful for our Governor and for the wonderful works that God is doing through Governor DeSantis.
He understands that parents have a right to know what is happening to their children when they are at school and that parents are the ones who need to be in charge of their children’s welfare. Praise God for this outcome.
Father God. We give You all of the praise for this ruling and we thank You for blessing Floridians with a Governor who seeks You and is obedient to You.
We ask Father in Jesus Holy name that You would protect, bless and keep our Governor and his family.
In the precious Name of Jesus,

October 29, 2022

AMEN Praise You Lord as you continue to move this world in the right direction and thwart the schemes of the devil your world and your word will always be the way the truth and the life thank you for protecting our children and most importantly your children you have given to us as an inheritance


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